Episode 6

Currently on Blair Witch: Season 2...

Ed abruptly vanished into the Black Hills Forest searching for his lost team. With your help, he navigated the woods, only to find the bodies of Emma and Ray, killed by an unknown horror. He managed to finally locate James, only for the two of them to be forced to flee from the same malevolent force. Unfortunately, the next anyone hears from Ed, it is Harriet Gillard, who found his belongings mysteriously in her backyard. Sorting through Ed's things, Harriet's only clue is a video seemingly shot by Ed himself, but there is something preventing her from viewing the entirety of the footage. The only way to discover what has become of Ed and James is to sort through the final documents left by Ed, and use the information within them to unlock the rest of the video.


Carved Alphabet

  • Included is a list of 1:1 translations of letters in the carved alphabet, which have all been solved to progress this far into the story.

First Corrupted Video Password

  • The password box contains space enough for five characters. Is there a five-character word in this episode that stands out?
  • Deducing the password may require an item from a previous episode that relates to an item in this episode.
  • There are multiple permutations of the correct password. Try switching the letters around to find the correct anagram.

Logging On

  • Check Harriett's letter for the specific task Harriett assigns you. Harriett asks you to look through Ed's documents to find something that might help unlock the footage left in the "For Investigator" folder on www.superneutralpodcast.com, which will advance the story and complete this season. The website's password is CHUCHUNYA.

Note from Harriett

bonus content between Episodes 5 & 6

  • Is there some sort of pattern to the images Harriett has presented?
  • Is there a place in a previous episode you might have encountered a double encryption before?

Rhymes of Burkittsville Email

bonus content between Episodes 5 & 6

  • Is there anything unusual about the capitalizations in the rhyme?
  • Is there a message that can be created out of the capitalized letters?

Ripped Note

  • Properly assembling the sections of the ripped note won't be enough to read the full message. Is there an item in a previous episode that can help you decode the note?
  • What does the SuperNeutral notebook in Episode 1 say about Ed and James's history with codes and ciphers?

Second Corrupted Video Password

  • The password box contains space enough for ten characters. Is there a ten-character word in this episode that stands out?
  • Piecing together the second password may, like the first one, require combining multiple letters from different sources.
  • Have you found any incomplete words anywhere else in the box?
  • Is there anything within the video so far that may hint at the next password?

Third Corrupted Video Password

  • Is it possible all the passwords, when strung together, make a complete sentence?
  • Is there anything within the video so far that may hint at the next password?
  • Are there any pieces of carved alphabet that have not yet been used as a password?


Carved Alphabet

  • Decoded, the following phrases are written in carved alphabet in the additional James's notebook pages:

    • Page 1

      • Or am I getting bigger?

    • Page 2

      • I'm not going to die

    • Page 3

      • "You brought us out here" that's what their voices said

      • It's all here

    • Page 4

      • When they're someone else's
      • Emma said I should stay with them
      • Or are you in here?
      • If we're all together, will we be happier out here?
    • Page 5

      • We have to do what she tells us we have to

      • In the dark

  • Decoded, the following phrase is written in carved alphabet in the building plans: "Into the dark."

First Corrupted Video Password

  • The item from the previous episode needed to complete the password is the finger bone from Episode 4, in combination with the bone necklace.
  • When combining the finger bone and the bone necklace, it is possible to make several different words, but the correct arrangement is "STARE". Go to www.superneutralpodcast.com, open the "For Investigator" folder, and type "STARE" into the password entry field on the corrupted video to unlock the next part of the video.

Note from Harriett

bonus content between Episodes 5 & 6

  • The birds in this image are a type of ternary Morse code. Small birds are equivalent to dots and large birds are equivalent to dashes.
  • Translating from Morse code reveals the message "Doomed".

Rhymes of Burkittsville Email

bonus content between Episodes 5 & 6

  • The capitalized letters found in the rhyme are N-I-C-P-I-E-E-S. Unscrambled, they create the words "IN PIECES". The complete message of the Rhymes of Burkittsville emails is "You will find them in pieces."

Ripped Note

  • In the ripped note, Ed mentions that he'll write this in the way they first figured out how to hide things. According to the SuperNeutral notebook in Episode 1, Atbash is a great starter cipher for passing secret notes in class.
  • The following is the properly assembled ripped note, with bold sections translated from Atbash:

    • James,

      I'll write this the way we used to, how we first figured out to hide things. So only you will be able to read it.

      I don't know who this person sitting across from me is, but I know it isn't you. It's hiding in your skin. I think it's going to try and do something to me. But I don't know if I can bear to defend myself from you. If something happens to me, I don't want you to blame yourself. It isn't your fault.

      We'll be together again soon.


Second Corrupted Video Password

  • Piecing together the second password required combining multiple letters from different sources to create one ten-character word. These sources are the child's drawing, the carved figure, and the video itself.
  • The first chunk of the password comes from decoding the carved alphabet letters on the carved figurine, which translate to "HEL".
  • The second chunk of the password comes from the child's drawing. The clue that "the walls must surround the tree" is a clue to fold the paper inward. By making the walls literally surround the tree, it is possible to align parts of carved alphabet letters on the back of the paper, creating complete runes. They spell out "PLE".
  • The final chunk of the password appears in the video itself. At the end, the words "SSLY" can be seen inside the static. There is also a carved figure of a creature with extended limbs, pointing toward the carved figure. Go to www.superneutralpodcast.com, open the "For Investigator" folder, and type "HELPLESSLY" into the second password entry field on the corrupted video to unlock the next part of the video.

Third Corrupted Video Password

  • The clues to the final password can be found in the video itself and the building plans.
  • The carved alphabet letters in the building plans decode to read the phrase: "into the dark".
  • Within the video, it is possible to hear a mysterious voice say "Look over here!" when Ed has pointed the camera into the darkness. The final password is "INTO THE DARK". Go to www.superneutralpodcast.com, open the "For Investigator" folder, and type "INTO THE DARK" into the third password entry field on the corrupted video to unlock the final part of the video.


Additional James's Notebook Pages

Page 1

  • I have to remember: We got this gig because we could handle it. Because I could handle it.
  • How long have I been out here? Days? Hours? I don't even know anymore.
  • No Ed. No Ray or Emma (but I've been dreaming about them. Or I've been hearing them?).
  •  All I know is that I'm alone and that I can't shake this feeling of deja-vu.
  • That doesn't make any sense. I've got to keep it together.
  • Good things I have going for me:

    • Still alive
    • Not sick
    • Not injured
    • Doesn't look like rain
  • Something's wrong with this place. Where are all the animals? But if there are no animals, what am I hearing?
  • South when I get the strength. Bec is probably worried out of her mind. I just need to rest first.
  • Are my shoes getting smaller? I thought I was wearing them out, but they barely fit now. What kind of stupid trick is that? I hate these woods. [18 characters in carved alphabet]
  • When did I write this ???????


Page 2

  • Keeping track. More symptoms: My legs are killing me, feels like muscles are stretching, hands and feet tingling
  • But that's just dehydration (considered illness? Injury? both?). There's a simple explanation for all this. For why I'm hearing them. Occam's razor. Gotta keep walking though. Doesn't matter if it hurts like hell. South. Towards town.
  • Resting now. This is pointless.
  • Good things:

    • Still alive
    • Doesn't look like rain
  • I would literally kill someone for a cheeseburger. They taught us which mushrooms to eat in scouts. But if I get it wrong, I'll die. [15 characters in carved alphabet] Where did Emma put that guide? If I close my eyes and listen, will her whispers tell me?
  • Another one. Am I hallucinating? Ed said something about opium. Can't remember. There was something about opium and dirt. Like the Salem witches, right? It wasn't witches, it was mold. Mold? Fungus? Same thing. Moldy bread. Mushroom bread. But they ate the bread. I didn't eat the dirt. Did I? Maybe I did. I'm so hungry.


Page 3

  • Am I just hallucinating? Hallucinating and running around the woods, freaking out over nothing. Not running around. Walking. Am I walking? Is that what I've been doing? Or am I just lumbering around in circles?
  • Circles? Is that what this whole thing is? Never ending. I see the same tree. Then the same tree. Then the same tree. Over and over and over. Why do I even bother walking anymore?
  • [43 characters in carved alphabet]
  • Another one. Someone's reading my things, writing in my thoughts. No, the opposite.
  • There was someone wasn't there? A long time ago. Or maybe yesterday. This morning? There was a house. He took my pages. No. What am I talking about? Must have been a dream.
  • Like the one I had the other day. Or was it just now? Was I asleep? I must have been. I remember being tall. I remember running. No, not running loping, then I came back here.
  • But which here? Is it the same here as the here before or the here before that or the one before that or another one? Their voices are telling me [10 characters in carved alphabet]. That there's no way out.
  • Where did I put my teeth


Page 4

  • Got to check pockets
    behind the ears
  • What am I doing? You can't put teeth somewhere except [22 characters in carved alphabet]
  • [8 characters in carved alphabet] they're happier out here, that [19 characters in carved alphabet]
  • Whoever you are, the one corrupting my words I know you're out there [14 characters in carved alphabet]?
  • I can hear you whispering in the dark I'm on to you I'm the super in supernatural
  • [39 characters in carved alphabet]
  • When was the last time I slept I'm so tired but so alive Like Ive never been before Never ever Like I could fly
  • Is this what being dead feels like


Page 5

  • Good things

    • Still alive ?
    • Doesn't look like rain
  • [32 characters in carved alphabet]
  • Good things
  • Its going to happen I cant stop it. I can hear her voice [9 characters in carved alphabet]
  • Its my fault I didnt listen Ed was right
  • I thought I could handle it
  • Bec please forgive me

Building Plans


  • 7/7/39
  • Need more water, easier access. Near the Daventry waterfall? No, she says that's someone else's territory.
  • Fewer trips to town. Now, it's too risky.
  • Better soundproofing - basement. My screams don't echo enough. I know theirs won't.
  • At least 100 rings of stone
  • Dig deeper for the well. Good stonework'll outlast damn near everything.

    • Stone
    • Mortar
    • New shovel
    • Rope
    • Food, can't forget again
  • Get this done, then she says she'll let me get helpers.

Children Photograph

James's Handwriting

  • Our first search for monsters.


Ed's Handwriting

  • Give to the investigator.


Child's Drawing

  • The whispers said to give you this
  • This is where it lives.
  • The walls must surround the tree.

Corrupted Video

Part 1

[POV from Ed as he walks through the Black Hills Forest, staring straight up at the treetops.]


James (hoarse): This way, Ed.


[Ed begins to pivot the camera down in response, but the footage glitches out into static.]


Part 2

[Ed continues his trajectory as seen in the previous video, tilting the camera from the treetops to look straight ahead. James is walking ahead, limping dramatically. We cannot see his face.]


Ed: We've thought about salt rings. We've tried some type of sacrifice. Nothing's worked. Years of research...


[James looks over his shoulder at Ed, but he is too far ahead to see his face clearly.]


James (hoarse): Who are you talking to?

Ed: I don't know. Myself. Nobody. Guess we're gonna try walking now. Again. James says hi, everyone. Or no one.

James: No one. No one can hear it. Not unless she wants them to.

Ed: Yeah, I know. I've heard it all before. Believe it or not, I'm actually getting sick of that.

Mysterious Child's Voice: There's a secret.


[Ed stops in place, whirls the camera around to look for the owner of the voice.]


Ed: James? Did you hear tha- oof!


[Ed trips over something, thudding to the forest floor. His camera lands pointing at a carved figure of a man with extended limbs. The video glitches with static, within which it is possible to make out four letters written in the carved alphabet. The footage freezes.]


Part 3

[Ed continues from the end of the previous video. He's fallen to the ground, but gets up quickly.]


James (hoarse): Are you alright?

Ed: Yeah, I'm okay.


[Ed struggles to stand, grunting as he rises. Ed turns to look back at the ground. A small pile of rocks, partially kicked over from when he fell. He sharply inhales, knowing exactly what those rocks suggest. There is a sudden, deep grunt, a rustle, a child's giggle, and when Ed looks up, he's alone. James is gone.]


Ed: James? James!?


[Ed continues to walk forward, and comes upon the ruins of the hermit's house yet again.]


Ed: We're back here? God, how are we back here again?

James (off-screen): We're back again. It's the same thing that happened to them.


[Ed pans the camera around the ruins, catching sight of everything.]


Ed: James? James, where are you?


[Ed continues to pan the camera. As he passes over a particular patch of dark woods, a child's voice calls out that he doesn't seem to hear.]


Mysterious Child's Voice: Look over here!


[Ed continues to pan the camera and catches a sudden sight of James, facing a corner of the stone ruins, with his back to Ed. Dangling from the trees above him are four stick figures; two large and two small.]


Ed (horrified, immobile): James?


[The longer Ed leaves the camera on James, the glitchier and more static-filled the screen becomes. James's head tilts, and we can see he's looking up at the stick figures dangling above him.]


James (not looking at Ed): They're happier this way. Happier now that they're together.

Ed: What do you mean?

James: I'll show you.


[The footage glitches out into static.]


Part 4

[Ed continues from the end of the previous video, approaching James, who stands with his back turned to Ed. James is muttering intensely to himself.]


James (quietly to himself): I have to do it. We have to do what we're told. It's the only way we can be together.

Ed (cautiously): James? Are you alright?

James (like he's trying to convince himself): Rosemary's happier out here.

Ed (terrified): James, man, what is that? What do you have?

James: Maybe we'll all be happy if we can all be together.


[James whirls around. There's a blur of motion and the camera falls. We can hear the sounds of a struggle and violence, and see rustling leaves and twigs.]


James: One. Big. Happy. Family.


[Feet kick in and out of frame, and then there is a sickening crunch of a stone against a skull. There's another hit, and another, and then one of the pairs of legs goes still.]


Ed (horrified): James... Oh my god, James. What did I do?


[Ed, in the frame now, backs away from James's corpse. He huddles back against a tree and pulls his knees up to his chest.]


Ed: What did you do? What did I do?


[Ed continues to stare at James's body as the wind whirls up around him. The forest seems like it's coming to life. Wind points in Ed's direction and there are voices in the darkness, crunching leaves and twigs. Something is clearly moving towards him. Ed's head snaps toward the camera, his only source of light, and he scrambles toward it, picks it up, and rushes off into the woods, away from his mysterious pursuer. The footage glitches and cuts, indicating the passage of time. Ed stumbles slower through the woods, panting with exertion. The light is a little brighter now (closer to dawn). The footage cuts again, more time passing. Ed leans up against a tree in the full dark again panting with exhaustion. Ed has bound twigs to his arm. Ed pants, and the noises he makes are less than human now. There is another cut. We're in the woods during the bright day. Ed pants as he moves, and his breaths are ragged, inhuman. The camera faces out, and we can see the vague outline of a man-made structure, a house, and hear a child's voice, innocent this time.]


Liam: Fetch, Tank!

Ed (laughing to himself): I found you.

Liam: Hey -


[Ed drops his camera, caught. The footage cuts. We're up against the wall of a building. We can't see much, except for a half-open window. Inside, it's dark, impossible to see anything. Ed lifts his hand, and we can see him gently slide Liam's Notebook into the window with a gentle laugh that sounds nothing like his usual voice. He moves to enter. Ed is in a damp, dark basement, at the bottom of a set of stairs that look up to a single door that's partially ajar. A soft light is coming out of it.]


Anthony (off-screen): Who's there? The museum is closed, you need to leave.


[Ed laughs maliciously, and the camera twirls, cutting away. We're once again walking with Ed through the woods in the darkest night. There's a woman's scream from somewhere, and Ed turns the camera to follow it.]


Rosemary (in the distance): Tristan, Liam!


[Ed moves slowly, methodically, and we eventually see him come upon a cell phone lying on the forest floor. He puts down his own camera on a nearby rock, and we see him stoop down to pick up the phone, but he is not Ed anymore, at least not entirely. He's wearing a long, dark coat, and is covered head to toe with mud and leaves. A long beard has grown over his face, and he's smiling through it as he records the Kent family on their own cell phone.]


Ed: Thanks for the help.


[Ed turns off the camera.]

Letter from Harriett


My name is Harriett Gillard. I understand that our friend Edward Barrett told you about me. I'm writing because I have reason to believe something terrible has happened to him. I found Edward's backpack in my yard, which juts right up against the very woods he vanished into. The woods I can hear whispering at night. The woods I can hear attempting to lure me with my husband's voice. I fear that it may soon start whispering to me in Edward's.

I tried to find out what happened, but there's a horrid, evil energy attached to Edward's things.

That's the only way to explain it. I attempted to transcribe a tape of his I managed to play, but by the time I was finished, I felt so overwhelmed I could do no more. The rest of the materials I found inside his backpack. Horrible possibilities flitted through my mind as I tried to imagine where this came from, and what happened. These documents must tell Edward's story, but I simply cannot get through them. It seems to be inviting disaster. You've been helping him so far, so perhaps you can help with this. But I hope you have a strong stomach, considering what else is inside.

I tried my best to try to curb Edward's insistence on meddling, and then to arm him against the woods when I saw he would not be deterred. He claimed he understood what we have here in Burkittsville, that he knew how dangerous this place is. And yet he persisted with his investigation. I've lived here all my life, and I've seen what happens when people, especially outsiders, don't take our woods seriously. I fear it is happening again.

I was able to discern one clue that may help you on your journey. After I found Edward's backpack, I attempted to track him down myself. I went to the motel, I called his telephone, and when I eventually ran out of options, I tried his website address. There's something there, a video I'm not quite sure how to unlock. If you can, maybe you can find out what happened, and why his things ended up with me.

His website is SuperNeutralPodcast.com. I found the password, CHUCHUNYA, among Edward's papers.

Go. Find out what happened. And stay safe. I don't want the woods to get you too. They have a way of affecting those who pry, even from afar.


Ripped Note


I'll write this the way we used to, how we first figured out to hide things. So only you will be able to read it.
I don't know who gsrh kvihlm hrggrmt zxilhh uiln nv is, but I know rg rhm'g blf. It's hiding rm blfi hprm. I think it's going to try zmw wl hlnvgsrmt gl nv. But I don't know if I can bear gl wvuvmw nbhvou uiln blf. If something happens to me, I don't want you to blame yourself. Rg rhm'g blfi uzfog.
We'll be together again soon.


SuperNeutral Audio Recording

[Ed and James rest briefly during their hike.]


Ed: Welcome to SuperNeutral, the paranormal podcast that pits... pits a... pits a believer...


[Ed takes a deep breath.]


James: Really?

Ed: James, say your part.

James: What the hell for?

Ed: Can you just say your part, man?

James: No.

Ed: For me.

James: What's there to be skeptical about anymore?

Ed (defeated): Yeah. You'd think I'd be happier.


[Ed chuckles, but it's clearly forced. He takes a deep breath.]


James: Walking isn't gonna work. Hasn't worked. So, what should we do?

Ed: Salt circles? Some sort of appeasement?

James: You don't know?

Ed: I thought I did. I thought I knew what... James, I thought there were rules. And I thought we knew them.


[Ed stifles a sob, and then begins to laugh a dry laugh to keep the tears away.]


Ed: I always wanted you to believe this stuff. This is what it took.


[There's a long moment of silence where the two of them are struggling to find something to say. Ed then simply turns the recorder off.]

SuperNeutral Podcast: Epilogue Audio Recording

[INTRO MUSIC, fading to the introduction by our hosts Kristen Flanagan and Shawn Bauman.]


Kristen: Welcome to SuperNeutral, the pint-sized paranormal podcast that pits a believer like Ed Barrett.

Shawn: Against a skeptic like James Durant.

Kristen: I'm Kristen Flanagan.

Shawn: I'm Shawn Bauman.

Kristen: Um, obviously this is a difficult time, but we didn't want to leave all of the SuperNeutral listeners out there in the dark.

Shawn: Yeah. Ed and James have been officially declared missing, alongside Emma Parker and Ray Keel, two production assistants hired for their investigation in Burkittsville.

Kristen: And it's hard. It's really hard. I think you and I, Shawn, were trying to keep a brave face, but the fact of the matter is that for a while now, we've been trying to check in with Ed and James, and we've had issues ourselves.

Shawn: Honestly... I don't want to speak for you, but I always just hoped that they were busy, you know, that they were working and making the show. I think I probably talked to Ed once in all of this?

Kristen: Same. And, look, Burkittsville has a reputation. That's why Ed and James went there in the first place, right? They were trying to find out if there was any truth to the story of the Blair Witch. And that story led to this.

Shawn: Can I just say that I refuse to believe that a witch is involved in any of this? Even after the topics we've covered recently, by far the biggest takeaway is that you can't trust everyone you meet, that the great outdoors can be dangerous.

Kristen: Shawn... look, maybe the story of the Blair Witch is like the Will o' the Wisps, right? It was something shiny and attention-grabbing, and it lured them out there. That's what we know. I'm just saying this... maybe this should make people think twice about looking for the Blair Witch.

Shawn: I don't know... I just hope they're able to figure out what happened. "Missing", is not the same as "gone forever", you know?

Kristen: I don't know...when you go missing in the Black Hills Forest... it kind of is. I mean if history tells us anything.

Shawn: Well, in any case, we wanted to come on here and talk directly to all of you. We know that this show means a lot to people, and even more, we know that Ed and James were like friends to many of you.

Kristen: They were our friends too. I don't know what the future holds for SuperNeutral, but this will always be Ed and James's show.

Shawn: Yeah. Um, well, thanks for listening, everyone. Kristen and I will be following the investigation into Ed and James's disappearance in the hopes that maybe we can get some idea of what happened to them. With any luck, this won't be the end of the story.

Kristen: Either way, I'm really grateful that you were all so accepting of Shawn and me carrying the torch here in these minisodes, and maybe we'll talk again soon, but one last time, we decided to play a throwback clip that would let Ed and James take us out.


[Kristen plays an old clip of Ed and James signing off.]


Ed: So, thank you all for joining us and we hope you learned something interesting and had a spooky time doing it.

James: We'll see you in the next minisode, but until that time comes, it's safe to turn out the lights.

Ed: Or is it?


SuperNeutral Podcast: The Lost Colony of Roanoke Audio Recording

[INTRO MUSIC, fading to the introduction by our hosts Kristen Flanagan and Shawn Bauman.]


Kristen: Welcome to SuperNeutral, the pint-sized paranormal podcast that pits a believer: that's me, Kristen Flanagan…

Shawn: Against a skeptic like me: Shawn Bauman. Had you heard much about the lost colony of Roanoke before you read my edition of the newsletter?

Kristen: I know Ed and James wanted to cover it at some point, but they've, uh... anyway, well, no. No, I didn't really know much about it. I guess the one thing I did know was about that word carved into a tree or whatever: "CROATOAN".

Shawn: Yeah, "CROATOAN". Do you have any idea what it means?

Kristen: I mean, just from seeing shows reference it and stuff, I guess it's a total mystery, right? Like I've seen people kind of portray it like some indecipherable warning. Maybe it's a sign of death?

Shawn: So here's the thing that shocked me in doing my research for the newsletter... the lost colony of Roanoke was founded on... Roanoke Island. Nearby, there was a place called Croatoan Island.

Kristen: Wait, really?

Shawn: Yup. Not only that, there are claims that... and mind you, this is a story over 400 years old, so who knows if this is really true, but there are claims that the colonists had a plan. If anything should go wrong... they would go live someplace else, probably Croatoan Island!

Kristen: What?

Shawn: Mhm! And if they did go someplace else, they said that they would leave a sign saying exactly where they'd gone.

Kristen (flummoxed): Oh my god. Okay. So, wait. Basically the lost colony of Roanoke... isn't lost.

Shawn: Uh, maybe. Who knows if it's really true that they actually planned to go to Croatoan Island, right? That could just be made up.

Kristen: I know but I'm sure we're not the first people to break this news, right? Like there must have been anthropologists checking Croatoan Island and digging, right?

Shawn: Oh, yeah, there are definitely people far smarter than us on the case, but again, it's been 400 years. So evidently, it's incredibly likely that the coasts have eroded and sea levels have risen and evidently maybe what might have been Croatoan Island is now underwater.

Kristen: Right, like Atlantis or something. So hold on, I've actually heard other theories and stuff about deals with the devil and massacres and stuff like that. Or that they merged with local populations.

Shawn: Yes, all possible. Well, not the devil thing. But, yeah, it for sure is still a great big mystery. We do not know what happened to them. But it's possible that the lost colony was never truly lost but rather that this guy, John White, who founded it, that he lost them. You know what I mean?

Kristen: God, and how do you deal with the aftermath of losing everyone? Your kids, your grandkids, friends... Particularly at a time... it was the 1500s, right?

Shawn: Yeah, 1590.

Kristen: So yeah, particularly at a time where you're probably surrounded by superstitious people and hearing all sorts of speculation about what happened to them.

Shawn: Well, like everything we talk about here though, it all boils down to what you believe. So now that I've told you what might have actually happened to the lost colony of Roanoke, what do you think? A mysterious disappearance or something more down to earth?

Kristen (thinking out loud): 400 years is a long time. Plus they were left sort of unattended for a while. Really anything could have happened, I guess. I really don't know. What about you? I would assume you're just into the "they went to Croatoan Island" theory, right? Would you go there to investigate?

Shawn: Oh my god, I would take a trip there tomorrow.

Kristen: Careful. We've seen what that kind of thinking gets you... but, um, anyway, on that note, thanks for tuning in to this edition of SuperNeutral.

Shawn: Yeah... uh, yeah. We'll be back next week to talk about more frightening folklore, but until that time comes, it's safe to turn out the lights.

Kristen: Or is it?


[The music concludes, leaving us with a post-show snippet.]


Kristen: Hey wait, so John White was supposed to send a supply ship, right? What happened to them?

Shawn: Oh, yeah, they decided to rob some other ships and then they got looted themselves.

Kristen (amused): Well, thanks for the help, guys.


  • The objective for this episode is to look for clues in the box which will help to unlock more of the corrupted video on www.superneutralpodcast.com, ultimately revealing the fates of Ed Barrett and James Durant.
  • To solve this puzzle, you will need to look for advice given in the letter from Harriett, along with clues found on the bone necklace, child's drawing, carved figure, building plans, and corrupted video.
  • In the letter from Harriett, the description of Ed's belongings indicates that something unusual has happened to www.superneutralpodcast.com. Harriett has figured out the password (CHUCHUNYA) which can show you what she was referring to: a corrupted video is playing footage of Ed and James navigating the Black Hills Forest, but the video doesn't play in full. A message box indicates that some sort of answer is required to see more. There are slots for five characters. Five digits.
  • Looking at the bone necklace, it is clear that there are four finger bones, each with a letter carved into them. These letters spell out the needed phrase when put in the proper order and combined with the final finger bone found in Episode 4. Unlink the necklace and combine it with the remaining bone to rearrange the fingers, until you get the correct word: STARE.
  • Go to www.superneutralpodcast.com, open the "For Investigator" folder, and type "STARE" into the password entry field on the corrupted video to unlock the next part of the video.
  • In the next clip, Ed and James walk deeper into the woods. Ed is gradually becoming more concerned, though James seems to be on another wavelength. At the end of the footage, Ed falls to the ground, and another password is needed in order to proceed. As the footage freezes, oddly familiar symbols appear on screen.
  • This strange alphabet appears elsewhere in the box, notably on the carved figure and the child's drawing. The symbols on the carved figure translate to "HEL", the child's drawing symbols become "PLE", and the symbols seen in the video translate to "SSLY", giving you the word "HELPLESSLY".
  • Type "HELPLESSLY" into the second password entry field on the corrupted video to unlock the next part of the video.
  • In this segment of the video, Ed brushes himself off, getting to his feet only to see that James has disappeared again. A mysterious voice calls out, luring Ed deeper, until he finally spots James standing amongst the stone ruins of a house, with his back turned to Ed. An eerily familiar feeling creeps to mind, as Ed approaches just before the footage freezes once more.
  • This time, the text box gives no indication how long a phrase is needed to proceed, but the ruins indicate a connection to the building plans, where a hermit has kept private notes on how to improve his home in the forest. The document contains symbols written in the carved alphabet. Properly translated, they spell "INTO THE DARK".
  • To complete the season, type this final phrase into the last text box beside the corrupted video.