*Check all of the closets*
If this killer is playing a game like I think he is, then I should find more riddles... somewhere.
Exactly what I thought...
There are two notes in this closet.
"Who buys it doesn't need it, who makes it doesn't want it, and who uses it can neither see nor feel it."
Coffin... coffin... coffin. I'm not sure what to make of that.
Maybe if I solve the second riddle, coffin will mean something more.
"What always runs but never walks, often murmurs but never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, and has a mouth but never eats?"
My best guess is that this riddle is describing a river.
River and coffin... Does this mean the next victim will drown in a river?
Coffin? River? Coffin... River...
Something with death and a river, but what exactly? I just... don't know.