Episode 3


Cross-Stitch Pattern

  • The key from the bottom of the letter from Penny will make this cross-stitch pattern clear. When the pattern is filled in, all will be revealed.

Letter from Penny

  • Toward the middle of Penny's letter, look for a distinct phrase. Keep an eye out for something mentioned more than once.
  • Pay close attention to the cross-stitch key at the bottom of this letter.

Note from Patient 7166

  • The strange introduction to this note is a clue to another way it can be read.

Penny's Painting

  • Look closely at the scene Penny created. Some of the markings should stand out from the rest.


Cross-Stitch Pattern

  • When the squares on the cross-stitch are filled in - with markers or the provide thread - it reveals a message.
  • The message reads: "PRIORITY ONE THERAPY NONE".
  • This will be useful in conjunction with other puzzles' solutions.

Letter from Penny

  • The phrase "high five" appears twice in the letter. Starting after the first use of the phrase "high five", count every fifth word in the next paragraph.
  • The phrase that is revealed reads: "Kohler is listening friends hired psych enforcement help me use Vernon's form".
  • Notice that two of the number values in the cross-stitch key differ from the rest. This information can be used in conjunction with other puzzles' solutions from this episode.

Note from Patient 7166

  • The phrase "high five" is a clue to read every fifth word in this note.
  • The message revealed reads: "I hope you are getting someone to put the numbers in the form. That is the only way you are getting out of here."

Penny's Painting

  • The markings on this painting reveal a message in Morse code. Rotate the painting 90 degrees to the right and read the Morse code from left to right.
  • The code reads: "I deserve more".