Episode 1

Currently on Blair Witch: Season 2...

Ed Barrett and James Durant, the hosts of a podcast called SuperNeutral, have traveled to Burkittsville, Maryland to investigate the disappearance of the Kent family, which is said to be the latest in a long line of tragedies connected to the legend of the Blair Witch. For the production, Ed and James have hired new crew members Emma Parker and Ray Keel, but when Emma, Ray, and James don't return from a scouting expedition in the woods, Ed is left alone in town, trying to figure out how to get his crew out of the Black Hills Forest, the very place where the Kent family is said to have vanished.


Carved Teeth

  • The teeth appear to have letters carved into them. What could someone be trying to communicate?
  • The teeth alone might not give you all you need to know. Perhaps they're meant to fit into a larger puzzle.

Hand-Drawn Map Puzzle

  • Pay attention to the way people in Burkittsville talk about the layout of the woods.
  • The map on the diner placemat might seem a little flat to look at. Try thinking three-dimensionally.
  • Burkittsville locals seem to think different locations on the map should actually be closer together.

Kent House Picture

  • There might be more to this picture than you'd expect at a single glance. Maybe you could compare it to something else?

Logging On

  • Check Ed's letter for the specific task Ed assigns you. Ed asks you to provide directions that might lead the SuperNeutral crew out of the woods. Sending him specific instructions on www.superneutralpodcast.com will advance the story and complete this episode. The website's password is CHUPACABRA.

Message Boards

  • Have you encountered codes similar to the encoded passages anywhere else? One of the other message board members might have a clue for how to decode them.

Welcome Card

  • The code used on this card is mentioned somewhere else. Finding that hint could help you to solve it.


Carved Teeth

  • The carved teeth, when rearranged, can spell a few possible words, including "LISTEN" and "SILENT".
  • The carved teeth will take on new meaning when the hand-drawn map puzzle is completed.
  • When the hand-drawn map on the diner placemat is folded correctly, there will be spaces where letters of a phrase are revealed to be missing. The carved teeth will fit perfectly into these spaces.
  • To complete the phrase, you will need to insert the teeth into the spaces in this order: S, I, L, E, N, T to complete the phrase "LISTEN AT THE WILTING TENTS", which is the set of directions you can share with Ed! To complete the episode, go to www.superneutralpodcast.com, open the chat box, and type "Listen at the wilting tents" in a message to Ed.

Hand-Drawn Map Puzzle

  • The map can be folded according to the directions given by Burkittsville townsfolk in their interviews with Ed. Folding the map correctly will reveal new information.
  • Anthony Rapinoe of the History Museum and a woman named Harriett Gillard gave Ed specific instructions for how to fold this map.
  • In order to correctly fold the map on the diner placemat, there are three instructions to follow:

    • Fold the left side of the paper, where the mountains are, so that the mountains are resting on top of the graveyard.
    • Fold the bottom-right corner, where the town of Burkittsville sits, up to the wilting tents.
    • Fold the top of the paper down, with the fold extending all the way from the owl on the top-left to the house on the top-right.
  • Following the correct folds above will reveal a string of letters with suspicious voids where letters are missing. Place the teeth into these voids to complete the phrase.
  • Inserting the teeth into the correct positions on the properly folded map will yield the phrase: "LISTEN AT THE WILTING TENTS." This is the set of directions you can share with Ed!

Kent House Picture

  • This photograph appears twice in this episode: once in the physical package, and again on the SuperNeutral website. There are a few differences to spot.
  • The two versions of this photograph show that the woods are creeping closer to the house and a shape appears in one of the windows. Perhaps the Kent house itself is in the process of being corrupted by the Blair Witch!

Message Boards

  • The first encoded passage is written in atbash. When decoded, it reads "Knitting Betty".
  • The second encoded passage is a Caesar cipher with a shift of four. When decoded, it reads: "Your time is near."

Welcome Card

  • The pigpen code used in the card is also mentioned in the SuperNeutral notebook. When decoded, it reads: "The woods are folding in on themselves."


Before Burkittsville Audio Recording

[The recording clicks to life inside a van occupied by Ed Barret, James Durant, Emma Parker, and Ray Keel. The SuperNeutral crew is nearly at their destination: Burkittsville, Maryland.]


Ed: Okay, this is Ed, and we're officially recording. Behind-the-scenes test one, I guess.

James: If this is going to be behind the scenes, let's see how the new crew can run the show. Either of you want to take this? Emma? Ray?

Emma: Go for it, Ray!


[Ray doesn't pounce at the opportunity.]


Ray: Uh, what do I... I - I think you could do a better job.


[Emma grabs the phone from Ed, takes a breath, and then launches in. She sounds different. She's speaking from the diaphragm. Emma sounds like she's hosting a show now, and she's reflexively projecting to sound professional.]


Emma: Hello, SuperNeutral listeners! This is Emma Parker in the van to Burkittsville, Maryland, the home of the Blair Witch! (cueing) Behind the wheel is James Durant. Sitting shotgun, we have Ed Barrett. And behind Ed, right beside me, is my fellow SuperNeutral noobie, Ray Keel. We've been in the van for just a couple hours, but I think we're probably all eager to get out and stretch our legs.

Ed: Yeah! Everyone, Emma and Ray are our first hires since Castwire, our new producing partner, hooked us up with a budget for this little Blair Witch experience!

James: The SuperNeutral universe is expanding! Ed, maybe we-

Ed (extremely eager, interrupting): Oh my god, look, we're almost there! There's the spire of the old church! Blair Witch, here we come!

Ray: Alleged witch.

James: Alleged witch. Yes. (to Ed) I knew we hired the right kids for the job.

Emma: Honestly, "alleged" might even be more dangerous. Historically, demonic influence has been a convenient excuse to get out of anything. Even murder.

James (proud): Damn, see Ed? Believers are more dangerous than any monster. Give her a prize.

Ed: Actually, I can! Let's see, uh…


[Ed briefly rummages through his backpack.]


Ed: I've got a... SuperNeutral… magnet! Uh, here, it's all yours. Ray, I owe you...something.


[Ed tosses the magnet to the backseat, where Emma catches it.]


Emma: Ed, this is awesome! Thanks, boss.


[Ed zips the backpack back up.]


James (sarcastically): Don't spend it all in one place.

Emma: So, why don't we take a poll? Um, I'll start with you, James, is the Blair Witch real?

James (dry): Mmm, boy oh boy, I sure hope she doesn't get us. Ooh! No... no, of course, she's not real.

Emma: Ray?

Ray (after a moment of contemplation): Uh… I'm - I'm not sold. Like, people get riled up about urban legends and stuff. Like, real or not, more people just think they're fun.

James: You don't have to ask Ed his opinion.


[There's a scattered chuckle from everyone.]


James: Oh, check it out. We're here. There's a moment of anticipated silence.

Emma: Listeners, the town of Burkittsville is... so much smaller than I expected. Main Street is really just a few blocks long. Barely anyone out. It's like driving back in time.

Ed: James, James, James!


[A sound of smacking as Ed hits James repeatedly in the shoulder.]


James: God, Ed, what?!

Ray: The Kent House.

Ed: Pull up, pull up. I need to get a picture of this.


[The recording clicks off.]

Diner Placemat

Ed's Handwriting

  • always listening
  • always watching
  • "̵M̵o̵v̵e̵ ̵t̵h̵e̵ ̵l̵u̵m̵b̵e̵r̵ ̵m̵i̵l̵l̵ ̵s̵o̵u̵t̵h̵ ̵a̵n̵d̵ ̵e̵a̵s̵t̵"̵ DONE
  • "̶T̶h̶e̶ ̶r̶u̶i̶n̶s̶ ̶a̶r̶e̶ ̶n̶o̶r̶t̶h̶e̶a̶s̶t̶"̶ DONE
  • "̶T̶a̶l̶l̶e̶s̶t̶ ̶m̶o̶u̶n̶t̶a̶i̶n̶ ̶j̶u̶s̶t̶ ̶w̶e̶s̶t̶"̶ DONE

Ed's Victory Audio Recording

[Fumbling with the microphone, Ed paces around the room.]


Ed: Hey! I'm gonna try to call James and tell him what to do, okay? I figured I should record it so you can hear.


[Ed places the microphone on the motel desk and sits down. He begins tapping on his phone to make the call. Faintly, we can hear the sound of the call being placed, ringing. James answers. The trickling of a creek can be heard in the distance. The call quality is poor, lightly glitching.]


James (relieved): Ed? Hey, I think we found a way out.

Emma (distant): Is that Ed?

Ed: A way out?

James (exhausted): Yeah, we finally found the creek. If we follow this we should end up at town. If this is the same place I think it is.

Ed: No, no, it's definitely not. James, don't follow the creek, it's just gonna screw you up even more.

James: Ed. We're fine. We had an uncomfortable night in the woods, but I've got us on track now.

Ed: No, dude, you are decidedly not on track. How many times have you passed the - the same trees, or the same rocks?


[There's a long silence.]


Ed: I need you to try something.

James: Are you about to say something ridiculous, Ed?

Ed: Just... "Listen at the Wilting Tents."


[There's a long pause through the phone as James processes this "advice."]


James (tired, disappointed, whispering): Call me back when you have actual advice, Ed.

Emma (distant, receding): Did he say "wilting tents"? Wilting tents... Do you think that's that old campground? We just passed it. I - I can still see it through the trees.

Ray (distant): We should definitely film something there. Uh, later.

James: Ed, let's talk about it when we get back.

Ed: Hey, dude, obviously nothing you're doing is working, right?

James: Listen... uh. I don't want to fight, okay? I'm hungry, I'm tired, I'm just trying to get back -

Ed: I know it. I know it. It's okay.

James: Just... come on, man, drop the supernatural stuff, okay? This isn't the show. Figure something out. (lower) We need help.

Ed: I know you do. I'm trying to figure out a way to... Like, people don't just get out of there, James. We have to try something different.

James: Look, we're just going to follow this creek, okay, guys? It has to go some - Wait, where are you going?

Emma: To the tents. They're just right here.


[The sound of footsteps, crunching leaves, and twigs as the three of them walk.]


James: Okay, Ed. We're here. We're listening. And there's…


[There is a long silence, eerily devoid of woodsy sounds; no birds, insects, wind.]


James: ...a whole lot of nothing.

Ray: No, there's not.

James: What do you mean? What are you talking about -

Ray: Look, man, right there!

James: Oh my god, is that a radio tower?!


[The line crackles, glitches, and goes dead.]


Ed: Did you say radio tower? James? James?! (to the player) I lost him…


[Ed takes a deep breath, processing all that just happened.]


Ed: But I think it worked. I'm going to keep trying to reconnect with them… Thank you. I'll reach out with some more evidence soon so we can continue our investigation. It's not over until they're all the way out. But good job…


[Ed sits quietly, thinking hard.]


Ed (overjoyed, but still exhausted): Okay... I don't know what to say, but... Stay spooky?


[Ed sighs, embarrassed but happy, and ends the recording.]

Ed's Voicemail Audio Recording

Ed: Hello, you've reached Ed and James from SuperNeutral. We're probably out hunting ghosts right now, so leave your name and why you think you deserve a spot on our crew after the beep.

Help Wanted Flyer

Emma: Do. This. With. Me!

Ray: this why you're the one late to class for once? exam on sonnets next week. help?

Emma: Of course. Gonna do this with me?

Ray: this that show you always listen to? it any good?

Emma: I like it, so, yeah, it's good. Promise.

Ray: sounds like fun

Emma: It counts for credit too, so it's a great chance for you to catch up

Ray: your right

Emma: I'll make a playlist of my fav. episodes for you. It'd be awkward if you joined the team w/o even listening to them.

Ray: I'm sure I'll love it

Emma: I have a feeling you'll like James. He's the "realistic" one.

Ray: lemme guess, you're more Ed?

Emma: What can I say? He speaks to my desire for more mystery in the world.

  • Swing by later and we can call them together :)

Ray: OK.


[Light glitching as Ed fumbles with the recorder outside the Burkittsville Motel.]


James: Alright, let's go.

Ed (glitching): Hold on a second.

James: What's the matter?

Ed: Nothing. The recorder's just... it's been weird all day. (glitching) Alright. Let's get started.

James: Emma and Ray are getting their rooms. I'm gonna check in, then I want to go get a couple of quick shots before the sun goes down.

Ed: Oh, you finally wise up and decide not to go in at night?

James (walking off): Woods don't need a witch to be dangerous at night!


[Ed is left alone. He wanders closer to the street, excited to finally be in Burkittsville.]


Ed: Alright, listeners, I'm standing in front of the Burkittsville Motel. My mind is exploding. Let's see if I can get anyone to talk to me.


[Ed spots two women walking down the street.]


Woman 1: They say they're going to get rid of that old house.

Woman 2: That means the owls will disappear too.

Ed: Excuse me, can I bother you for a minute?

Woman 1: Huh?

Ed: My name is Ed Barrett, I'm one of the hosts of a show called SuperNeutral, and we're covering the story of the Blair Witch.

Woman 1 (without breaking stride): No.


[The women walk off, and Ed lets them go.]


Ed: Aaaand they're gone. Well, gotta say, that was like the exact reaction I should have expected. Still, this is one of the coolest things I've ever done.


[The recorder glitches again.]


Harriett (muttering to herself): I need to move the owls.

Ed: Hi, um -

Harriett (continuing to mutter to herself): They're watching me.

Ed: Sorry, ma'am?

Harriett: Wait, who are you?

Ed: My name's Ed. Is there any chance you'd like to talk about the Blair Witch for a minute?

Harriett: You don't want to know anything about the Witch.

Ed: I'm doing a show on her, actually. Again, the name's Ed.


[A moment of silence as Ed holds his hand out for a shake, but Harriett does not respond.]


Ed: Not a hand shaker. Cool.

Harriett: Oh. Harriett Gillard. I can tell from your map you must not be from around here.

Ed: New York, actually.

Harriett: Eh, it won't do you much good, young man.

Ed: Wha... what do you mean? Why?

Harriett: Uh, the people here know Burkittsville better than some random land surveyor. We see these woods every day. You should get your advice from us instead.

Ed: So... wait… This map is wrong?

Harriett: Yes. That house is no longer there. And that mountain in the west... There's supposed to be an old graveyard at the base of the mountain. That's the first thing you should change if you're determined. But I'd stay out of the woods. People like you head in there, and the only things to mark their passing are old, wilted tents.

Ed (excited): Can you say that again, but, like, way spookier?


[The recorder glitches off. When it comes back on, several minutes have passed.]


Ed: Well, I'm almost back at the motel... but I think I have time for one more - Oh! Excuse me, sir, uh, do you live here in Burkittsville?

Anthony: Yeah, I do. Uh, can I help you?

Ed: I hope so. My name is Ed Barrett, I'm with a show called SuperNeutral.

Anthony: Oh. Yeah, I've heard of you.

Ed (proud): Oh really? That's awesome! I -

Anthony: I'm not trying to be rude. I - I think it's a smart idea if you just - just do yourself a favor and go home.

Ed: Wha - what?

Anthony: I know why you're here… I - I want no part in it.


[Anthony begins to walk away.]


Anthony (growing distant): Please. Leave. Before I call the sheriff.

Ed: Hey, wait, no, I -

James(distant, coming closer): Dude! Here's your key. Come grab your bags. I'm taking the kids over to the woods to get some shots and sound before the sun goes down.


[The recorder glitches, and a conversation from earlier repeats:]

James: Alright, let's go.

Ed (glitching): Hold on a second.

James: What's the matter?

Ed: Nothing. The recorder's just... it's been weird all day. Alright. Let's get started.

Picture of Kent House

  • Tried to recreate the Kent's house pic I found online. There's something there!

SuperNeutral Podcast: Introductions Audio Recording

[INTRO MUSIC, fading to the introduction by our hosts Ed Barrett and James Durant.]


Ed: Welcome to SuperNeutral. The pint-sized, paranormal podcast that pits a believer, like her…

Kristen: Hi, I'm Kristen Flanagan.

James: Against a skeptic like him…

Shawn: Hey, I'm Shawn Bauman.

Ed: (chuckles) So by now, everyone knows that James and I are heading to Burkittsville to investigate the Blair Witch!

James: As a matter of fact, there's a good chance we're already there as you're listening to this!

Ed: Which is why we're so excited to introduce you to two of our friends who will be taking over these minisodes while we work on a larger SuperNeutral production centered around the Blair Witch.

Kristen: Hello, everyone! I am so excited to be doing this!

Shawn: Thank you for inviting us to keep the minisodes alive, guys.

James: Absolutely. This is really your show now. Ed and I are just here to pass the torch. At the start of every show, we've always said that SuperNeutral is the podcast that pits a believer against a skeptic. It's not the show that just pits Ed against James.

Ed: James and I have always wanted to grow SuperNeutral, and thanks to a deal with our new network, Castwire, we were able to officially bring you two on. For listeners out there, Kristen and Shawn have actually unofficially been helping SuperNeutral out from the very beginning.

Shawn: Oh, yeah. Lots of, uh, late night research.

Kristen: Yeah, I still remember cross-referencing stories about Mothman to figure out exactly what he is.

Ed: (laughs) Yes! One of the all-time greats. So hey, it's your show, let people out there know who you are and what your background is when it comes to the paranormal!

Shawn: Yeah, uh, go for it, Kristen.

Kristen: Alright, sure thing! So, when I was a kid I had recurring nightmares and night terrors. One of the dreams I remember most vividly was a shadowy figure against the far wall of my bedroom whispering under their breath. It was so... it was just so real. I got out of bed to move closer, to try to figure out what it was saying. And the moment my foot touched the ground, something under my bed would grab my ankles and start pulling me under. I had that dream constantly. I didn't always get out of the bed and let the thing on the ground grab me, but that shadow man was always whispering something I just barely couldn't hear. As soon as we moved out of that house, I actually never had that dream again.

Shawn: What? That's crazy! Like, even if I'm the skeptic here, what a terrifying thing for you to experience. I love that!

Kristen: Oh, thank you, I'm glad you're a fan of my traumatic nightmares! Um, a lot of my childhood was filled with stuff like that actually. Or scary stories from my grandfather. He used to conduct seances in that house. So honestly, for most of my life, I've avoided engaging in anything scary, but for a few years now, I've been trying to make sense of the stuff that keeps me up at night. Call me a believer, but ugh I wish I wasn't. Anyway, what about you, Shawn?

Shawn: Oh my god, off of that, I definitely fit the bill of a skeptic. I, alright, listen, I love horror movies and urban legends. I have gone to seances and ghost hunts, but... As much as I wish that it were all true, I just can't let myself go that far. You know, my mom, she used to make up monsters that would come and get me if I acted up.

Kristen: Oh my god, like what kind of stuff?

Shawn: Oh my god, it was constant. One of the funniest things that she ever did was she - she pulled the car over on a road trip because I was screaming and stuff and she told me that if I didn't keep it down, she was going to leave me on the side of the road for "The Freeway Man".

Kristen: Ooh "The Freeway Man". What a good name.

Shawn: Yeah, no, she did this all the time. But by the time that I was a teen, you know, I was getting away with enough, like, bad behavior, that I realized there wasn't actually anything that was going to come grab me or take me because I stole a CD or... whatever. And, you know, to me, basically every monster story and urban legend is just a cautionary tale. It's just something that you tell a kid to make them behave, you know? Having said that, of course, I would LOVE to believe it all. I wish I could. I - I remember how exciting it was to be scared of the things my mom would say to me when I was a kid, and the way it would send a chill up my spine and set me straight. But it's, like, it's just too late for me or something. Like the cat is out of the bag, and now I just kinda can't help but be a skeptic, you know? Having said that, there are a lot of creatures and hauntings that I've researched and I cannot wait to share them with people and debate them with you!

Kristen: Alright, so then maybe we should start with you next week. Do you want to pick the topic?

Shawn: Oh hell yeah, I already know what I'm going to do.


[There's an awkward pause as no one knows who's in charge of pivoting to the end of the show.]


James: Uh, what are you looking at me for? It's your show now!

Shawn: Alright, well then that's a wrap on this edition of SuperNeutral.

Kristen: Thank you so much again to Ed Barrett and James Durant for trusting us with their show! Good luck hunting for the Blair Witch, you guys.

James: Thank you! We'll be listening.

Shawn: That's right. And, uh, Kristen and I will be back next week to talk about another place in the United States where people turn up missing, but until that time comes, it's safe to turn out the lights.

Kristen: Or is it?


[The music concludes, leaving us with a post-show snippet.]


Kristen: So, do you guys think you're going to find something out there?

Ed: God, I hope so.

James: No.


[Shawn laughs.]

Welcome Card

Front of Paper → Handwriting A

  • From your two biggest fans!!!!!


Back of Paper → Handwriting A

  • Favorite episodes:
  • Banshees
  • Mothman


Back of Paper → Handwriting B

  • Top episodes:
  • Blair Witch
  • Haunted Houses
  • Bell Witch
  • [unintelligible symbols]


  • The objective for this episode is to send Ed a set of directions that might help James, Emma, and Ray navigate their way out of the Black Hills Forest. The three of them have ventured inside in order to record some preliminary material, while Ed remained behind to set up base camp at the motel. Neither the recon team's navigation nor Ed's eyes on the outside seem capable of getting them out of the woods. Ed has asked for help from every conventional source, but the believer in him knows there must be something beyond simply traveling back in the direction of the town. Ed is encouraging you to think outside the box and look for directions or instructions which may not be as simple as saying "travel west", but rather play into the supernatural aspects of the woods.
  • To solve this puzzle, you will need to look for advice given in the letter from Anthony to Ed, the welcome card, and the interview audio, and then utilize it with the teeth and diner placemat.
  • Just after arriving in Burkittsville, Ed discovers a welcome card at his motel door from an unknown person or persons who claim to be fans of SuperNeutral. Decoding the pigpen cipher inside will reveal the phrase "the woods are folding in on themselves". This indicates that you will need to fold Ed's map of the forest on the diner placemat, where Ed has tried and failed to sketch out his own map of the recon team's location within the woods.
  • Another clue is hidden in the interview audio, in which Ed has attempted to interview the citizens of Burkittsville for information on the Blair Witch. The only person willing to offer up information is a woman named Harriett Gillard. She speaks with Ed and tells him "There's supposed to be an old graveyard at the base of the mountain. That's the first thing you should change when you're trying to figure this out." This instruction means the left side of the hand-drawn map should be folded so that the image of the mountain is laying flat on top of the image of a graveyard just slightly to the east.
  • Also in the interview audio, Ed encounters two women having a curious exchange. The first woman says "They're going to get rid of that old house," with the second replaying "That means the owls will disappear too." This indicates that the house and owl icons at the top of the map must be folded out of sight!
  • Ed also receives a letter from Anthony to Ed, detailing Ed's attempt to gain help from Anthony, a confrontation with Sheriff Lanning, and a plea from Anthony to not be involved. Inside, Anthony suggests to Ed that his drawing of the woods is not correct, saying that "The corner where the town is should be poking into the old decaying campground." This indicates that you should quite literally fold the bottom-right corner of the hand-drawn map on the back of the diner placemat so that the portion of Burkittsville is on top of the old tents.
  • With those instructions followed, the hand-drawn map will reveal a written phrase. The phrase is not complete, however. It seems to say "LI_TEN AT THE W__TING T___S." This is where the teeth come into play. The teeth have letters carved into them, which form several different words, depending on how they are rearranged. One of the possible words fits this phrase on the map perfectly (SILENT). Placing the teeth in this order in the correct locations completes the directions: "Listen at the wilting tents."
  • To complete the episode, type this set of directions into Ed's chat box on the SuperNeutral website.