Contact Letter
- This letter introduces you to your anonymous contact within the facility. The Contact informs you of recent events, including the death of a resident and an impending vote and political struggle. The Contact cannot trust anyone but hopes they can trust you to find out the true story behind the resident's death. Pay attention to any details about resident A002 (aka "Alosha") and where he might store information on the NACS Intranet.
- Do what the Contact asks you to do.
After finding Alosha's data cache by clicking on "Svitlana", find the files hidden on the data cache and gather your intel. The correct files are the ones which you can access once you're through the backdoor.
- Compare the emitter chip item with the schematics on www.nacsfacility.net after unlocking the backdoor on the website. Go to Case File under Investigation on the Menu and click on ULFSchematics.PDF. Look for important, labeled components, as well as any descriptive information.
Hazmat Log
- Pay attention to the days and ID numbers for the expeditions, as well as which hazmat suits are currently active and inactive.
NACS Patch
- Alosha's patch is his personal item from before the attack when he worked at the facility. Pay close attention to the designs and symbols on his NACS patch. Look for other places where they may occur in the episode.
Password Card
- Pay attention to the handbook rule number on the card. Also look for a word that describes the type of cipher it is.
TSS File
- Pay attention to the red and blue lines and their patterns.
Contact Letter
- The Contact wants you to go onto the NACS facility website (www.nacsfacility.net), and find the backdoor link in the Directory. Alosha has embedded the backdoor link in his child's name because he is the "sentimental type". Click on "Svitlana".
When you feel like you know all there is to know, type "Dathomir" into PATRICIA, and then type the names of the files separated by a comma. (For example, perimetercam.jpg, ULFSchematics.pdf, TSSFile.txt). You have then completed your mission.
- The schematics show that the long number on the chip is a serial number: K14R15A162112195. This serial number shows up on other parts of the ULF emitter device and that the emitter chip must match the remote device that turns it on and off. It also shows that the emitter's frequency is set to 6 hertz.
Hazmat Log
- The days and ID numbers in the log show who took expeditions and for how long, and also how Jordan Kim uses hazmat suits and teams in rotation. The log shows that Persephone took hazmat suit #7 outside with her, and Jordan Kim was the one who left to retrieve what she could from Persephone's body.
ID Card
- This card gives your username "C117" which should be used to help access the NACS facility website.
NACS Patch
Use the stars to open the secret back door on the website. Click on the correct stars on the website that correspond with the stars on the patch from left to right:
- small - big - small - small - big - big - small - big
Password Card
- This is a "shift" cipher. The rule mentioned is number 14. Shift the letters of the password backward by 14 places in the alphabet.
- "Jwfozusbcas" becomes "viralgenome", which is the password to the website, www.nacsfacility.net.
PATRICIA's Quick Start Guide
- This guide shows you where to find PATRICIA and how to talk to her. She can be found at www.nacsfacility.net.
PATRICIA's Surveillance Photo
- This surveillance photo, perimetercan.jpg, shows the dead body of Persephone Grace just outside the NACS facility perimeter gate. Her injuries show that she died violently. The wounds do not corroborate the Council's claims that she was killed by the virus.
TSS File
- This page suggests that PATRICIA has been listening to and collecting alien "chatter". The blue lines between 85 and 185 Hertz represents what the human ear can hear. Compare this to the red line, which shows activity at 6 Hertz. This is the frequency in which the aliens communicate, a frequency the human ear cannot hear.