Fire Escape Map
- A map of the LFoA Bozeman facility. It can be used with another item in this episode.
Frog Diagram
- Check the accuracy of the labels on the frog diagram to reveal a common theme in this episode. Notice that the writing is similar to a document in Episode 2.
Letter from Jasper
- Throughout his letter, Jasper mentions different types of breads. Notice that each type of bread is used in conjunction with a different capitalized noun.
- Pay attention to the order in which you put the information together.
- Toward the end of the letter, Jasper mentions "the files you uncovered", referring to the PDFs in the hidden LoFA archives.
- Jasper also mentions "the backdoor of the backdoor". The hidden LFoA archives webpage is the first backdoor.
Listening Friends of America Letter
- This letter includes a recurring theme. It also provides a hint for which PDF to open in the LFoA hidden archives.
Repair Log
- A log handwritten by Jasper. It can be used with another item in this episode.
Fire Escape Map
- Compare the numbers on the fire escape map with the numbers on the repair log to see where each of Jasper's Bozeman victims met their fate.
Frog Diagram
- Like the scanned journal page in Episode 2, the writing on this diagram is backward. Once again, the mirrored jewelry box can be used to read the writing on this diagram.
- The only correct anatomical label on the frog is the heart.
- "Heart" is the password to open one of the PDFs in the hidden LFoA archives.
Letter from Jasper
- List out the breads in alphabetical order. The corresponding words should be the capitalized nouns in the letter. For example, the word corresponding with "Anadama" is Manny".
- Next, compile the PDFs you accessed from all episodes, including this episode: Vault, Horseman, Woven, Nail, Disease, and Ancestor. Each PDF has one pair of words hidden in the text.
- In each PDF, you will find one of the capitalized nouns from the letter from Jasper. Each noun will be paired with a secret word. For example, in the vault PDF from Episode 1, the word "Manny" is found next to the word "Begin". "Begin" is the secret word.
- List the secret words based on the order of the capitalized nouns in the list you just made. For example, "Manny" is the first capitalized noun on the list, so "Begin" will be the first secret word.
- The correct order of secret words is: "Begin Cronus Balance Synchronization Reassembly Protocol".
- The "backdoor of the backdoor" is found by clicking the small circular button on the hidden LFoA archives page. From there, enter the first secret word, "Begin", in the password box. You will then be redirected to a new page. Enter the next secret word, and continue this pattern until the end is revealed.
Listening Friends of America Letter
- Frogs are mentioned in conjunction with ancestry in the last paragraph of this item. "Ancestor" is the title of the PDF to access in this episode.