1. Why was Maya upset?

  • A family member has depression
  • She has depression
  • Her best friend is suicidal
  • A family member is suicidal

2. Why does Pavel think Nikita is his better half?

  • Pavel thinks Nikita is more kind
  • Pavel thinks Nikita is more ambitious
  • Pavel thinks Nikita is smarter

3. What kind of job does Nikita want?

  • A forensics job
  • A new chemistry job
  • He wants to start a criminal business

Correct Answers

1. Why was Maya upset?

Her best friend is suicidal

2. Why does Pavel think Nikita is his better half?

Pavel thinks Nikita is more ambitious

3. What kind of job does Nikita want?

A forensics job

Nikita: My brother didn't know about this, but I was lending Victor money... He needed it and I felt really bad for the guy.

But... of course, when I got fired, I had to tell Victor I couldn't give him money anymore.

Jenna: I'm guessing Victor didn't take that well...

Nikita: Actually, Victor said he was going to get a job and that he appreciated everything I did for him... It was refreshing.

Victor was getting better; it looked like he was going to put his life back together. A weight was lifted from my shoulders.

After that night, I decided to pursue forensics... A new chapter in my life. I didn't know who took my parents, but whoever did... I wanted to understand them. I wanted to catch them. I wanted revenge.