1. Who killed Serena?
- Andrea
- Serena
- Elena
- Drug Dealer
- Party Girl
- Fisherman
- Army Veteran
- Boyfriend
2. Who killed Elena?
- Andrea
- Serena
- Elena
- Drug Dealer
- Party Girl
- Fisherman
- Army Veteran
- Boyfriend
3. Who kills Andrea during the investigation?
- Andrea
- Serena
- Elena
- Drug Dealer
- Party Girl
- Fisherman
- Army Veteran
- Boyfriend
4. Whose vehicle brought Andrea home?
- Andrea
- Serena
- Elena
- Drug Dealer
- Party Girl
- Fisherman
- Army Veteran
- Boyfriend
Correct Answers
Connecting the Dots...
The fisherman, who loved Andrea, wanted to remove her problematic friends for good. He intercepted the three girls and killed both Serena and Elena. Afterward, he brought Andrea home and told her to keep her mouth shut. Unfortunately, when the fisherman got sober, he realized Andrea would certainly leak the information to the police. He staged Andrea's suicide in hopes for the police to think Andrea killed her friends out of anger and herself out of guilt.