Episode 4


Aaron de Vaille Letter

  • In this letter, Aaron reveals that he has made an important choice. He does not view himself as part of the "Herd". Take note of his idealistic, insurgent language.

Block Message

  • This hidden message is included with Aaron's letter. The block symbols, each of which represent a letter of the alphabet, are parts of the stamp Aaron uses at the bottom of his letters.
  • Creating a 5x5 grid overtop Aaron's stamp allows you to map the alphabet onto the 25 squares, excluding the letter Z. The top row of squares is A, B, C, D, and E; the second row is F, G, H, I, and J, and so on.

Constellation Print

  • This image printed on tracing paper depicts four constellations. Overlay this print onto Episode 3's map screenshot to see if the points of the constellations match any points on the map.

Handwritten Note from Bob

  • Bob reveals that he has been busy fulfilling his work as JWJ's most loyal disciple. Take note of the phrase "I have included a key to a door you will recognize, "which relates to Bob's website.

Heck on Wheels Business Card

  • This card is included with Bob Heck's note. The URL on the card takes you to Bob's website. There is a hidden link somewhere on the page.

John William James Letter

  • The tone of this letter suggests that JWJ is displeased with Aaron's recent behavior. JWJ sent Aaron a list of three potential victims in Episode 3 - Aaron's choice will be a test of his obedience to JWJ. It is important to note the word "possession".

Plastic Eye

  • It resembles an animal eye and can be used in the next episode.

Talaria Letter

  • A list of disclaimers for the courier service Talaria. It is important to note the changes and additions to this letter compared to the previous letters.


Block Message

  • The decoded message reads:


Constellation Print

  • When you arrange the print overtop Episode 3's map screenshot, the points of the wolf constellation align with Aaron's hidden trail. This print can also be placed over a similar print from Awakening Episode 1 to reveal an overlap of constellations.

Heck on Wheels Business Card

  • On www.heckonwheels.org, there is a faint Dragon Swan symbol in the bottom-right corner of the page, hidden in the black footer. Clicking the symbol will take you to a PDF that can be opened with the password "dragonswan".
  • The PDF reveals a set of photos of senior citizens, most of which have cities written beneath them. This is Bob's current list of victims, excluding the last photo, which is of Anna, a potential new disciple.

John William James Letter

  • The word that stands out in this letter is "possession". Searching the word on Whispers from Theodorus reveals a page named "Possessionem". The password for this page is the English translation, "possession".