Calling Card
- This is the calling card of the Melancholy Killer, similar to those left on victims' shoes. Notice that it is not attached to a victim and pay close attention to something that makes this particular card stand out.
Chapbook Poems
- This is a compilation of poems from Edgar's time on the road. Consider the subject matter and muses of the poems. Reflect on where these themes might also appear in the story.
Edgar's Profile
- This inmate profile and psychological interview reveal more about Edgar's time in prison. He has had a few incidents, the most consequential being his short-lived escape from the facility. His interviews reveal the dissonance between Dr. Stephen Kaiser and the inmate. In the interview, Edgar also reveals to Dr. Kaiser that he likes pushing people, but that he has not killed anyone.
Ferguson's Profile
- This document includes an interview between Alex Ferguson and Dr. Kaiser. It gives more information on Ferguson, including his background and current role in the prison. In his interview, Ferguson mentions something of Edgar's that "brought [him] back to a dark place". Pay close attention to the dates and locations mentioned in this document, such as Ferguson's birthday and ages.
Free Edgar Now Website
- The Free Edgar Now Fan Club is a group who believes in the innocence of Edgar Lee Dwyer. The group, organized by the blog, is run by Tim Arnold and Karina Sampson. Read through all the materials on the blog very carefully. Pay attention to dates, handwriting, photographs, and poems on this site.
Bathroom Wall Photos
- These photographs show the poems left by the Melancholy Killer at multiple crime scnes across the country. Look closely at the handwriting in the images.
Calling Cards
- Look closely at the cards in the images. These were left tied to victims' bodies. Note in particular the handwriting on the cards, as well as the dates.
Edgar's Prison Reform Manuscript
- This document is a scan of Edgar's attempt at prison reform. As someone on the inside, he has written ways that he feels the prison could better operate. Many of his opinions contradict the LFoA institution and Warden Lawson's stances. Look closely at this unpublished manuscript. Capitalize on any chance to look for clues.
Et Tu Anniversary Article
- A glimpse of Edgar's past is delivered through this article. Add the dates to the growing timeline of murders and events in young Dwyer's life. Compare the dates on this timeline with other dates in the box. Additionally, the sidebar gives a different perspective to Edgar's character in prison.
Fan Mail
- The photos of fan mail show the adoration and dedication of Edgar's fans. They are written and photographed by fans, who send the photos to Tim for his blog. Pay close attention to the writing style found in some of these letters.
Fox Sculpture
- Edgar sculpted a fox out of string and other odds and ends. The fox is a reoccurring theme in many documents, particularly Edgar's poetry. The theme of the fox is because Edgar relates himself to this creature.
Newspaper Article on Karina Sampson
- This article talks about the murder of Edgar's widow, Karina Sampson. Karina was found killed in a motel after talking with another woman. She was killed exactly like other Melancholy Killer victims, with the same furniture tag found tied on her shoe.
Newspaper Article on Warden Lawson
- This article dates back to Warden Tracey Lawson's transfer to LFoA Cumberland. It discusses her stance on prison politics, including issues such as gang activity and violence in a prison.
Newspaper Article on the Hunt
- Two posts include numerous articles from the late 1990s, when the FBI was hunting down the Melancholy Killer. Examine these articles carefully to learn more about the killer's habits. The articles also discuss the lives of the victims, and the FBI's task force, which was dedicated to hunting down the Melancholy Killer. The photographs in these articles should also be carefully examined for any insights.
Photo of Edgar's Corpse
- Tim received this photograph of Edgar from an unlisted number. It clearly shows the strangulation and the profusely bleeding stab wounds. It appears to have been taken shortly after the murder, before Edgar's body was discovered.
Visitor's Log
- Tim took and uploaded a photo of Edgar's visitor's log. This log features many signatures, with the earliest dating back to February of 2017. It is worth noting that Tim Arnold and Karina Sampson are regularly the only visitors Edgar allows. One unusual signature can be found on the list: Edgar's former girlfriend, Sheila Phillips.
Yearbook Photo
- This image is a photo of Sheila, taken from her high school yearbook and submitted to Tim and Karina. It gives Edgar's fans a look at his former girlfriend.
Free Edgar T-Shirt
- This T-shirt, made by Edgar's fans, is intended for those who believe wholeheartedly in the poet's innocence.
Incident Report
- This document describes the riot that occurred at the Listening Friends of America's Cumberland Facility. It reveals that Warden Lawson and Dr. Kaiser could not initially be located during the riot.
Interoffice Memorandum
- The memorandum is sent from Dr. Kaiser to Warden Lawson, and it appears to thank the warden for her help with the department. Dr. Kaiser also asks Warden Lawson to meet with him about a potential problem brewing between Yazzie and Ferguson. A careful eye might notice the discrepancy between the inmates' prisoner numbers in the memo compared to their profiles.
Letter from Edgar Lee Dwyer
- Edgar's letter is written "to the one". He writes to the recipient of the briefcase, explaining why the items were sent there in the first place. He also mentions that his "true love" will be along shortly to collect the pendant.
Letter from the Warden
- This letter explains why the prison has sent the last of serial killer Edgar Lee Dwyer's effects to the recipient. The letter states that, not only were his personal effects included, but his ashes were additionally fused into the pendant that was placed in the box. The prison officials also included documents about his death for context. It was then signed by the active warden at the prison.
Magazine Kite
- This kite is a traditional prison note between Edgar and Ferguson. Inmates use a universal shorthand to pass notes. The inmate codes can be looked up online, as they are common prisoner shorthand. Codes relating to numbers can be found in Edgar's prison reform manuscript.
Newspaper Article
- This article is a report on the riot. It features interviews from visitors inside the prison. It reveals that Tim Arnold was present during the riot and includes the URL for the Free Edgar Now fan blog.
Newspaper Kite
- This kite is a traditional prison note between Edgar and Yazzie. Inmates use a universal shorthand to pass notes. The inmate codes can be looked up online, as they are common prisoner shorthand. Codes relating to numbers can be found in Edgar's prison reform manuscript.
Police Reports
- These reports detail the first three known murders of the Melancholy Killer. Study the dates and locations of these murders. These can help map out the path of the Melancholy Killer. These can also paint a picture of the methods and quirks of the killer.
Yazzie's Profile
- This document includes an interview between Tre Yazzie and Dr. Kaiser. It also gives background information on Yazzie, such as his birthday, residences before prison, and role in the facility now. Pay close attention to the dates and locations mentioned in this document.
Free Edgar Now Website
Edgar's Hidden Poetry
- Tim believes these poems are drafts of Edgar's work for the blog. Instead, they are messages, confessions, and love poems for Corvus Splendor.
Photo of Victim
- The caption on this photograph mentions the city of Seattle. One of the Melancholy Killer's victims was killed in Seattle. This is a photograph of Terry-Ann Flanagan, the first known Melancholy Killer victim.
- This is a secret page on the fan blog where Edgar can have Tim post hidden messages to Corvus Splendor. Tim believes these poems are simply drafts of Edgar's work that are not yet ready for publication. The posts from Edgar are poems, but the replies, which come much later, include a photograph and screenshots. These replies were posted after Tim had given up the Free Edgar Now Fan Club and blog, making it reasonable to assume he's never seen them.
- Sheila is the Melancholy Killer.
- Sheila killed all the victims while Edgar encouraged her and used her as his inspiration.
- Karina was killed in the same style as The Melancholy Killer's victims.
- There is also a photograph of a dead woman in Seattle. Sheila took this photograph as a trophy in the late 1990s and posted it to the blog.
- Deciphering Edgar's poem on the blog leads to a secret page on the blog. In the poem from Dec. 23, 2017, the first letter of each word, when used with the punctuation, spells out the phrase "freeedgarnow.com/Vulpes".
- Edgar's poems are inspired by The Melancholy Killer murders and travel. Edgar, who refers to himself as the fox, repeatedly professes his innocence in these poems. However, he said he stays in jail so the real killer, the crow, can be free.
- Edgar's manipulation of Sheila freed her to kill people.
- Additional evidence of Sheila's handwriting on the furniture tag shows that she was at the scene of the crimes.
- In the newspaper photo of Edgar from April 1998, another woman can be seen. Compare this photograph to the yearbook image of Sheila to see that it is indeed Edgar's former girlfriend from Seattle. Notice that the photograph is from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Sheila was not only still involved with Edgar but was traveling with him at this time.
- Edgar's handwriting is found on the bathroom walls near the victims of the Melancholy Killer murders, connecting him in some capacity to the crimes.
- Edgar manipulated many people in his life and enjoyed it. This is seen in his organizing the prison riot and in his interview with Dr. Kaiser.
- Edgar organized the prison riot via the kites.
- The magazine kite, between Ferg and Edgar, reads: "There's a gang member of high status trying to get in on your business." / "Why are you telling me?" / "About the boss of synthetic marijuana?" / "No! That's my work!" / "Not for long." / "What do you know?" / "A prison gang is coming. Gather the white people. Watch for a gathering of inmates." "J/U/N/E/T/E/N" / Thank you"
- The newspaper kite, between Yazzie and Edgar, reads: "The word at the gang's headquarters is that you have information." / "The Aryan Brotherhood has a group of inmates and contraband ready to go." / "Why?" / "Ferg is in charge of the transportation." / "Bullshit! Is he starting a fight despite the truce?" / "Goddamn fucking right. I need a mobile phone for goods and money." / "Come see me later. When's the fight?" / "J/U/N/E/T/E/N" / "Skip the medicine line and go to the yard. Watch for a gathering of white people." / "Thank you."
- Ferg and Yazzie killed Edgar during the riot.
- Ferguson was from Los Angeles and was born in 1985. The document mentions that his mother died when he was ten, placing her death in 1995. He also says his mother was a waitress. Edgar worked in LA when a waitress was killed in 1995. Edgar mentions writing with a stolen pen. The item that frightened Ferguson is the pen; it was his mother's pen. Ferguson's mother was the waitress killed in the diner where Edgar worked.
- Edgar's ability to manipulate people resulted in the death of Ferguson's mother, which is why Edgar has her pen.
- Comparing the dates in the magazine with the dates in the prison profile shows that Yazzie's mother was murdered while Edgar was in the area.
- Yazzie, a native Canadian, lost his mother in 1991. This aligns with the time Edgar spent at the fish cannery in British Columbia, though there is no proof Edgar had a hand in his mother's death.
- The prison profiles state that Ferg has a history of stabbing people, and Yazzie has a history of strangulation.
- Photos of Edgar's body show that he was strangled and stabbed to death.
- This gives both inmates motives for killing Edgar.
- Edgar's letter reveals he had planned to have the member killed but had never gotten the chance.
- The date on the hidden furniture tag shows that the member's death had been planned during Edgar's former escape from prison.
- Edgar's letter reveals that this is the reason they are receiving the briefcase.
- In the letter, he also mentions that his "true love" will be along to collect the pendant. As Karina is dead, that leaves only one person, who is determined to find Edgar "anywhere".
- The pigpen cipher at the bottom of the letter can be decoded to read "ASTHECROWFLIES". This is the password for the secret blog page.
- Comparing the handwriting on the blog and the fan mail, Sheila is Corvus Splendor. This is particularly evident in the large "S" found in "Sheila" and "Splendor".
- In many of Edgar's poems, he refers to a crow. Corvus Splendor is Latin for crow, meaning that Sheila is the crow. This is further proof she traveled the country with him and committed murder.
- The cipher on Corvus Splendor's letter reveals an escape plan.
- Solving the code in Edgar's prison reform manuscript reveals that he was desperate to escape the prison and needed Sheila's help. The capital letters - those at the start of each sentence - spell out a secret phrase. The phrase reads, "I NEED OUT SHEILA VISIT ME ASAP".
- The information in the newspaper article on Warden Lawson, combined with Edgar's prison reform manuscript and the Et Tu magazine article, explains why the warden dislikes Edgar so immensely. This gives her ample motive to end his life.
- The kites show Edgar pitted Ferg and Yazzie against one another. Because of discrepancies in the incident report, Warden Lawson is lying about her whereabouts on the night of the riot.
- Based on the map, the "Warden's conference room" is not a real room in this facility.
- In solving the subtext and secret code on the interoffice memo, it is revealed that Warden Lawson and Dr. Kaiser are having an affair. The incorrect prisoners' numbers are references to a time and date where the two can continue their affair. This overlaps with the riot, explaining their disappearance.
- Because they were having an affair at the time of the riot, neither the doctor nor Warden Lawson could have killed Edgar.
- According to the letter from the warden, the warden at the time of shipment is not Tracey Lawson, the warden at the time of the riot. It is to be assumed that Tracey Lawson was replaced by Michael Salerno.