Apprentice Curator Exclusive Content
- These email records shed light onto what Strahlenberg was up to after the explosion in 1989, and offer a hint about where more information might be found.
Apprentice Curator Quiz
- The answers to this quiz can be found throughout a variety of documents you have received so far, including the mining company memo (Episode 2), the Naturalist's Journal (Episode 2), the Union Minutes (Episode 1), and the CHC website.
David's Notes
- David's notes contain several phrases written in the otherworld language. Looking back at resources from previous episodes should help you decipher these words.
Instructions from Elin
- Elin's instructions contain several phrases written in the otherworld language. Looking back at resources from previous episodes should help you decipher these words.
Message from David
- David's message contains a repeated word in the otherworld language. Looking at resources from previous episodes should help you decipher the word.
Mining Map
- This map reveals some suspicious connections between the Strahlenberg Mining Company and Luxtetumbra Venture Labs.
- This map includes a cipher that is encoded using a similar method as some of the previous documents you've encountered in this season. Looking up the phrase "Wheelwriter 3" that appears next to these messages may give you a clue as to the method for this cipher.
Otherworld Spell Part 2
- Your blacklight may reveal some secret information on this scrap of paper.
Possession Test
- The possession test contains several phrases written in the otherworld language. Looking back at resources from previous episodes should help you decipher these words.
- Following the instructions printed on the possession test should cause a significant change to the paper, which should be conveyed to June via the online form on the CHC website.
Apprentice Curator Exclusive Content
- The email records reveal that the Strahlenberg Mining Company has a website. Some of the details in this document, including the Strahlenberg website, may be of use in the future.
Apprentice Curator Quiz
The correct answers to the Apprentice Curator Quiz are as follows:
- 1: C
- 2: B
- 3: D
- 4: A
- 5: B
David's Notes
The words in the otherworld alphabet translate as follows:
(1) EH-L-UH-N
(2) EH-L-UH-N
(4) L-Y-OH-S-R-OOH-N
(5) B-R-AI-T-S-T-OH-N
(6) EH-L-UH-N
(7) AH-R-W-IH-L
(8) H-UUH-L-S-K-EH-N
(9) AH-R-W-IH-L
(10) EH-L-UH-N
(11) A-R-AHH-EUH-N
(12) D-EH-L
(13) A-R-AHH-EUH-N
(14) B-R-AI-T-S-T-OH-N
(15) EE-F-UUH
(16) B-R-AI-T-S-T-OH-N
(17) EE-F-UUH
(18) AH-R-W-IH-L
(19) A-R-AHH-EUH-N
(20) H-UUH-L-S-K-EH-N
(21) EH-L-UH-N
(22) H-UUH-L-S-K
(23) A-R-AHH-EUH-N
Instructions from Elin
The words in the otherworld language are pronounced and can be written out as follows:
Keep in mind, many words in the otherworld language do not have a direct English translation.
Message from David
The word in the otherworld alphabet throughout David's message is:
Mining Map
- It appears that the Strahlenberg Mining Company was part of a larger international network of mines and research facilities controlled by Luxetumbra Venture Labs. This organization may be familiar from previous seasons of Empty Faces.
- The Wheelwriter 3 was a brand of typewriter used in the 1980s. Each of the numeric keys on the Wheelwriter 3's keyboard corresponds to a different symbol. Identifying the numbers that correspond with the symbols within the coded message will help you determine how to decipher this code.
- On the Wheelwriter 3's keyboard, % corresponds to 5, which indicates the cipher text should be shifted 5 places to reveal the plaintext message.
- When the coded phrase is shifted the appropriate number of places, it reveals the message: "Priority Zones unmarked, please reference security map for accurate depth. Contact Grisham for access."
Otherworld Map
The map of the otherworld contains a number of phrases in the otherworld language. Looking back at resources from previous episodes should help you decipher these words.
B-L-OOH-AW-T-H-AY-F-IH-N = Blood Haven
OOH-T-L-AW-R-K-EE = Exiled Kingdom
G-AH-T-D-R-UUH-K-N-IH-N = The Great Drowning
B-L-OH-K-AH-F-T-UH-R-UUH-S = Blocks the Sun's Passage
H-UUH-N-D-R-OW-F-IH-S-K-UUH = Hundred Fish River
D-IH-R-H-UUH-L = Untranslated on Map
S-EE-L-H-AY-F-IH-N = Silver Haven
OOH-T-EE-B-AHH-N-EE = Unsheltered Plain
B-AI-F-AW-S-K-V-AH-T = Trembling Lake
K-EE-R-F-EH-L = Quiet Mountain
G-OOH-L-H-AY-F-IH-N = Gold Haven
K-OW-L-D-H-EE-R = Cold Fire
H-OW-S-T-H-AY-F-IH-N = Autumn Haven
D-EH-T-V-EH-S-T-AHH-N = Dead Wastes
EH-Y-B-IH-T-UH-N-M-UH-N = Wounded Man
D-R-AI-K-Y-AHH-L-AW-Z = Drinking Ribbon
F-AW-R-N-K-OH-N-G-R-UUH-M = Seat of the Ancient King
AH-S-K-L-EE-M-EE = Veil of Ash Branches
D-R-EH-K-AHH-B-R-OOH-N-EE = Plain of Empty Heat
V-EE-L-EE-M-AY-N = Diseased Wildfire
F-AW-R-N-H-AY-F-IH-N = Ancient Haven
S-T-IH-AHH-R-H-F-IH-N = Star Haven
V-IH-N-H-AY-F-IH-N = Friend Haven
T-EE-EH-F-OH-G-AHH = Dark Eye
AI-D-UUH-N-S-T-OH-L = Cruel Seat of Justice
S-T-AW-R-B-L-OH-S-N-AH-K = Great Blue Snake
UUH-F-AH-N-D-IH-R = Doorway to Below
F-OH-AHH-B-AI-N-M-IH-R = Foxbone Bog
S-EE-OH-M-EH-N-EE = City of Seven Moons
EE-AW-L-IH-Z = Forever Ice
L-EE-OH-S-IH-T-Y-UUH = City of Lingering Light
S-T-AI-N-H-AY-F-IH-N = Stone Haven
B-L-IH-N-T-M-OH-N-M-AY-Z = Blind Man's Maze
K-EH-L-D-H-AY-F-IH-N = Spring Haven
F-AI-UH-R-F-EH-L = Wildfire Mountain
AHH-IH-W-EE-B-L-AHH = Blue Expanse
David's notes on the back of the map translate as follows:
- (1) B-R-AI-T-S-T-OH-N
- (2) AH-R-W-IH-L
- (3) EH-L-UH-N
- (4) AH-R-W-IH-L
- (4) A-R-AHH-EUH-N
Otherworld Spell Part 2
- This fragment combines with a document you received in a previous episode to form part of a symbol you'll need in the future.
Possession Test
The words in the otherworld language are pronounced and can be written out as follows:
(4) B-R-AI-T-S-T-OH-N
When exposed to heat (by tracing your fingertip over the spiral), the color of the paper should get lighter. You can use the CHC's comment form to tell June that the paper lightened, turned white, grew pale, faded, or some other similar turn of phrase. If the possession test doesn't yield visible results, try warming your hands before following the instructions. Placing the paper between your hands may also help make the results clearer. The higher your body temperature is, the more likely you are to see results.