1. Where should I park?

  • Sha Wan Road
  • Tolo Road
  • Tsing Circle
  • Fanling Highway
  • Private Driveway

2. Which house should I be near to?

  • House 1
  • House 2
  • House 3
  • House 4
  • House 5
  • House 6
  • House 7
  • House 8

3. How should I position in relation to trees?

  • In front
  • Close behind
  • Very far behind
  • Not near at all

4. How should I position in relation to elevation?

  • Low Ground
  • Neutral
  • High Ground

Correct Answers

1. Where should I park?

Tsing Circle

2. Which house should I be near to?

House 5

3. How should I position in relation to trees?

Close behind

4. How should I position in relation to elevation?

High Ground

Li: This will all be over soon.

Benny's Wife: You've been holding us for hours... Can you tell us what is going on...? Please?

Li: Ignorance is bliss, trust me.

45 Minutes Later

Roland: Those must be the Sun Yee On men...


Murdering women and children... That's how far we've come...


*The truck stops*


Nikita: The assassins are getting out now.

Li: Wait for them to enter the residence.

And there they go...