This meeting room is quite far.
Roman: We're almost there.
*Keep following Roman*
Roman: I like the way these hallways echo... Sometimes, you can hear very faint footsteps, and... you have no idea where they are coming from. An eerie feeling comes over me... it's interesting.
Jonathan: There are small mirrors everywhere, why?
Roman: When your business is worth billions, every single defensive measure must be taken...
Jonathan: So, this maze of hallways is to confuse outsiders who come in here?
Roman: That's just one of its purposes.
Jonathan: How come you're telling me all of this?
Roman: You're not a threat to me... I sense your fear and weakness, and maybe you really do have useful information for me.
Jonathan: It's true, we can be mutually beneficial for each other.
Roman: Mhmm, either you're an incredibly bad conman or, as your body language suggests, you have a serious issue with my "business partners".
*Keep listening*
Roman: Since you've come this far, you aren't stupid, and I haven't given you any trouble... and you weren't wearing a wire. So...
*Keep listening*
Roman: I have my own theories about the cartel... but I want to hear what you have to say.
Jonathan: That's a pretty good deduction. You pick up on a lot of details.
Roman: It's brittle at best... I'm genuinely interested in what you have to say, but I'll be quite angry if you waste my time.