Previously on Murder on Ice...
After you helped her break into Nathan's locked office and search his computer for clues, Sofia found an email draft, written by Nathan, that revealed Nathan's knowledge of a plot to cheat in the upcoming tournament.
Sofia made good on her promise to share information with Kingston and forwarded the email draft to him. Kingston, under the impression that Nathan himself was the cheater, published a story denouncing Nathan as corrupt.
Sofia doesn't know what to think. Blindsided by this revelation and unsure what to believe about her mentor's integrity, she needs you to help her push onward with the investigaiton.
The next step? You and Sofia found out that Nathan was staying at a second address in town, not his own home. If you find this address, Sofia can search the location in the hopes of unearthing further clues.
House Address
- Try to comb through the contents of the episode for contextual clues as to the address Nathan has been occupying. You can cross-reference these details with the town map in order to decide the correct address.
- The house number of the address is stated explicitly in the dogsitter directions and the quick start guide. Nathan's relationship to the home's owner is also detailed in this first document.
- In the dogsitter directions, Nathan mentions walking his dog out at a "tourist spot across town" and says that he recently picked up a souvenir. He also implies that this location is east of Bristlecone.
- The keychain reveals that the tourist spot referenced in the dogsitter directions is the Red Maple Majestic Overlook. You can use this information to figure out the location of the house.
- The coaster reveals that the coffee shop referenced in the direct message screenshots is the Goose Neck Coffee Cafe. You can use this information to figure out the location of the house.
Logging On
- Check Sofia's letter for the specific task Sofia assigns you. She asks you to uncover the address of Nathan's second home. Head to and log in using the password EULER. When you're ready to tell Sofia what you've found, you can communicate with her through the site's messenger.
Security Code
The letters on the sticky note spell out the abbreviated moves used in Harrison and Lillian's skating program. The full names of these moves, alongside their abbreviations, are listed in Episode 1's notebook. These abbreviations refer to the following moves in order:
- Choreographic Sequence
- Sit Spin
- Triple Twist Lift
- Double Salchow
- Double Salchow
- Group 2 Lift
- Pairs Spin
- Triple Flip Throw
- The posts that Lillian and Harrison have made describe their experience with practicing the routine on the sticky note. Try to piece together the scores that they are consistently receiving from Nathan for these separate moves in practice.
There is a note on the quick start guide about a default code that the security system has been pre-programmed with. You must apply relevant numbers from elsewhere in the episode to this base code.
House Address
- Nathan's mother's house number is given in the dogsitter directions and the quick start guide. The house number is 26.
- The context given about the house in the dogsitter directions is that it is across town from a tourist spot that Nathan recently bought a keychain from. The keychain is from the Red Maple Majestic Overlook, which is on the east side of town. This indicates that the house is located on the west half of town, or, in other words, the left side of the town map, to the left of Bristlecone.
- The context given about the house in the direct message screenshots is that it is on the same side of town as Nathan's favorite coffee place. The coffee place named on the coaster Nathan owned is located on the north side of town. In the context of the previous hint, this means that Nathan's mother's house could only be on one of two potential streets: Mountain or Bunyan.
- In Marcus's invitation, Marcus mentions that Carol lives at 25 Mountain and that Nathan has never lived on that street. This eliminates Mountain as a potential street for Nathan's home address.
- After all other options are eliminated, it can be deduced that the address of Nathan's mother's house is 26 Bunyan Drive. Send this address to Sofia through the messenger at in order to advance the story and receive the next objective.
Security Code
- In both the dogsitter directions and direct message screenshots, Nathan mentions that Harrison and Lillian have been getting very consistent scores on their routine in practice, to the point where Nathan and Anne both know the numbers by heart. This indicates that he is using those scores as an element of the security code.
- Harrison's deleted post and Lillian's deleted post each give the scores they've been consistently receiving on four of the program's eight moves on a scale of -5 to +5. Putting all of this information together, it is possible to realize that their program has been receiving the score +1 -1 0 +4 +3 +3 +5 +5.
- The quick start guide mentions that the security system, when reset, will default to a code of 87654321.
- Applying the scores of the moves in Harrison and Lillian's program to the default code will create the number 96697676. The security code to Nathan's mother's house is 96697676. Send this code to Sofia through the messenger at in order to complete the episode.
Dogsitter Directions
Back of Flyer → Nathan's Handwriting
Hey Anne,
Thanks again for agreeing to stop by my mom's old place at #26 to help out with Lutz. I wish I could have introduced you to her properly, but I suppose we'll have to make do with a tour of the house she spent a few decades living in instead.
But anyway, Lutz: There are a few basic things he needs: food, walks, and play. Cuddling and kissing him is fine too! He gets one scoop of food three times a day and can have as many treats as you see fit. He needs to be walked at least three times a day. We usually go out to that big tourist spot across town (picked up a keychain last time we went), but if you don't feel like going east of Bristlecone, the park should be just fine.
He likes when you throw the ball around with him in the backyard too.
Don't want to just write out the code for the house, but so that you can actually get in: remember the conversation we had the other day about the program? L̵a̵s̵t̵ ̵w̵e̵e̵k̵,̵ ̵I̵ ̵a̵c̵t̵u̵a̵l̵l̵y̵ ̵h̵a̵d̵ ̵t̵o̵ ̵r̵e̵s̵e̵t̵ ̵t̵h̵e̵ ̵c̵o̵d̵e̵,̵ ̵a̵n̵d̵ ̵I̵ ̵d̵i̵d̵ ̵i̵t̵ ̵b̵y̵ ̵a̵p̵p̵l̵y̵i̵n̵g̵ ̵t̵h̵e̵ ̵s̵c̵o̵r̵e̵s̵ ̵w̵e̵ ̵d̵i̵s̵c̵u̵s̵s̵e̵d̵ ̵t̵o̵ ̵a̵ ̵d̵e̵f̵a̵u̵l̵t̵.̵ Actually, you know what? This is too hard to talk around. Just call me when you're at the door, and I can tell you.
You're welcome to anything in the fridge.
Thanks again babe,
P.S. Would you also mind closing the curtains when you get there? Since the house faces south, the afternoon sunlight can be too much for the low light plants.
Finale Audio Recording
Sofia: Okay. I take back what I just said about being a good detective, because I have no idea what the hell we just saw. We've got to spread this around. I owe it to Nathan to clear his name, since I'm the one who sent that email to Kingston before I had the full context. And as much as I hate to say it, there's only one person who can spread this around as wide as Kingston can, and that's Kingston.
[The sound of a text being sent and then a phone ringing three times, before Kingston answers.]
Kingston: Hey there, Sofie. I've been meaning to give you a call.
Sofia: Sure you were.
Kingston: No, seriously. I was -
Sofia: - I don't want to hear it. Watch the video I just sent you. Nathan wasn't involved in the cheating. Marcus was.
Kingston: Oh. Oh! Ohh.
Sofia: Yeah. You've got some retracting to do. And an article to publish on Marcus Lourdes.
Kingston: Excuse me, but have you lost your mind? The Lourdes family has access to a private airplane stuffed with the finest lawyers money can buy. Lawyers who already threatened to sue me within an inch of my life for implying he might be associated with this.
Sofia: You have to make this right!
Kingston: I know. I do. I won't apologize for publishing what I thought was the truth, but I went off half-cocked because - I should have followed up on what you sent. And I'm sorry, I really, really am. I'll retract what I said about Nathan. But I won't go after Marcus. Not just yet.
Sofia: If you don't, I'll just post the video myself.
Kingston: It'll just get taken down, and then you'll be sued within an inch of your life. Plus, if you make this public right now you'll lose out on a major advantage.
Sofia: Advantage?
Kingston: Let Lourdes know you're onto him, he'll go on the defense. Start covering his tracks. Maybe go after you. If we take the time to collect more info, we can get to the bottom of this before he thinks to look over his shoulder.
Sofia: Okay. That's... not a terrible argument. I hate the thought of Marcus just walking around, thinking he's getting away with something. But you're right that it might be the smartest move. For now.
Kingston: Speaking of, mind if I ask what your next move it?
Sofia: Yeah, I do. Bye Kingston.
[Sofia hangs up.]
Sofia: Okay. So, next steps? I think we need to find out who the hell Marcus was working with. I'm going to head back to the rink to start digging. Talk soon.
Harrison's Deleted Post
[Harrison is recording this video on his phone. He stands in front of an ice rink.]
Harrison: A'ight, my Harrisons-and-Daughters, today your favorite skating angel is feeling like a little teapot - or however that song goes - because I must spill some tea and blow off some steam. I see a lot of people in the chat right now and a bunch of people asking questions. Let's get at it!
[He pauses to read the chat.]
Harrison: "What are you up to today in practice?" Great question! We are working on some moves for our program. A double Salchow and a Lift, specifically. We are a point away from a perfect +5 on the first Salchow and we are two away on the second. Also, we are two points away on the second lift. Which is unfortunately better than the first first life of our program. But we'll have it all pulled together by this time next week.
[He looks for more questions.]
Harrison: "How's the transition from solos to pairs going?" Well, you know ya boy likes to keep people on their toes. So, my team and I figured the best way to do that would be by getting me a partner. And we get along great. Oh, hey Lil, I see you're in the chat right there! Everyone be sure to give her a follow.
[He reads aloud from the chat.]
Harrison: "Is it true that I saw your mom and coach together at the fondue place in Three Pines the other day? Are they get-" Whoa, guys! Why would you even - Listen, my coach has been like family to me ever since I was a kid, but in a platonic way. Anything else would just be gross and disrespectful, and if anything like that were to happen I'd uh -
[Harrison stops himself from finishing the sentence and switches back into PR mode.]
Harrison: You know what, guys? I just realized I'm running late for practice. Time flies when I'm hanging out with you guys. Thanks for dropping in!
Hidden Camera Footage
[Marcus steps into frame, with only his head and torso visible. He speaks to someone out of frame.]
Marcus: Thank you for hearing me out, alright.
[The rink lights turn blue as Marcus continues.]
Marcus: Now I'm gonna make this real quick so listen up, alright? You don't need to answer right now, but what you do need to do is listen. Okay? I know this is difficult to think about. These are high risk, high reward things -
[The rink lights change to green as Marcus continues.]
Marcus: - that we're talking about here. But we both know what's at stake here, the big picture here. The dream. Your dream. Alright?
[The rink lights change to yellow as Marcus continues.]
Marcus: Now, will there be some collateral damage along the way? Sure. But it'll be nice to see Nathan taken down a peg or two.
[The rink lights change to red as Marcus continues.]
Marcus: Alright? After all the things he's done to you. To me. Honestly, if I'm being honest with you, we both have something at stake here and this is an elegant solution to our problems. Besides, Nathan's not going to be hurt in any sort of way -
[Before he can finish, the battery charge dies and the video abruptly ends.]
Lillian's Deleted Post
Lillian: Sorry, I just have to get this out or I'm going to explode: I've been trying so, so, so hard in practice, but for some reason it's not happening like how I see it in my head. The choreo sequence and sit spin we open on right now suck. Like, opening on moves that get a plus one and then a minus one? So embarrassing. And then what do we keep getting on the move right after? An ACTUAL zero. We're ending the program with two perfectly scored moves right now, but clearly that's not enough to win. Ugh! Why have I been pushing myself so hard on this anyway? It's not even what I want. I want to make history. I was born for it. To make the quad axel! But no, I get lied to and placated and let down by my so-called coach, who's supposed to be looking out for me. I feel like I'm going crazy, I'm so mad at him. (pauses) You know what? I'm not going to let him keep dismissing what I actually want. I thought I was done letting people push me around when I finally switched coaches, but I've just fallen into the same old habits. Coach Lourdes, he told me this would happen. I didn't believe him then, but he warned me that Nathan was only going to drag me down. I still don't agree with him on everything, but I think he might have been right about that. (pauses) You know what? I'm going to stand up for myself today. As soon as practice is over, I'm going to find Nathan and lay down the law. I'm going to make him see things like I do if it kills me.
Marcus's Invitation
Front → Marcus's Handwriting
It's occurred to me lately that the two of us have somehow never socialized outside of the rink throughout all our many years of working together. I suppose it makes sense; we see enough of each other at the rink. Still, I feel the need to get to know my coworkers and the town of Three Pines better.
And who better to show me around? You've lived in the same house here since you were a child after all; only Nathan comes close to your longevity in this town, right? I know he never lived on your exact street, but he was very close by, wasn't he?
Regardless, considering recent business developments, I think it would make sense to form a deeper friendship and discuss our ideas and aspirations for the future.
Care to do so over chilled Sancerre? The cozy little bistro just reopened. Their wine list is better curated than you'd expect from the name.
Back → Marcus's Handwriting
Just so we're on the same page, you're at 25 Mountain, right? To get to the restaurant, you make a right onto Bristlecone, and then turn left at the third intersection you hit. It's two blocks from that.
Sticky Note
Nathan's Handwriting
- H+L Program
- ChSq
- SSp
- 3Tw
- 2S
- 2S
- 2Li
- PSp
- 3FTh
To Find the Address
- Nathan's mother's house number is given in the dogsitter directions and the quick start guide. The house number is 26.
- The context given about the house in the dogsitter directions is that it is across town from a tourist spot that Nathan recently bought a keychain from. The keychain is from the Red Maple Majestic Overlook, which is on the east side of town.
- This indicates that the house is located on the west half of town, or, in other words, the left side of the town map, to the left of Bristlecone.
- The context given about the house in the direct message screenshots is that it is on the same side of town as Nathan's favorite coffee place. The coffee place named on the coaster Nathan owned is located on the north side of town.
- This means that Nathan's mother's house could only be on one of two potential streets: Mountain or Bunyan.
- In Marcus's invitation, Marcus mentions that Carol lives at 25 Mountain and that Nathan has never lived on that street. This eliminates Mountain as a potential street for Nathan's home address.
- After all other options are eliminated, it can be deduced that the address of Nathan's mother's house is 26 Bunyan Drive. Open the messenger on and send this address to Sofia in order to advance the story and receive the next objective.
To Find the Security Code
- The letters on the sticky note spell out the abbreviated moves used in Harrison and Lillian's skating program. The full names of these moves, alongside their abbreviations, are listed in Episode 1's notebook.
These abbreviations refer to the following moves in order:
- Choreographic Sequence
- Sit Spin
- Triple Twist Lift
- Double Salchow
- Double Salchow
- Group 2 Lift
- Pairs Spin
- Triple Flip Throw
- Harrison's deleted post and Lillian's deleted post each give the scores they've been consistently receiving on four of the program's eight moves on a scale of -5 to +5.
- Putting all of this information together, it is possible to realize that their program has been receiving the score +1 -1 0 +4 +3 +3 +5 +5.
- In both the dogsitter directions and direct message screenshots, Nathan mentions that Harrison and Lillian have been getting very consistent scores on their routine in practice, to the point where Nathan and Anne both know the numbers by heart. He also indicates that he is using those scores as an element of the security code.
- The quick start guide mentions that the security system, when reset, will default to a code of 87654321.
- Applying the program scores to each digit of that default code yields the code 96697676.
- To complete the episode, open the messenger and send Sofia a message with the eight-digit code.
- Sofia will follow up on the lead you've provided and send you a recording of the process. Until next time, Detective!