Ghastly Manor


Baron Painting

  • The map mentions this painting is of a Baron.


  • This light will reveal ghostly handwriting on three documents.

Colton's Question

Spirit Box

  • According to the map, the spirit box was found in Room 2.

Funeral Cards

  • These cards provide a short biography of each of the guests. They reveal that Flora was a medium and an artist who did spiritual portraits, and that Effie was raised in Little Pearls Orphan Home.

Guestbook Page

  • This is the last used page from the manor's guestbook, with the arrival and departure dates of guests from the fall of 1892. It shows that, on the night of the gas leak, there were four guests in the manor: Flora Tattershall, Lord Colton Astor-Wicks, Prof. V. Wakefield (Vernon), and Euphemia Beauchamp (Effie).


  • Inside the locket is a piece of paper. The front shows a group of young girls from the 1800s. The back has a red fog.

Manor Map

  • The map has notes from Grayson about where certain items were found. It reveals that the portrait of the Baron was found in Room 1. The spirit box's recording came from outside of Room 2. The jewelry box was found in Room 4. The ectoplasm was found on top of a book of Morse code.

Newspaper Article

  • This article describes the tragedy of October 5, 1892 at the manor where Grisham H. Astley and his four guests succumbed to carbon monoxide poisoning in their sleep. It also reveals that Colton was interested in getting to know Effie better, and that her fortune was not found in the manor.


  • The red eye of the planchette reveals two messages from the beyond.

Vernon's Question

Love Letter

  • When pieced back together, this love letter from Vernon to Effie includes a code.
  • When the letters from the bolded lines are grouped into fives, each group correlates to one of the letters in the chart at the bottom.


Baron Painting

  • The only Baron in the house is Lord Colton.
  • Scratching away the foil on the mirror reveals the sinister reflection of Colton with the word "FRAUD". This reveals Colton's intentions.

Colton's Question

Spirit Box

  • According to the guestbook page, this was Colton's room, so this is Colton's spirit.
  • This recording plays a series of both short and long scratches. When you apply Morse code to it, it says "Where's fortune".

The Contact Letter

  • This letter explains why you're here. Grayson, the new owner of the manor, instructs you to examine the photo of one of the ghosts to get started. Also, by using the blacklight on the letter, it's revealed that Grisham (the deceased innkeeper) says "My dear descendant is not the only one who can leave notes. I will endeavor to provide you assistance wherever I can. After all, you are guests in my Manor..." This indicates that Grisham may be leaving notes in other places as well and can only be seen with the blacklight.


  • Inside the ectoplasm is a key to the jewelry box.

Effie's Question

  • When Vernon's correct envelope is opened, Effie's question is revealed to be "Which facet of my identity do I strive to honor most?"

Flora's Question

Ghost Photo

  • This photo is Flora as the funeral cards mention she's an artist and medium.
  • When the planchette is placed on the red fog on Flora's photo, the question "Are you here to help?" is revealed.

Guestbook Page

  • When used with the blacklight, a message from Grisham reveals "He always was a tricky one. Let me see if I can provide some insight..." as well as a Morse code alphabet.

Jewelry Box

  • Opening the jewelry box reveals a locket and scraps of a love letter.


  • When used with the planchette, it reads "13 Pearls".
  • This is a reference to the orphanage Effie grew up in and illustrates she keeps her upbringing close to her heart.

Manor Map

  • When the blacklight is used on the map, messages from Grisham are also visible. These reveal that Grisham does not trust Colton to be near the manor's safe in the library.

Vernon's Question

Love Letter

  • It reads "To move on I must know what blooms in Colton's heart".
  • The letter also describes the symbolic meanings of certain plants.


Colton's Answer

  • IT IS LOST. The newspaper article mentions how the manor was looted and no treasure was found in the mansion.

Effie's Answer

  • BECUNA. This is obviously ghostly code. The locket reveals that she cherishes her orphanage. On the locket, it says 13 ghosts and has a photo of 13 children. Move the letters 13 places in the alphabet to reveal ORPHAN.

Flora's Answer

  • YES. Your team was sent in to help the ghosts move on as indicated by the contact letter.

Grisham's Answer

  • If you win the game, the answer is ALL GHOSTS HAVE MOVED ON. If you run out of time, the answer is NOT EVERY GHOST IS READY TO MOVE ON. These are the win or lose envelopes.

Vernon's Answer

  • VACHELLIA CORNIGERA. The fraud painting and other documents reveal Colton had bad intentions. According to the love letter, this plant most mimics those intentions.