Episode 5


  • Hints
    • David's Notes
    • Email from June
    • Instructions from Elin
    • Letter from Museum Curator
    • Message from David
    • Otherworld Document
    • Strahlenberg Security Interface
  • Reveals
    • David's Notes
    • Email from June
    • Instructions from Elin
    • Message from David
    • Otherworld Document
    • Strahlenberg Security Interface


David's Notes

  • David's notes include some hidden phrases. Examining this document with one of the items you previously received may help make these phrases clearer.

Email from June

  • Once you have relayed the spell to June, her email reply includes a document from the mining company that explains how the login information for Strahlenberg's security interface was created. Reviewing past documents from Strahlenberg's history may help you identify the relevant phrase that was used to create the current password.

Instructions from Elin

  • Elin's instructions include phrases written in the otherworld alphabet. These can be deciphered using documents you have received previously.

Letter from Museum Curator

  • June's letter suggests the order in which certain elements should be completed: first the spell to close the portal, and then the password for the security interface. It also includes guidance about how to write out the spell to close the portal, as the correct spelling and formatting are crucial.

Message from David

  • David's message includes phrases written in the otherworld alphabet. These can be deciphered using documents you have received previously.

Otherworld Document

  • This spell fragment completes the document you received fragments of in Episodes 3 and 4. Fitting the pieces together will bring you closer to discovering the words of the spell to close the rift.
  • To reveal the secret message on these fragments, you will need to examine the document with an item you have previously received.

Strahlenberg Security Interface

  • The access point to the Strahlenberg security interface can be reached from the main Strahlenberg website by navigating to the Staff Resources page and then to the Security page. You will need information from documents you have previously received to navigate the security interface successfully.


David's Notes

  • Examining David's notes with the blacklight will reveal several phrases written in the otherworld alphabet. These can be deciphered using documents you have received previously.
  • The phrases in the otherworld alphabet translate to:

    • (1) "D-EH-L"
    • (2) "A-R-AHH-EUH-N"
    • (3) "AH-R-W-IH-L"
    • (4) "L-Y-OH-S-R-OOH-N"
    • (5) "A-R-AHH-EUH-N"
    • (6) "B-R-AI-T-S-T-OH-N"
    • (7) "EH-L-UH-N"
    • (8) "M-EE-N-UH"
    • (9) "EH-L-UH-N"
    • (10) "B-R-AI-T-S-T-OH-N"
    • (11) "EH-L-UH-N"
  • Keep in mind, many words in the otherworld language do not have a direct English translation.

Email from June

  • The historical document that contains the key to the password for the Strahlenberg security interface is the copies of the Strahlenberg internal emails, which are the bonus content for the 4th Apprentice Curator program quiz.
  • In the Strahlenberg internal emails, Stanley Dart's signature includes the phrase: "Answers and assistance. Providing tactical coordination clients, aka friends, can depend on." Applying the password creation method to this phrase should yield the password for the security interface.
  • When the password creation method outlined in the PDF June sent is applied to Stanley Dart's email signature, you should arrive at the phrase 4sc3nd. This is the password to the Strahlenberg security interface.

Instructions from Elin

  • The phrases in the otherworld alphabet translate to:

    • (1) "A-R-AHH-EUH-N"
    • (2) "A-R-AHH-EUH-N"
    • (3) "A-R-AHH-EUH-N"
    • (4) "A-R-AHH-EUH-N"
    • (5) "A-R-AHH-EUH-N"
    • (6) "B-R-AI-T-S-T-OH-N"
    • (7) "B-EE-N-D-EH-N V-IH-L-AHH-F-L-EE"
    • (8) "A-R-AHH-EUH-N"
  • Keep in mind, many words in the otherworld language do not have a direct English translation.

Message from David

  • The phrases in the otherworld alphabet all translate to "A-R-AHH-EUH-N".
  • The word in the otherworld alphabet throughout David's message is: A-R-AHH-EUH-N.

Otherworld Document

  • Using the blacklight will reveal a series of symbols that make up the spell to close the rift.
  • If you're not sure which order to read the otherworld letters in, look for one unfamiliar symbol. It should point out where to start and the direction in which to read.
  • When spelled out phonetically, the spell to close the portal reads "K-W-EH-L-UH-N-R-EE-V F-AI-UH-R-F-Y-AW-L". Be sure spell the phrase carefully, formatting the sounds in the way that is consistent with the method used in other documents you have received.
  • Relaying this message to June via the form on the CHC website will trigger her response with more essential information you need to complete other puzzles.

Strahlenberg Security Interface

  • Using the login in the PDF June sent (SysAdmin) and the password derived from the Strahlenberg emails (4sc3nd) will provide access to the security interface.
  • Once inside the security system, you will need to use zone names and passwords gleaned from other documents to open zones and allow David and Elin to navigate through the mine. The documents you need to consult to find the correct zone names and passwords are:

    • Silas interview (Episode 1)
    • cave photos (Episode 2)
    • Lucille Waters interview (Episode 3)
    • Strahlenberg emails (Episode 4)
  • The Strahlenberg emails use a familiar cipher method to encode information about zone access. This method is used elsewhere in the season. It is necessary to decipher this information before the details about zone access can be decoded.

  • The code Stanley Dart uses in the emails utilizes the keyboard of the Commodore Amiga 500. The ( symbol corresponds to the 9 key, which means the phrase "Cjacjadb" is shifted 9 places to read "Tartarus". The % symbol corresponds to the 5 key, which means the phrase "Ymfsfytx" is shifted 5 places to read "Thanatos". These phrases are both passwords for zones beginning with P, as mentioned in the emails.

  • Each of the documents listed above contains information about one or more of the zones in the Strahlenberg mine, including a complete or partial zone name, authorization code, or password. The authorization code indicates how many places each of the letters in the zone name should be shifted to arrive at the password. For example:

    • Zone Name: CHECK
    • Code: 9-3-12-9-17
    • Password: TESTS
  • Each of the documents should provide enough information to deduce the complete zone name, authorization code, and password. In some cases, inferences may have to be made based on context to arrive at the complete answer.

  • The access codes for the zones are as follows:

    • Zone: ATHENS; Authorization Code: 4-24-23-23-7-0; Password: EREBUS
    • Zone: BETHANY; Authorization Code: 25-24-14-23-17-1-15; Password: ACHERON
    • Zone: CAIRO; Authorization Code: 9-4-11-16-16; Password: LETHE
    • Zone: CALES; Authorization Code: 24-19-0-22-0; Password: ATLAS
    • Zone: CHIOS; Authorization Code: 0-1-9-14-12; Password: CIRCE
    • Zone: PHILLIPI; Authorization Code: 4-19-9-8-18-2-5-10; Password: TARTARUS
    • Zone: POTENTIA; Authorization Code: 4-19-7-9-13-0-6-18; Password: THANATOS
  • Once you have all the passwords, use them to navigate the mine to allow David and Elin to pass out of the mine and into the natural tunnel system where the rift is. To successfully open a zone, you must select the zone you want to open, then input the authorization code and password. Dashes should be included in the passcodes and password entry is case sensitive. The door to this zone will then open and allow David and Elin to enter.

  • The correct path through the mine is: CALES → ATHENS → CAIRO → PHILLIPI → BETHANY.