Apprentice Curator Exclusive Content
- The interview with Silas provides some important information about how the Strahlenberg company handles security within the mine. His account provides details about the Strahlenberg security system that may become relevant later in the season. Paying attention to how the areas of the mine are referred to by the miners and by company employees may give you some clues, as well.
- From Silas's interview, it appears that the Strahlenberg company uses a three-part authorization system to gain access to different areas of the mine. The system is comprised of a zone name, a password, and an authorization code. Silas's account provides partial information about each of these which, when considered together, can be used to infer the complete set of security information.
Apprentice Curator Quiz
- The answers to the mining slang quiz can be found within the various documents in your package as well as on the Cooper's Rock website.
- This might come in handy in future episodes.
Meeting Minutes
- The Mining Union Minutes contain two coded messages. Researching the phrase "Correctronic 340" that appears next to these messages may give you a clue as to the method for this cipher.
Profile of David
- This document contains a message written in an unknown alphabet. You may want to return to this document later in the season, when you have more information.
Apprentice Curator Exclusive Content
- Silas's interview provides the complete name of the zone (Cairo), a partial authorization code (a string of numbers ending in 16-16), and the hint of a password (a word that sounds like "leave" or "leaf"). Determining the relationship between these different elements will help you infer the remaining information.
- The zone and password are shifts of one another, with the numbers in the authorization code indicating how many spaces each letter of the zone name is shifted to produce the password.
From Silas's interview, you know:
- Zone = C - A - I - R - O
- Authorization Code = ? - ? - ? - 16 - 16
- Password = L - E - ? - ? - ?
- The final two letters of the password can be determined by shifting the last two letters of "Cairo" 16 places (R = H, O = E). The first two numerals of the authorization code can be determined by counting the distance between the first two letters of the zone and the first two letters of the password (C → L = 9, A → E = 4).
- Now all that remains is to determine the middle number of the authorization code and the middle letter of the password. The password can only be one of a limited number of words that are spelled "L-E-?-H-E". Paying attention to some of the references elsewhere in the episode may tip you off to the correct word to use in the password.
- The password for Zone Cairo is "LETHE" and the Authorization Code is "9-4-11-16-16". This information may become relevant later in the season.
Apprentice Curator Quiz
- The correct answers for the Apprentice Curator Quiz are as follows:
- 1: B
- 2: C
- 3: D
- 4: A
- 5: B
- 6: C
- 7: D
Meeting Minutes
- The Correctronic 340 was a brand of typewriter used in the 1980s. Each of the numeric keys on the Correctronic 340 corresponds to a different symbol. Identifying the numbers that correspond with the symbols within the coded message will help you determine how to decipher this code.
- On the Correctronic 340's keyboard, * corresponds to 8, ¢ corresponds to 6, $ corresponds to 4, and @ corresponds to 2. Each of these numbers indicates how many places the cipher text should be shifted to reveal the plaintext message. So, for example, the phrase that is preceded with the * symbol should be shifted 8 places.
- When the coded phrases are shifted the appropriate number of places, they reveal the messages, "Delivered by D.G. Distribute re: strike action. Work in Hades must continue despite strike. Seek outside labor. Ensure confidentiality." and "Schedule J.Y. exit interview."