Episode 6


Aaron de Vaille Letter

  • In his final letter, Aaron reveals that he has rid the world of the Dragon Swan and his most loyal disciple, Bob. It is important to read the note carefully, as key phrases will be used to unlock this episode's final secret.

Dragon Swan Manifesto

  • In this document, JWJ outlines his mission and the purpose of the cult, revealing the entirety of his belief system and his plans for a "world of peace and glory". He sent this so that you can preserve his legacy, as the Historian.

Letter from Felix

  • This letter is from Felix of Listening Friends of America. Felix has noticed your efforts and plans to use you for a new type of assignment in the future.

Listening Friends of America Pin

  • A pin symbolizing your new status with LFoA.

Talaria Letter 1

  • This letter is different from all the previous Talaria letters. Note the tone of finality.

Talaria Letter 2

  • This letter is the same as Episode 1. Talaria has resumed their normal mode of operation.

Wolf Symbol Message

  • This hidden message can be decoded using the wolf print from Episode 5 as a key. It reveals a link to Aaron's website, which contains more codes and puzzles to solve.


Aaron's Website

  • The title of each link is a hint for the linked PDF's password. "The Harp" corresponds to Aaron's first letter from Episode 3, where he mentions "Eolian harp". The password for this PDF is "Eolian". The PDF shows a hidden message written in the same runes from Episode 3. It translates to: "I AM THE FERAL".
  • "The Pedestal" corresponds to Aaron's second letter from Episode 4, where he mentions "marble pedestals". The password for this PDF is "Marble". The PDF shows a hidden message written in blocks from Episode 4. It translates to "I AM NOT THE LUPUS HE".
  • "The Night" corresponds to Aaron's third letter from Episode 5, where he mentions an "obsidian night". The password for this PDF is "Obsidian". The PDF shows a hidden message written in the wolf print symbols from Episode 5. It translates to: "AND YOU WILL SEE".
  • There is a white dot beneath Aaron's symbol on the website, which leads to the final password-protected page. The messages from the previous PDFs were all incomplete sentences, each missing the last word. The complete sentences can be found in Aaron's final letter from this episode. The last words of these sentences are "wolf", "sought", and "truth". The password for this page is "WolfSoughtTruth", which reveals Aaron's video.
  • In Aaron's video, there are wolf print symbols hidden throughout. When decoded, they reveal the message: "JOHN JAMES IS DEAD. BOW TO ME."

Wolf Symbol Message

  • The message translates to "www.okxsjthzjyjvh.com" - Aaron's website.