Coded Message 1
- This message has sentences that start with the names of elements. Pay attention to the elements mentioned in each line. It may be helpful to determine their atomic numbers and to consider who could be writing the messages.
- Hydrogen's atomic number is 1. Decipher the messages in this line by shifting back one letter. The pattern repeats: shift back by every subsequent element's atomic number for that sentence. Nitrogen = 7, Carbon = 6, Helium = 2, Sodium = 11, Oxygen = 8, Neon = 10, Argon = 18.
Coded Message 2
- This message has long strings of numbers. Pay attention to any oddly capitalized letters.
- Consider who the author of the message could be.
- In the first sentence, "ASking the Correct InItial questIons" capitalizes the letters ASCII". ASCII assigns a three-digit numerical value to all letters. Each group of numbers in the message can be broken into three. Those three-digit numbers can be cross-checked with an ASCII directory to reveal which letters they refer to. Note that capital letters have different numerical values for lowercase letters. For example, the ASCII value of "A" is "065", but the ASCII value for "a" is "097".
Coded Message 3
- This message is from Alosha. The beginning of this message contains a keyword that may appear odd. Look up the definitions to any words you don't know, or that seem to stand out.
- Please note: Former prints of this document contained an error confusing the meaning of widdershins. Widdershins means "counterclockwise" and is considered unlucky. Therefore, decoding the words requires moving clockwise. Shift each letter forward in the alphabet by one. "Обговорити" means "to discuss" in Ukrainian.
Contact Letter
- This letter from the Contact discloses recent events. In the letter, the Contact makes it clear that they trust in your abilities to dig up information. They need your help again.
- Look for instructions from the Contact and follow any next steps.
Field Notes
- Look for familiar symbols that correspond with other items in the episode.
Incident Report
- This document describes a series of events and the parties involved. Notice the similarities between this and an online component of this episode.
Item Recovery List
- Consider where else you have seen certain items mentioned on this list.
Model Pieces
- Try connecting the pieces together like a puzzle, and pay special attention to the markings on the pieces.
- Notice the letters on the model pieces and their order. Consider where else this information can be used.
Password Card
- Pay attention to the handbook rule number on the card. Also look for a hint about the type of cipher.
System Control Records
- Look for irregularities surrounding who accessed a PATRICIA terminal and when.
Virus Report
- Compare the red puzzle piece of the 3D-printed puzzle to the information about the virus.
Coded Message 1
Anto and Simone are talking:
- Anto: Could you come by the Botany Lab sometime tonight? I just ran some numbers and I want to know your thoughts.
- Simone: Is this about the issue we've been discussing?
- Anto: It is. It looks like it's even worse than we thought.
- Simone: Alright. I'll head over once I finish updating my report on the virus. Have you thought about what you're going to do if we're right?
- Anto: Immune or not, I wouldn't last a day out there. There are plenty of residents who wouldn't either, and those people will need me here. But I won't ask you to stick around on my account.
- Simone: And I won't ask you to break security protocol on mine. But I need to know more before I can make a decision. About the virus, the food supply, and about Persephone.
- Anto: I understand. All that matters is that you're here now. I don't know how I'd be doing any of this without you, Simone.
- Simone: I'm sure the root vegetables would manage just fine without me dropping in to be morbid all the time.
- Anto: That's not what I meant.
- Simone: I know. See you soon.
Coded Message 2
Mathias is getting orders from an anonymous person:
- Mathias: ASking the Correct InItial questIons. You were right. The population has become far more open to the Lock-in in light of recent events.
- Anonymous: They just needed a small reminder of how dangerous it is on the surface. Keep pushing for the vote to take place and we'll all be safe very soon.
- Mathias: Good. What happened to Persephone can't be allowed to happen to anyone else. I have to ask, though. Why haven't you placed your official support behind me, even after all this time? Your endorsement could mean a world of difference to public opinion.
- Anonymous: The Council must prioritize public well-being over public opinion.
- Mathias: I understand that, but I still think we should present a united front.
- Anonymous: Not yet. This needs to be handled with finesse. I'll make my stance known in due time. If we want Cyril and the others to vote with us, they need to feel they're making their own choices. We can't railroad them.
- Mathias: Understood.
Coded Message 3
Alosha writes to Laila:
- I have also seen something strange on system. I have my secrets for a reason and I know someone has been going through my things. This information I keep safe, so no one will ever delete. No one will ever erase from history. I will protect it with my life. There was only one person years ago who managed to get this far through my security. I never caught him. Statistically, he should be dead. But you never know. Do not trust statistics. I once thought it was you. That maybe it was inside job. You and rest of Council rejected my concerns. Is our friendship for nothing? Tell me I am wrong.
- Then let's discuss.
- Burn after reading.
Contact Letter
- The Contact instructs you to go onto the NACS website and find Alosha's data cache. In the Personnel Files tab, find the hidden link to uncover secret information. Explore hidden information to find out more about Persephone's death.
- The hidden link is the word "Bohdan". It can be found in the Council Profiles in the Personnel Files tab.
- Plug the USB into your computer, and type "Ryloth" into PATRICIA. You will get a prompt for the zip file root password on the USB. Type in "Pear" and the files will upload automatically on the secure line with your Contact. You have then completed your mission.
Field Notes
- The helix pattern sketched in Persephone's field notes matches the pattern of her necklace. Next to this sketch is the word "pear". "Pear" is the password to unlock the USB.
Incident Report
- This document intertwines closely with the log Alosha keeps in his data cache. It reveals that Agent Oswald knew how to find the base because of his work tracking the cyber attacker.
Item Recovery List
- This list proves that Persephone had taken hazmat suit #7 with her when she left the NACS facility, and that she had a handbook with her when she died. Because pages of her handbook were shared with you, someone must have had access to her recovered items.
Model Pieces
- The white pieces fit together in a DNA helix. The red piece represents the virus and fits into the helix in a very specific place, representing the part of human DNA the virus attacks.
- The letters on the genes in order from top to bottom can be used to unlock Alosha's data cache on the website. The password is "ATG".
Password Card
- This is a "shift" cipher. The rule mentioned is number 4. Shift the letters of the password by four in the alphabet.
- "qsxlivfsevh" becomes "motherboard", which is the new password to the website, www.nacsfacility.net.
System Control Records
- Alosha is recorded accessing two terminals in two different places in the facility at the same time. This suggests someone is using Alosha's user information.
Virus Report
- The red puzzle piece is PATRICIA's interpretation of the virus. It fits perfectly with human DNA and replaces an important gene in charge of certain protein production. The report also reveals that people with a high CG gene count are immune.