Episode 5


Jigsaw Puzzle

  • Assemble the jigsaw puzzle that Penny has sent. Examine the entire puzzle and think about other ways it can be viewed.
  • Another item can be used in conjunction with the jigsaw puzzle.


  • Return to the online site mentioned in Episode 2, lfoasc.net. The login information for the site can be found on the note from Vernon hidden in the bag of modeling sand.
  • Search all episodes for hints and numbers needed to fill out the Second Chance General Form.

Note from Sven

  • Look carefully at the card game record on the back of Sven's note. Based on Sven's last couple of sentences, consider how the numbers and symbols could work together.
  • Another item in this episode may be helpful in conjunction with the record.

Penny's Painting

  • Look closely at the scene Penny created. Some of the markings should stand out from the rest.


Jigsaw Puzzle

  • There is a secret message on the back of the jigsaw puzzle. This message is written backward. Use the mirror to read the backward text.
  • The text reads: "Oublier le temps des malentendus et le temps perdu".
  • The message on the back of the jigsaw puzzle is in French. It translates to "Forget the time of misunderstandings and the time lost."


  • The password for the website is hackeysack23.
  • The Subject Information can be found on the documents in Episode 1.
  • Use the letter from friend, the court documents, and the Listening Friends of America letter to find the necessary components for the Second Chance General Form.
  • The Patient Number is 12279.
  • The Case Number is 291874143.
  • The Current Location (Facility) (Number) is 044404.
  • The Destination (Facility) (Number) and Authorized Staff User Credentials can be found in Episode 2.
  • Use the note from Vernon found in the bag of modeling sand to find the necessary components for the Second Chance General Form.
  • The Username is I-976-VL.
  • The Password is hackeysack23.
  • The Inspector Number is I-976-VL.
  • Examine the coordinates on the note to find the Destination (Facility) (Number). Notice any places that stand out or that have been previously mentioned.
  • One set of coordinates on Vernon's note corresponds with a destination in Alaska.
  • The Destination (Facility) (Number) is 090009.
  • The Therapy Sequence, Reason, and Initial Priority Code can be found in Episode 3.
  • Use the cross-stitch and the cross-stitch instruction key on the letter from Penny to find the necessary components for the General Form.
  • Two color codes in the letter from Penny are composed of numbers instead of letters. These are the codes for the form.
  • The Reason is 34 in the first box, and 8769 in the second box.
  • The Initial Priority Code is 589022.
  • The Therapy Sequence is found by completing the cross-stitch.
  • The Therapy Sequence is "None".
  • The Current Priority Code and Two-Digit Cycle Code can be found in Episode 4.
  • Use the incident report and the COBRA memo to find the necessary components for the General Form.
  • Pay close attention to any two-digit numbers mentioned in the COBRA memo.
  • The Current Priority Code is 0008.
  • The Two-Digit Cycle Code is 45.
  • The Four-Digit Index and Authorization Code, the only two remaining fields, can be found in Episode 5.
  • Use the COBRA memo and the note from Sven to find the necessary components for the General Form.
  • The song mentioned in the COBRA memo, "Aznavour's La Boheme", was released in 1965. Two of the times in the test are 19 and 65, fo the minutes in which Penny finished the first part and, subsequently, the number of seconds she went over her time.
  • In time, 19:65 would convert to 20:05.
  • The Four-Digit Index is 2005.
  • When solved, the note from Sven reads: "Authorization code is daybreak once friend enter code release order will trigger good luck Penny".
  • "DAYBREAK" is the authorization code needed for the online Second Chance General Form.

Note from Sven

  • Using the first letter of each suit's name, shift that letter forward as many times as the card's number. Jack, Queen, and King equal 11, 12, and 13 respectively.
  • The playing card in the box is a Queen of Hearts, which is a shift forward 12 from H. Therefore, Queen of Hearts is a T. There is a "T" written on the back of the playing card.
  • When solved, the game record becomes a secret message that reads: "Authorization code is daybreak once friend enters code release order will trigger good luck Penny".

Penny's Painting

  • The markings on the painting are Morse code.
  • The code should be read from left to right across the plume of smoke, from top to bottom down the side of the vulture, and from left to right again along the ground.
  • When decoded, it reads: "the life earned".