Physical Contents
Bar Napkin
This item was handed to Gwen by Jordan at The Rock Lounge.
- He could not be bothered to get off the phone long enough to talk to her in person.
According to the napkin, The Rock Lounge is open until 2 am.
- Jordan claims to have been there until close and then went straight home to bed.
Bridge Incident Article
- The victims' families of the bridge collapse still have not seen a dime, whereas Jordan received money through his insurance.
Bridge Review
- Martin's signature at the bottom of page 2 matches that of the first page of the group files.
Business Registration
This is the registration for the Anchor Management Company.
- They specialize in land surveillance.
The address registered is 649 Summer Street.
- This is one of JW Enterprises' current properties...
- Does this mean Jordan is Anchor Management and is using one of his open property addresses to register the "business"?
- Mine is red in color and was dead upon arrival.
- It is also a bottle opener with a carabiner clip attached.
Gwen's Letter
Gwen found the original phone number from the threatening voicemail that was left for her in Episode 4.
- 207-370-2420
Calling this number leads to the Anchor Management automated message.
Hendricks Group Files
- Martin's signature is significantly different on the two forms.
The second signature matches the signature on the members list we received in Episode 4.
- Who forged the other one, and why?
Message Bottle
- Someone left this for Gwen under her windshield wiper.
It contains another threatening message.
- Or perhaps a warning from someone who knows who the killer is?
Star Map
- The "stars" of Ursa Major are punched out, as well as 3 more punches surrounding the constellation.
Notice the illustration at the bottom has the tip of a lighthouse on it?
- This can be lined up with the illustration at the bottom of the vote record from Episode 4.
- Standing the star map upright (perpendicular to the paper) and shining a light through the holes will project the Ursa Major constellation onto the paper.
To align the stars correctly, match the 3 triangle-forming stars to the 3 similar stars on the vote record.
- The light projected onto the bolded stars means that member voted "YES".
Trauma Worksheets
These worksheets belong to Joey.
- Poor guy was disrespected in every aspect of his life.
Digital Contents
Michelle Gray Investigations Website
- Username: Your personal email address
- Password: PORTER
- Password: SEASHELL
MALLORY → Screenshots → Friend Text
The time in the photo is 9:53 PM.
- There is a sign saying "The Boss is OUT", meaning Jordan was not at the bar at this time.
Guilty Until Proven Innocent
- Jody Hendricks
- Josiah Hendricks
- Martin Hendricks
Innocent Until Proven Guilty
- Clarence Reaver (eliminated Episode 4)
- Jordan Woodard (eliminated Episode 4)
- Samantha Gundy (eliminated Episode 4)
Events So Far
4:43 PM
- Samantha Gundy closed her shop.
4:45 PM
- Elizabeth Ferris-Hendricks arrived at the Mariner's Lodge Hotel to meet with Gwen Ferris.
6:00 PM
- Elizabeth Ferris-Hendricks met with her daughter, Ruby Hendricks, for dinner.
- Josiah Hendricks claims he had dinner with Elizabeth Ferris-Hendricks and Ruby Hendricks, yet Ruby didn't mention him in her statement, only her mother.
7:00 PM
- Ruby Hendricks ran home to find an empty house.
8:00 PM
- Elizabeth Ferris-Hendricks had planned to "sort things out with Clarence" [Reaver].
8:43 PM
- Approximate time Jordan Woodard left the party.
9:00 PM - 9:50 PM
- Samantha Gundy was in the Navigators Clubhouse.
9:00 PM - 9:53 PM
- Josiah Hendricks was at The Rock Lounge bar.
9:00 PM - 10:00 PM
- Reverend Clarence Reaver was in attendance of the weekly Rocksteady Support group meeting.
9:10 PM
- Time of Elizabeth Ferris-Hendricks' last comment on Good Fences.
9:30 PM
- Martin Hendricks abruptly left his residence because he was late for a meeting with his son, Josiah Hendricks.
9:32 PM
- Gwen Ferris called Martin Hendricks to check on the hotel pool's pump room. He was stuck there fixing it and missed his hang session with his son.
10:00 PM
- Martin Hendricks was supposed to meet with his son, Josiah Hendricks, on their family boat. Martin had to cancel and Josiah claims he remained on the boat until morning.
10:13 PM
- Latest time Beth Ferris-Hendrick's body could have entered the water.
10:43 PM
- Elizabeth Ferris-Hendricks' watch stopped.
11:00 PM
- Martin Hendricks finished fixing the hotel pool's pump and headed home.
Who is innocent?
Subject Line: CLEARED
- Josiah Hendricks