Physical Contents
Bridge Proposal
- There is some kind of stain (like from a gloved thumb) on the right side, about ¾ of the way down.
- This is documentation of Beth's attempt to form a committee for the bridge restoration.
Clarence's Letter
- Cora was Clarence's twin sister.
If Cora had been dead for over forty years, how come Beth was adamant about memorializing her?
- And why was Clarence so against the idea?
The way Clarence detests his own reflection suggests that he and Cora were identical twins.
Encoded Note 1
- The handwriting on this note matches that of Jody Hendricks' note to Beth from Episode 2.
Count the number of stars in the constellation.
- There are 11.
- Shift all of the coded letters backward in the alphabet by 11.
Once deciphered, the words read:
Encoded Note 2
- The tone of this note makes it sound as if it is from Joey Hendricks to his dad, Martin Hendricks.
Count the number of stars in the constellation.
- There are 14.
- Shift all of the coded letters backward in the alphabet by 14.
Once decoded, the words read:
Gwen's Letter
- Gwen gives us a rundown on some of the items she sent us.
She also gives us a general list of suspects to go by based on the items received in this shipment.
- Martin Hendricks
- Jody Hendricks
- Josiah Hendricks
- Clarence Reaver
Ink Pad
- This may be used in conjunction with the stamp if you wish to use it.
Member List
- Edward Gundy's name and signature are crossed out at the bottom...
- This photo is from the Navigators Clubroom.
Written across the bottom is the message: "The stars' number illuminates our secrets."
- This is a hint to use the constellations to decipher the coded messages within.
Pocket Mirror
- According to Reverend Reaver, Beth gave this item to him as a gift.
Inscribed on the front cover is: "Remember 1979".
- This must be the year Cora perished.
- This belonged to Gwen's dad.
- It may be used in conjunction with the ink pad if you wish to use it.
Vote Record
- This just has a bunch of constellations on it.
Each constellation represents a council member.
- 2 of the constellations match other documents in this episode.
Digital Contents
Michelle Gray Investigations Website
- Username: Your personal email address
- Password: SEAWEED
MALLORY → KeepSafe
- Password: IWUF
The password hint is: "The departed shifts in the reflection of the year."
- The keywords are "departed", "shifts", "reflection", and "year".
The year on the mirror is 1979.
- Now, what word do we shift from?
- Maybe "CORA"?
"Reflecting the year turns it into "9791".
- Shifting "CORA" forward using this number gives us "LVAB".
- This is the password for the folder.
MALLORY → KeepSafe → CORA → Bridge Proposal
This is a copy of Beth's bridge proposal.
- It includes the missing "Pg. 2".
MALLORY → KeepSafe → CORA → Bridge Gap Email Thread
You will not get a response if you send Rocksteady an email from an outside provider.
- Try clicking directly on the link within the thread to send them a message.
A general "we will get back to you" response should arrive in your inbox folder right on this site, regardless of what you sent.
- For shits and giggles, I wrote "Address too long" in the subject line and "Who killed Beth?" in the body message.
- The Rocksteady Support meetings are held every Friday between 9 PM and 10 PM.
One of the testimonials mentions that Reverend Reaver calmed her down during a fireworks testing.
- Fireworks were being tested the night of Beth's murder.
Guilty Until Proven Innocent
- Clarence Reaver
- Jody Hendricks
- Josiah Hendricks
- Martin Hendricks
Innocent Until Proven Guilty
- Jordan Woodard (eliminated Episode 4)
- Samantha Gundy (eliminated Episode 4)
Events So Far
4:43 PM
- Samantha Gundy closed her shop.
4:45 PM
- Elizabeth Ferris-Hendricks arrived at the Mariner's Lodge Hotel to meet with Gwen Ferris.
6:00 PM
- Elizabeth Ferris-Hendricks met with her daughter, Ruby Hendricks, for dinner.
- Josiah Hendricks claims he had dinner with Elizabeth Ferris-Hendricks and Ruby Hendricks, yet Ruby didn't mention him in her statement, only her mother.
7:00 PM
- Ruby Hendricks ran home to find an empty house.
8:00 PM
- Elizabeth Ferris-Hendricks had planned to "sort things out with Clarence" [Reaver].
8:43 PM
- Approximate time Jordan Woodard left the party.
9:00 PM - 9:50 PM
- Samantha Gundy was in the Navigators Clubhouse.
9:00 PM - 10:00 PM
- Reverend Clarence Reaver was in attendance of the weekly Rocksteady Support group meeting.
9:10 PM
- Time of Elizabeth Ferris-Hendricks' last comment on Good Fences.
9:30 PM
- Martin Hendricks abruptly left his residence because he was late for a meeting with his son, Josiah Hendricks.
- Gwen Ferris called Martin Hendricks to check on the hotel pool's pump room. He was stuck there fixing it and missed his hang session with his son.
10:00 PM
- Martin Hendricks was supposed to meet with his son, Josiah Hendricks, on their family boat. Martin had to cancel and Josiah claims he remained on the boat until morning.
10:13 PM
- Latest time Beth Ferris-Hendrick's body could have entered the water.
10:43 PM
- Elizabeth Ferris-Hendricks' watch stopped.
11:00 PM
- Martin Hendricks finished fixing the hotel pool's pump and headed home.
Who is innocent?
- Clarence Reaver