Episode 5

Currently on Blair Witch: Season 2...

Following Emma's clues to The Trench, Ed discovers a blood-spattered, abandoned campsite. The evidence there suggests that Emma and Ray made it to the location, as did James. However, the chain of events leading up to the bloodbath is unclear. It seems the woods have once again worked their way into the minds of Ed's crew, and it's difficult to know who to trust, as everyone seems to be tainted by whatever is lurking in the Black Hills Forest. Strange writing covers many of the found items, including multiple hunks of flesh belonging to one of the crew. Decoding this strange carved alphabet, you decipher a cryptic message left for Ed: "Kent House". Ed heads to the house, hoping to find more evidence before it's too late.


Logging On

  • Check Ed's letter for the specific task Ed assigns you. Ed asks you to help guide him to his missing crew using the documents provided. Once you uncover the first location, send Ed your answer through the chat box on www.superneutralpodcast.com. The website's password is KRAKEN.

Note from Harriett

bonus content between Episodes 4 & 5

  • Where have you seen this code before?
  • Translating the letters one by one is the way to decode the message.

Rhymes of Burkittsville Email

bonus content between Episodes 4 & 5

  • Is there anything unusual about the capitalization in the rhyme?
  • Is there a message that can be created out of the capitalized letters?

Second Location

  • Ed sends you a photo of the inspection notes. Is there a piece of evidence that might be related to this picture?
  • Once you find the document that is connected to the inspection notes, read it carefully - particularly the place it describes.
  • This place has one very unique feature. What is it? Could it have something to do with Emma's warning to "follow the smoke" on the inspection notes?
  • Did you read about this feature somewhere else?
  • The comic book page describes a certain phenomenon. Where can you find this phenomenon in the Black Hills Forest? Think back to Episode 3.

Third Location

  • Take a look at the tree carving photo. Have you seen these strange symbols before?
  • Remember that each symbol corresponds with a letter of the alphabet. How many of these do you already know? Start from there.
  • Once you've translated the tree carving photo, think about who it's describing.
  • Is there a defining landmark associated with these characters? If so, where else has it appeared in the episode?

Woods Location

  • Do any items appear to have been altered by Emma?
  • Look closely at the amateur comic book page, tooth fairy card, and veterinary form. What do you see?
  • Have you tried placing the three items together? How about layering them on top of one another?
  • Do you see anything that looks like a symbol? What could it represent?
  • In the picture of the Kents' living room, Emma's message on the wall provides another clue. Do the slashes in between the numbers look familiar?
  • Could there be a second decryption that helps solve her message?
  • Once you've decoded Emma's message, do her words sound familiar?


Note from Harriett

bonus content between Episodes 4 & 5

  • You previously worked out this code in Episode 4. Below is the Carved Alphabet's translation:
  • Translated, Harriett's note reads "The thing that grows most easily in the woods is despair."

Rhymes of Burkittsville Email

bonus content between Episodes 4 & 5

  • The capitalized letters in this email are H-E-T-M. Unscrambled, they spell the word "THEM". So far, the Rhymes of Burkittsville emails spell out "You will find them".

Second Location

  • The dog collar belongs to Tank, who is mentioned in the veterinary form.
  • The veterinary form describes an unnamed location in the forest that Tank visits regularly.
  • Emma's instructions to "follow the smoke" refers to images in the upper-right corner of the monster trading card. These pictograms represent the petrified tree described in the veterinary form.
  • The inspection notes describe several places in the Black Hills Forest. One of these places has a petrified tree that resembles the shape of a human.
  • In Episode 3, a phenomenon known as "the lights" occurs at a specific location listed on the filming permit application.
  • The location Ed is searching for is called Dutch Hill. This place is home to the phenomenon known as "the lights", as well as the petrified tree. Type "Dutch Hill" into Ed's chat box on www.superneutralpodcast.com to complete the second task and move on to the next section of the episode.

Third Location

  • You previously worked out this code in Episode 4. Below is the Carved Alphabet's translation:
  • The message in the tree carving photo reads "where they tried to make their home".
  • The "they" in the message refers to the Daventry brothers. Read their letter carefully.
  • The Daventry brothers attempted to establish a homestead near a waterfall.
  • According to the screenshot of Good Fences post, the area is called Jones Camp Falls. To complete the episode, type "Jones Camp Falls" into Ed's chat box on www.superneutralpodcast.com.

Woods Location

  • When the amateur comic book page, tooth fairy card, and veterinary form are layered on top of one another at the correct angle, they will form the logo of the Creekside Timber Company.
  • Emma's message in the picture of the Kents' living room is written in a variation of Morse code.
  • Emma's message uses "0" in place of a dot and "1" in place of a dash.
  • Translated, Emma's message reads "they tried to conquer the woods", which echoes Harriett's observation about the Creekside Timber Company.
  • The location Ed is searching for is the Creekside Timber Co. Type "Creekside Timber Co." into Ed's chat box on www.superneutralpodcast.com to complete the first task and move on to the next section of the episode.


Amateur Comic Book

  • Tristan
  • Come my disciples!
  • My eyes! Ahhh!

Ed's Victory Audio Recording #1


[The recorder turns on. We hear Ed breathing heavily among the sounds of running water and blowing wind.]


Ed (horrified): I made it to the Creekside. There's a body. It's... it's Ray.


[Ed pauses to take a deep breath and compose himself.]


Ed: Oh, god, this is - this is my fault. I -


[As Ed pauses to try and find words, the wind moans.]


Ed: Emma and James aren't here. There's no sign of anyone else. God... That... with the carvings at the campsite, I ... I think that might've been from Ray. Something just ripped him apart.


[There are sounds of crunching leaves and twigs as Ed moves closer.]


Ed: Are those... claw marks? There are these... gashes and - wait... He's holding something.


[Ed holds his breath and twigs crunch as he creeps closer. There's a rustling of paper and the tinkle of a dog collar.]


Ed: It's a collar. A dog collar. Wrapped in paper. I'm gonna send you the pictures. See if you can...


[Ed takes a deep breath to compose himself.]


Ed: Whatever this is, it has to mean something. We should hurry. Emma and James... I - I hope they're still out there. I just...


[Ed simply trails off and turns off the recorder.]

Ed's Victory Audio Recording #2


[The recorder clicks on to the sound of crows cawing.]


Ed: Hey! Get away from her! Get out of here!


[The crows scatter and leave. There is the sound of static as the recorder glitches.]


Ed: Investigator - I found Emma. This is different from what happened to Ray. Someone strung her up at the top of this hill. Tied her to a post. She's like one of those stick-people. Jesus.


[Ed's breathing picks up and he walks closer.]


Ed: I can't tell how long she's been like this. Whoever did it might still be out here.


[There is rustling as the recorder glitches again.]


Ed: This wood she's tied to, there's something carved into it. Hang on. I'm going to send you a photo. See if you can figure out what these runes mean. They might tell us where I need to go next.


[Ed takes a deep, shaky breath. Crows begin to congregate again.]


Ed (glitching): I need to get out of here before whoever did this comes back.


[The sound of the cawing crows grows louder, and then the recording ends abruptly.]

Ed's Victory Audio Recording #3


[Ed clicks on the recorder in a dead part of the woods. There are the sounds of Ed's footsteps and trees creaking in the wind. The recording is rife with glitches and distortion.]


Ed (terrified, cutting in and out by glitching): - hear me? I hope you can hear me. I was on my way to the waterfall, but I found something. There's a house out here. I think it's the... you know... THE house.


[Ed takes a deep, shaky breath. He's about to break down sobbing.]


Ed: I don't know if this is even reaching you. But - I'm at the house and talking to you at least makes me feel not so alone...


[Ed holds his breath as he approaches the house. There is the harsh sound of static.]


Ed (tentatively, quietly, then growing louder): James? James? Are you here?

Unknown Voice (echoing): Are you here?



[We hear Ed's footsteps as he circles the property.]


Ed (cautiously): James? Are - are you there?


[Ed's feet shuffle as he turns, looking around. Trees bend and groan as something moves in the woods.]


James: Ed! I'm in here!

Ed (excited and relieved): James?!

James: Ed, hurry! Get in the well! Before it comes back!


[A loud growl interrupts James, and we can hear the heavy footsteps of something coming closer. The glitch distortions intensify.]


Ed: What the hell is that thing?

James: Ed, get down!


[There is a loud roar and a final wild distortion that fades into static. There is silence for several moments, faint unidentifiable echoes, and then the recording ends.]

Homesteader Letter

Page 1


May this letter reach you before Charles and I do, to help you prepare for our impending arrival. We have successfully reached the town of Blair. I do not know what this place is called now, if it is called anything at all. Perhaps the wicked fate that befell the children of this town should have erased it from the map entirely. Charles and I thought we would settle it anew, making our home where no one else would dare. We thought to rechristen this place as Daventry, Maryland.
Sadly, it is not to be.

We heard the tales of what took place here, and yet we did not heed them as you said we should. We were fools. Charles and I are in grave danger, and I believe the only way to avoid it is to abandon this place entirely. I hope this letter will convince you to prepare for our impending arrival.

We attempted to build our home at a lovely spot near a waterfall. We were so close that the pleasant rushing of the falls lulled us to sleep each night. We never could have known the steady rumbling of that water concealed something much more sinister: the growling of a great and terrible beast.

The strangeness of the place began to reveal itself to us slowly. We found trees stretching towards the sky that we swore we had felled the day before. We saw lights, quite unlike firelight, coming from deep within the wood in the middle of the night, though we knew we must be the only two souls for miles.

Soon after, a fearful change came over Charles, something I could not quite define, a change that made him seem quite unlike himself. He began to complain of strange sensations. Simple things at first: a chill in the


Page 2

air despite my having lit a fire in what we then hoped would one day become our dining area. Then, of simple aches and pains of the kind a boy experiences as he grows, only for that pain to escalate to what he deemed "unbearable" heights, as if his limbs were elongating. Just as suddenly those pains would disappear. Charles then began sleepwalking - a complaint from which, as you know, he has never suffered. The first night, I found him standing aimlessly in the corner of our soon-to-be-home's foundation. Simply standing there. On the second occasion, this time during the day, I discovered Charles staring into the rushing currents of the waterfall. He spoke only of the voice of a woman drawing him deeper and deeper into the forest.

The terrible events culminated in a nighttime vision of the most frightening of specters, a devil that looked as if it were made of the forest itself, as if the trees and leaves and moss had all conspired together, and created the body of some great and terrifying demon. Charles and I could see it wandering the woods, its enormous height that of the trees of the forest. And ever so slowly, its head turned, and in its fiery eyes burned those same lights as we'd seen before. I believe, though I cannot explain how I know this, that the beast wanted us to see it. It wanted us to know it was there, for us to bask in its power. It was some great, evil cat, and we but canaries in a cage.

There is a presence in these woods, something unholy, and I fear that not only does it intend to claim us both, but that its horrid grip is already wrapped tightly about Charles. I fear that, despite our efforts to make a new home here, the only way to save Charles may be to abandon it. You were right to warn us against coming here, Father. You were right to call us not men, but foolish children, to tell us to heed the tales of this abandoned town. I wonder if that will bring you some measure of peace, or if

Inspection Notes

  • Follow the smoke.

Note from Harriett

bonus content between Episodes 4 & 5

  • I found this carved on a tree. The woods are speaking, and we must listen. -H [46 characters written in carved alphabet]

Note from Harriett


I have been a sentinel in this town for years. I've seen things you cannot fathom. Amateurs and explorers vanishing without a trace. I grew up on the cautionary tales of the Creekside Timber Company, an entire group of men conquered by the woods.
Perceived skill did not save any of them.

But perhaps some more direct knowledge would have. I can see you've followed this path, you and this investigator you have borrowed from Rosemary. I don't know if, like me, they've already warned you, if they've given you a bit more advice, seeing what happened to her and her family. One way or another, here is a little more. I have included something that I hope may help you.

Some may tell you your friends are dead, that you should turn back. They may tell you to leave Burkittsville now and never return, or you will never leave at all. I can only hope that those voices are wrong, that there may be some way of getting out of those woods.
There must be hope we can see those we've lost again.


SuperNeutral Podcast: Doppelgangers Audio Recording

[INTRO MUSIC, fading to the introduction by our hosts Kristen Flanagan and Shawn Bauman.]


Kristen: Welcome to SuperNeutral, the pint-sized paranormal podcast that pits a believer: that's me, Kristen Flanagan...

Shawn: Against a skeptic like me: Shawn Bauman.

Kristen: So, doppelgangers, huh? Did you know much about them before you read my newsletter?

Shawn: No, no way. I would have just said they were supposed to be your twin or something. Like when I was a kid, we would joke about seeing my dad's doppelganger everywhere because it was just some other bald guy.

Kristen: laughs.

Shawn: You know? It was just something to laugh about.

Kristen: Oh sure, laugh it up, meanwhile there's a ghost of a living person trying to warn you that somebody is about to die.

Shawn: Yeah, the idea that they're warning you, that they're an omen... Uh, it's weird, right?

Kristen: Yeah, "weird" is one way of putting it.

Shawn: It's - it's - I don't know. The idea of seeing somebody who's alive... but not. What - what does that really mean?

Kristen: So... I think it's really literally as if you saw me out in the hall, and then you entered the studio and saw the real me sitting right here waiting for you.

Shawn: Right, right. So the you in the hall was a ghost? Or is the - maybe the you sitting right here a ghost?

Kristen: Well, let me ask you this: Can a ghost really carry on a good conversation?

Shawn: Probably not. But - but neither can you.

Kristen: Hey.

Shawn: You know, what I really mean to say is, I - so I just saw a ghost of you in the hall. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe I just saw somebody who looked like you, but let's take it at face value... I saw you in the hall, now I see you in here and realize the thing in the hall must have been a ghost.

Kristen: I mean, all the blood pouring out of its face and the pointing and screaming should have been a dead giveaway, but okay.

Shawn: What is that an omen of? Am I in danger? Maybe you're in danger?

Kristen: Oh, like, is that literally a ghost of me? Meaning I'm on track to die soon and become a spirit?

Shawn: Maybe. Maybe that was a ghost of you from the future, warning me that you're gonna die soon.

Kristen: So your theory is that it's not just a ghost, but it's a time-traveler?

Shawn: Uhh... maybe. Hey, theoretically, if that's the case, I could even figure out WHEN you're going to die if it was wearing the same clothes that you're wearing right now, right?

Kristen: You know, actually, I think we're on to something. We should be pitching this as a crime show.

Shawn: Uhh... Ghost Detectives?

Kristen: DoppelSquad.

Shawn: Better. But seriously, what good is an omen if there's nothing that you can do about it?

Kristen: Yeah, that is a wrinkle. Maybe people primarily see doppelgangers of people they love because those people would want to warn them, right? Like, as scary as a vision like that might be in the moment, maybe it's actually a friendly heads-up. You know, I bet we could actually look up accounts of people seeing doppelgangers and determine if they were friendly or unfriendly. Maybe both are possible, but -

Shawn: Uh, I'm sensing that this thought experiment is starting to just turn into an actual belief for you.

Kristen: Oh, you're not buying it?

Shawn: I mean... no.


[Kristen laughs.]


Shawn: No. There are - there are countless cases of mistaken identity. Sometimes people get locked up for a crime and the real criminal is their same height. You know, maybe the criminal is the same weight as them, they had the same complexion, the same name... The list goes on and on. It's not impossible for people to look so similar that they're capable of getting mixed up. I just can't allow myself to buy it.

Kristen: Alright, I hear you, but what about the visions? You can't tell people they're flat-out wrong about something they say they saw.

Shawn: I ... I wouldn't tell them they're wrong, but unless I saw a doppelganger with my own two eyes I don't think I could ever believe it. I mean, maybe they were dreaming or something, by the way.

Kristen: Yeah, but dreams are real, you know?

Shawn: Uh, dreams are most certainly not real.

Kristen: No, I'm not saying everything that happens in a dream is real. I mean the dream itself, and the emotional effect of them is real.

Shawn: I'll tell you what, I consider dreaming about a doppelganger and saying you saw a doppelganger to be equally meaningful.

Kristen: That's something, I guess. Anyway, I think this takes us to the end of this edition of SuperNeutral. Shawn, what's coming next time?

Shawn: Uh, next time I'm going to talk about something that I have been personally curious about for a long, long time. Really this show is just an excuse for me to finally research it. But until that time comes... it's safe to turn out the lights.

Kristen: Or is it?


[The music concludes, leaving us with a post-show snippet.]


Shawn: By the way, I've been a doppelganger this whole time.

Kristen: Aw that's so funny, me too!


Ed's Handwriting

  • I looked it up, and this one is actually real (granted, left on the books since the 1700s). Guess he found every charge he could.


Lanning's Handwriting

  • Last chance. Leave the woods alone. Leave our town alone.

Tooth Fairy Card

  • It IS a big day. Congrats on the tooth, Skunk! Let's show it to your brother when he gets back. I'll make sure the tooth fairy keeps it in a safe place until then. Love, Mom


  • In order to find the trail of Emma, Ray, and James, Ed needs to follow clues Emma left behind at the Kent house.
  • But not everything is as it seems. Some items need to be moved around to reveal their true meaning. Specifically, when layered on top of one another in the right configuration, markings on the tooth fairy card, the veterinary form, and the amateur comic page form the logo of the Creekside Timber Company, whose misfortune of being "conquered by the woods" is mentioned in the note from Harriett. Emma echoes these words in the picture of the Kents' living room message, which is written in a version of Morse code that replaces dots and dashes with zeros and ones. Translated, the message reads "they tried to conquer the woods". With all the evidence pointing to Creekside, there's one place in particular that has strong associations with the company: the lumber mill.
  • Type "Creekside Timber Co." into Ed's chat box on www.superneutralpodcast.com and wait for Ed's response to continue.
  • Ed heads to the mill, where he finds Ray's mangled body clutching a dog collar and the inspection notes. Ed takes photos of both and sends them to you, asking for help to determine where to go next. Using the veterinary form, you can deduce that the Kents' dog Tank, a rescue, often escaped to an area in the woods with a petrified tree. According to the inspection notes, this area is called Dutch Hill. The comic book page and screenshot of Good Fences post also mention strange lights, which Ray and Emma discuss in Episode 3 as being present at this location. As a final clue, Emma's instruction to "follow the smoke" directs you to the monster trading card, which shows a pillar of smoke leading to images of a humanoid figure and a tree, representing the petrified tree on Dutch Hill.
  • Type "Dutch Hill" into Ed's chat box on www.superneutralpodcast.com and wait for Ed's response to continue.
  • When he arrives at this second location, Ed finds Emma's body tied to a post that contains a tree carving. He sends the photo to you for help. This carving contains a message used in the same strange alphabet you've seen in the woods before. Translated, it reads: "Where they tried to make their home." As you read the homesteader letter, you'll learn about the Daventry brothers, who attempted to set up camp near a waterfall. The screenshot of Good Fences post confirms that this place is known as Jones Camp Falls.
  • To complete the episode, type "Jones Camp Falls" into Ed's chat box on www.superneutralpodcast.com.