Crime Scene Evidence Puzzle
- Is there a significance to the bracelet found at the crime scene? Where did it come from? Why did Rachel have it?
- The bracelet is believed to be Rachel's. Why is that? Is there anything in any other documents that would lead you to think this isn't Rachel's?
- If the shell on the bracelet represents a particular birth month, try finding where any character mentions a birthday.
Game Finish
- When you are ready to accuse a suspect, type their name into the messaging client on the Essex Luxury Sea Tours in-game desktop.
Glyph Code
- The glyph code appears in only three documents. Those documents may not be immediately available.
- One of the documents inside the locked tin contains a direct translation of the glyph code.
- Try using surrounding context clues in order to figure out what some of the glyphs mean.
- There is a method of solving the glyph code that relates to the number of lines used in each glyph.
Ingredient List Puzzle
- Is there anything on this document that could be a clue to indicate there's an additional, hidden message?
- Each item on the list appears as a very specific quantity. Looking closely at the number(s) next to each ingredient's quantity may give you the keys to uncover a hidden message.
Locked Tin
- Jen lets you know the locked tin belongs to Javi. Try searching through documents he's touched to find a clue for the lock's code.
- Javi may not have written down the code to the locked tin for himself. Is there anyone he could've been communicating with, so that you might intercept the code?
- The communication regarding the code that you can intercept might not reveal the code itself but rather give a hint toward its true location.
- In order to discover the code for the locked tin, you will need two documents and one item.
- Finding the code to open the locked tin will require the physical manipulation of the involved item.
Logging On
- Check the game manual for instructions on your objective and how to get started. Jen Hornigolder has tasked you with identifying the killer of her friend, Rachel Veinson. Get started by navigating to deadbelowdeck.com, clicking on PLAY THE GAME, and then logging in to the Essex Luxury Tours in-game desktop site using the password ANCHOR. Alternatively, you can navigate directly to essex-luxury-sea-tours.com. Once you've identified the killer, open the messaging client on the desktop and send the killer's name to Jen.
Morse Code
- An explanation of Morse code is given in the training manual. Are there any other documents that have Morse code that may need to be translated?
- The Morse code, while still visible to the naked eye, may be hidden somewhere unexpected.
- If you haven't opened the locked tin yet, there might be a clue inside that assists with the Morse code.
Time of Death
- One of the first steps to solving Rachel's murder is to figure out when exactly she died. Which documents could give a clue to this?
- Rachel's body was found inside the sauna in the morning. When was the sauna turned on?
- Various appliances on the boat, including the sauna, appear to divert power from the rest of the vessel, causing the lights to flicker. By following the clues of when the power was diverted, as well as who was using which appliance at the time, you will be able to solve when the sauna was used.
Walkie-Talkie 10-Code
- 10-codes are commonly used among ship crews. If someone were new to the ship, where would they look to help them learn these codes?
Arrest Record
The glyph code in the arrest record translates to the following:
- Some of these might make good revenue streams.
Crime Scene Evidence Puzzle
- The bracelet found at the crime scene was one of the gifts given to the guests aboard The Old Thunder when they visited Isla De Morsa. Each guest's bracelet should correspond to their birth month.
- In the island brochure, William notes his intent to get a bracelet for everyone on the crew as well, as a thank you. Therefore, each person on the yacht should have a bracelet corresponding to their birth month.
- According to the island brochure, the shell on each bracelet represents the person's birth month. By looking at the birth month shell chart on the wedding vision board, you can determine the shell on the bracelet is for November.
- Since Rachel's birthday is in November (as seen in the group text chain), it is believed this is her bracelet. But the transcribed communications and captain's log reveal that Rachel's bracelet was broken. This means the bracelet found on Rachel's body, in fact, belonged to the murderer.
- Some birthdays may be inaccessible before the locked tin is opened.
The birthdays of everyone aboard the yacht are revealed in separate documents. The revealed birthday month and their relevant documents are as follows:
- Rachel - November - group text chain
- Javi - November - hidden pages tucked into the locked tin
- Maria - March - Welp review and hidden pages tucked into the locked tin
- Milo - February - arrest record tucked into the locked tin
- William - December - island itinerary
- Dawn - November - hidden pages and wedding vision board
- The circled month of April on the wedding vision board refers to Dawn and William's anniversary.
Based on this information, you can narrow down the pool of suspects to Dawn and Javier.
Game Finish
- To complete the game, type the name "Dawn Rogerstone" into the messaging client on the Essex Luxury Sea Tours in-game desktop.
Glyph Code
- The solution to the glyph code is found in the hidden pages. It is solved by looking at the number of pen strokes needed to create each symbol, and matching them with the number of pen strokes needed to create a serifed capital letter in the English language. It is possible that one symbol can represent multiple different letters.
- The glyph code symbols are translated as:

Hidden Pages
The glyph codes in the hidden pages translate to the following:
Page 1 → Paragraph 2
I think Rachel's onto me.
Page 1 → Paragraph 3
- Just in case, I still got files on almost everyone. [...] Heart condition seems like a weird and dangerous thing to hide.
Page 2 → Paragraph 1
- Then there's Teache.
Page 3 → Paragraph 1
- Too many close calls with various husbands here.
Page 3 → Paragraph 3
- Those astrology, "we have the same birth month, Javi!" types are always the wildest.
Page 4 → Paragraph 3
Already have Will pestering me enough about the bracelet and all the other nonsense he gets up to in order to flaunt his generosity.
Page 5 → Paragraph 1
I'm honestly kind of surprised Dawn figured out the code in the edges of that old map.
Page 6 → Paragraph 1
Damn woman left her earring in my sheets.
Page 7 → Paragraph 1
Goddamn freezers aren't working on top of everything else!
Page 8 → Paragraph 1
Some woman Dawn turned out to be, leaving him there alone and all bloody like that. And then she just shows back up to shower after I'm done cleaning up the mess?
Ingredient List Puzzle
- Each ingredient is listed with a specific quantity. The numbered quantity indicates the number of letters that you must count in each ingredient name. Combining all of the pulled letters will reveal a message. For example, "Saffron 3 oz" indicates the third letter, F. Ingredients with two numbers, such as "Butter ¾ pound" indicate that both the third and fourth letter of the word "Butter" should be isolated as part of the hidden message.
- The revealed message on the ingredients list reads "I'm finally getting some money. Let's retire."
Locked Tin
- The documents that Javi has touched that you will need to figure out the code to the locked tin are the transcribed communications, the unsigned note (which is anonymous, though it is addressed to "Kid"), and the island flag.
- Javi is communicating the locked tin code to Milo, telling him in the transcribed communications that he has something for him and he should look at the note he gave him. These instructions are followed by the cryptic phrase of "shells, stars, and lizard will give you access".
- The unsigned note is the note passed from Javi to Milo. Javi tells him to "make the crown disappear by bringing the sun and moon together". This involves manipulating the island flag by folding it in the middle.
- Following Javi's instructions in the unsigned note to "make the crown disappear by bringing the sun and moon together" changes the number of elements on the island flag. Javi's message in the transcribed communications regarding the "shells, stars, and lizard" suggests you must count each of these elements to gain access to the locked tin.
- When properly folded, the island flag will appear as the below image:

- When the island flag is folded properly, 2 shells, 7 stars, and 1 lizard are revealed.
- The code to the locked tin is 271.
Morse Code
- The Morse code is hidden along the border of the route map.
- When properly translated, the Morse code reads "Avery Falls at two-thirty".
- This secret message was written from Javi to Dawn. In the hidden pages, he notes that he's impressed Dawn was smart enough to figure out the code.
Time of Death
- William notes on the yacht rental packet that the sauna, the shower, and the air conditioning are all appliances that draw large amounts of power from the yacht and cause the lights to flicker. By finding out when power was diverted, which causes the lights to flicker, you will be able to figure out when the sauna was activated and when Rachel was killed.
- The witness statements and captain's log note various times when power on the yacht was diverted. Those divergences happened at 10:30 PM, 11:30 PM, 11:45 PM, and midnight. These are all possible times that the sauna could have been activated, and Rachel could have been killed.
- The witness statements provide the reasons for the power fluctuations at 11:45 PM and midnight. At 11:45 PM, Dawn took a shower, and at midnight, Javier turned on the AC, per William's request. The power fluctuation at 10:30 PM is accounted for in the group text chain and transcribed communications, where Milo reactivates the freezers. Therefore, the sauna was turned on, and Rachel murdered, at 11:30 PM.
Walkie-Talkie 10-Code
Below is a transcription of the transcribed communications, the only document in which the walkie-talkie 10-codes are used, with the translated codes bolded:
- After Rachel died I went through the computer system that logs all of our walkie-talkie conversations and I wrote down anything that seemed suspicious
- December 16th - 6:32 PM - Milo/Rachel - Channel 6
Milo: Rach, can you please talk to me?
Rachel: If I wanted to talk we'd talk about this in person. I need some space. This isn't good for my heart.
Milo: But I have enough now. We finally have enough to get out of here.
Rachel: I don't understand how you could keep this from me. I feel like I don't even know you.
Milo: Just let me explain.
Rachel: I'll let you know when I'm ready to talk. - December 17th - 1:45 AM - Javi/Milo - Channel 13
Javi: Left something for you in the box. Relay message to them when you go.
Milo: How?
Javi: Check the note I gave you. Then the shells, stars, and lizard will give you access.
Milo: Message Received
There's a pause for a few seconds after this, and then I heard this click noise.
Milo: There's only one thing in... what the hell is this?
Javi: You know what it is. Can't abandon ship just yet. - December 17th - 8:13 PM - Rachel/Javi (heard Maria in the background) - Channel 6
Rachel: Requesting assistance, my location is on the first deck bow, I got stuck on the railing.
Javi: Message received, busy, please stand by
Rachel: Receiving well. Thanks Javi -
Maria in the background: Looks like Little Miss Perfect forgot about the dress code!
Rachel: - Maria... maybe you could, I don't know, help me out instead of just standing there? This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't bumped into me!
Maria in the background: Okay, okay, I got it. Jeeze.
Maria: Stand by Captain, I got this.
Rachel in the background: No, don't cut it! The only place you can get this is the - Maria! I don't care if you have to get SCUBA equipment, you better go down there and get it!
Javi: Clear this channel! - December 18th - 6:30 PM - Javi/unknown - Channel 81
Javi: New software is recording. Receiving well, but stop transmitting - December 18th - 10:50 PM - Rachel/Javi - Channel 6
Rachel: Javi, where are you? We need to talk - December 18th - 11:45 PM - Milo/Javi (heard Maria and William in the background) - Channel 6
Milo: Urgent business, Javi.
Javi: Visitors present
Milo: Receiving well, mission completeted, all units secure at 10:30 - Maria in the background: My god, Milo, take it outside, I'm trying to sleep, my dude!
- Javi: Message received
- William in the background: Javi, do you think I should go to the hospital?
Javi: Stop transmitting
Welp Review
The glyph codes in the Welp review translate to the following:
- She already lied about her age, maybe wildlife endangerment is good enough to hold over her.
Arrest Record
- Some of these might make good [7 characters in glyph code] streams.
Hidden Pages
Page 1
- [a symbol that's two horizontal slashes, similar to an equals sign, followed by an arrow to the following content] L, T, V, X
- [a triangle, followed by an arrow to the following content] A, F, H, I , K, N, Y, Z
- [a square, followed by an arrow to the following content] E, M, W
- [a slightly tilted letter C, followed by an arrow to the following content] C, U
- [a circle, followed by an arrow to the following content] O, S
- [a symbol that's a horizontal line with a half-circle above it, similar to a setting sun, followed by an arrow to the following content] D, G, J, P
- [a circle with a diagonal slash through it, followed by an arrow to the following content] B, Q
- [a symbol that's the same as the "setting sun" symbol above, but with an additional horizontal line below it, followed by an arrow to the following content] R
- Should be good to keep something like this around.
- Gotta keep an eye out, though. I think [7 characters in glyph code] onto me. I doubt Ms. America would ever want to be a part of this. Even so, though, I got a good crew for this round.
- Just in case, I still got [5 characters in glyph code] on almost everyone. Certainly never would have expected Rachel "girl next door" Veinson to lie on a medical form. [5 characters in glyph code] condition seems like a weird and dangerous thing to hide. Fudging your age, like Read did, I get, but that's not enough to hold over someone who's insane enough to wrestle an alligator. I guess we should have thrown Read a party in March instead of July. Close enough.
Page 2
- Then there's [6 characters in glyph code]. Or whatever name he wants to go by. I'd hate to be there when his sweet little Veinson finds out about all the things he's been up to.
- Just gotta make it through another trip with this Bonnys guy. On the plus side he brought a new fiancee with him this time. I can't even remember what number he's on.
- 12/14 - Red Bay doesn't seem any more eventful than last time. Nothing here to use. Thought about trying to pull Will in, even if just as a moneybags, but he's too scatterbrained. Can't even remember peoples' names half the time. Except Veinson. Guy's got a thing for her. Don't know why when he's already got a woman like Dawn. Teache is gonna have to fight him over Veinson.
Page 3
- Spanish Wells
12/16 - Spanish Wells. If my friends try to get the people here involved, which may be smart, it won't be through me. Too many close calls with various [8 characters in glyph code] here. A boat like this takes a lot of work, so that's a good excuse not to go on shore. - Guys tried to price gouge me again!
- Guests spooked by some of the locals. Sounds like they wandered into a bad part of town. Hopefully Will didn't try to be a tough guy. Can't blame him, though. No way I'd want to punk out in front of a woman like Dawn. Those astrology, "we have the same [5 characters in glyph code] [5 characters in glyph code], Javi!" types are always the wildest. Have a feeling it'll be worth it.
Page 4
- 12/17, 8:15 - Early arrival at 2 this morning. Confirmed, no changes to plan.
- At least it ain't a mountaintop like last time. That was excessive.
- 12/17, 10:30 - Granted Read leave time. Maybe she'll cool her jets. Either way, one less set of eyes on me. Already have [4 characters in glyph code] pestering me enough about this [8 characters in glyph code] and all the other nonsense he gets up to in order to flaunt his generosity. I get it, you're rich and you want everyone else to know it.
- 12/17, 11:00 - Sent the kid to pick up the package. Perks of being the boss.
Page 5
- 12/17, 1400 - Logging an extended short visit. No one will think twice and no one will bump into me there, especially after I already told Teache to make himself scarce. I'm honestly kind of surprised Dawn figured out the code in the [5 characters in glyph code] of that old map. She's smarter than I gave her credit for.
- Managed to get myself a bit of a birthday present. Had to wait a month, but better late than never.
- 12/17, 20:30 - Veinson caught her bracelet from the island on the railing earlier. Read at least helped her and cut it off even though she was the one who shoved her. The whole thing fell into the ocean, which made Veinson even madder. Don't know what the fight was about, but honestly don't care as long as they stow it. I can't have them even accidentally compromising my timelines. Maybe I should just separate the two of them? Though I don't know how on a boat. They're fighting too much, gonna be trouble. Maybe I should bring Read in? Or is she too volatile? Maybe she just needs some time to cool off.
Page 6
- 12/18, 10:30 - Damn woman left her [7 characters in glyph code] in my sheets. We should have kept it off the boat. This was a stupid, cocky mistake. I could lose my job. All because of some pillow talk. She got me talking and I just blabbed about everything from Veinson's heart condition to my extra place in Cuba. At least I had the wherewithal to withhold the deal with the freezers.
- Of course it was Veinson of all people who found it. She confronted me about it. She knows. Now I just have to figure out what it'll take to buy her silence. Why'd it have to be the most moral one who found it?
- 12/18, 11:30 - Kept trying to give Dawn the details, finally found a time where she wasn't with Will. So long as Veinson doesn't get Will alone and spill the beans, we should be good.
Page 7
- 12/18, 12:30 - Goddamn [8 characters in glyph code] aren't working on top of everything else! Everyone keeps draining the damn power. Would anyone notice if I changed the route? Shaved off some time? Read would for sure. But would she care?
- Gotta talk to Dawn and figure out how we keep this hush, but fixing the freezers is much more important.
- 12/18, 13:15 - Left Isla De Morsa late, only 15 minutes. Should be fine, so long as there are no more mishaps.
- 12/18, 17:15 - And now the propeller
- 12/18, 21:30 - Finally got a chance to talk to Dawn. Crew doesn't seem to suspect anything. Figured out what to do about Veinson. Everyone has a price. Or a pressure point.
Page 8
- 12/19, 00:15 - One of them got out of the freezer. Thank god the kid could handle it. Smart enough to cover for me after I screwed up and sent a group text. That's even more incentive to keep him on the payroll. Need someone to see to things if some nonsense comes up like fixing that idiot Will after he fumbled around and smashed his head. Some woman Dawn turned out to be, [7 characters in glyph code] him there alone and all bloody like that. And then she just shows back up to [6 characters in glyph code] after I'm done cleaning up the mess?
- Should be okay, even with all the power fluctuations. Logged them at 22:30 - the kid fixing the freezers. Other surges at 23:30, 23:45. Hopefully they won't cause any more delays.
- 12/19 - Veinson's dead. One problem solved, another created. Gotta get my story straight. The only thing that matters now is protecting me. Everyone else can call by the wayside.
- Play it right and I can recover from this.
Ingredient List
Milo's Handwriting
- Rach,
Wrote down William and Dawn's insane wishlists for the cruise next week. Make sure you only pull the exact amount I noted from each line.
Milo - Iceberg lettuce, 1 bag
Marjoram, 1 bag - Saffron, 3 oz
Allspice, 6 oz
Nameko mushrooms, 1 bag
Sugar, 4 lbs
Basil, 5 oz
Cilantro, 3 oz
Celery leaves, 6 oz - Eggs, 2 dozen
Chicken thighs, 6 lbs
Butter, ¾ pound
Filet mignon, 2 pounds
Tenderloin, 10 pounds
Black Angus burgers, 8 patties - Sausage, 1 lb
Whole grain oatmeal, 3 boxes
Muscadine jelly, 1 jar
Marmalade, 9 oz - Muesli, 1 package
Lox, 2 pounds
Nectarines, ½ pound
Yellow grits, 1 pound - Milk chocolate, 10 oz
Sprinkles, 8 oz
Dessert wine, 7 bottles
Strawberries, 1 package - Red velvet cake mix, ½ pound
Toasted coconut, 1 package
Ice cream (vanilla), 1 gallon
Ice cream (chocolate), 5 gallons
Ice cream (strawberry), 3 gallons
Rachel's Handwriting
- I want to, but not like this.
Island Brochure
Righthand Brochure Page
- Would be nice to get the crew bracelets too. Don't want them to feel left out.
Island Itinerary
Rachel's Handwriting
- This place is fun, but it's about as far north as I'd go. That part of the island can get a little dicey.
- Got you a seat under the awning. It's gonna be a hot one.
- I've never personally been snorkeling - medical reasons - but where else are you going to see a pirate shipwreck?!
- I told them ahead of time it was your birthday, Will. They're going to roll out a special dessert for you.
- Skipped the amusement park, just like you asked.
- FYI, While you're off on the island, Javi's going to be unavailable.
William's Handwriting
- Dawn going shopping after snorkeling. Call the lawyer about redoing the prenup.
Note to William
- William, we need to talk. Can you find a way to meet me alone?
Prenuptial Agreement
Bottom of Page 1 → William's Handwriting
- William Bonnys
- 12/15
Bottom of Page 1 → Dawn's Handwriting
- You cannot be serious with this, Will.
Route Map
- Found this shoved under a seat in the lounge. No idea whose it could be; no one uses paper charts anymore. -Jen
Solution Audio Recording
Hey, Detective! We did it! Oh my god, you should have seen it! I radioed the police before we arrived in Miami, told them what you told me, and they were there waiting for us when we docked. They took everybody in, and all of us walked out of custody. Except Dawn.
I still can't believe it was her. She didn't seem like the best person in the world, but a killer? I guess at the very least, it wasn't one of the crew members Rachel and I spent the last few months working alongside. After everything you found, though, it's undeniable it was Dawn.
I thought the bracelet they found on Rachel's body was hers, but it was Dawn's, must have been accidentally left there. It looks like Dawn made that mistake once before, leaving her earring in Javi's bed during their affair, where Rachel found it during her normal stewardess duties. Dawn must have known Rachel knew about the earring, probably found Rachel's note to William when she was helping a drunken William back into bed. Rachel must have gone to the sauna expecting William, but found Dawn. When push came to shove, Dawn literally hit her.
The police had it backwards; the heat didn't make Rachel dizzy, didn't cause her to slip and hit her head. Dawn had to have hit Rachel and then left her in the sauna, knowing what the heat would do to her. Javi told her about Rachel's heart condition and all the other gossip he knew, during their affair.
Dawn didn't want to chance losing out on everything William's lifestyle was giving her, given that he already was setting her up to get nothing, in case they divorced. Dawn knew Rachel dying in the sauna would look just like an accident.
But Javi's not entirely innocent either; the whole time, he was ferrying those lizards off Isla De Morsa and back to Miami, selling them as illegal pets. Even Milo was taking part in it. He refroze some of them in the middle of the night, which caused one of the electrical shortages. He wanted to use the money he made to get out and retire with Rachel.
I thought coming to work aboard this yacht would be just fun, carefree. And it was. For a while. Just bouncing around from island to island with no real responsibility except the simple chores on the boat. But it was only a way for this group to escape our problems. And maybe create some even worse ones. Rachel wanted to leave this place behind, and I think that's what I should do as well; head back home, see my family, and really try to put down some roots.
Thank you, Detective. I never would have figured this all out without you. Maybe I'll see you on land sometime.
- Wow Rach can't you and your sugar daddy take a joke? Those pigs never hurt anybody. Say it to my face next time or watch your back.
Transcribed Communications
Page 1
- After Rachel died I went through the computer system that logs all of our walkie-talkie conversations and I wrote down anything that seemed suspicious
- December 16th - 6:32 PM - Milo/Rachel - Channel 6
Milo: Rach, can you please talk to me?
Rachel: If I wanted to talk we'd talk about this in person. I need some space. This isn't good for my heart.
Milo: But I have enough now. We finally have enough to get out of here.
Rachel: I don't understand how you could keep this from me. I feel like I don't even know you.
Milo: Just let me explain.
Rachel: I'll let you know when I'm ready to talk. - December 17th - 1:45 AM - Javi/Milo - Channel 13
Javi: Left something for you in the box. 10-5 them when you go.
Milo: How?
Page 2
- Javi: Check the note I gave you. Then the shells, stars, and lizard will give you access.
Milo: Message Received
There's a pause for a few seconds after this, and then I heard this click noise.
Milo: There's only one thing in... what the hell is this?
Javi: You know what it is. Can't abandon ship just yet. - December 17th - 8:13 PM - Rachel/Javi (heard Maria in the background) - Channel 6
Rachel: Requesting assistance, 10-20 is on the first deck bow, I got stuck on the railing.
Javi: 10-4, 10-6
Rachel: Receiving well. Thanks Javi -
Maria in the background: Looks like Little Miss Perfect forgot about the dress code!
Rachel: - Maria... maybe you could, I don't know, help me out instead of just standing there? This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't bumped into me!
Maria in the background: Okay, okay, I got it. Jeeze.
Page 3
- Maria: 10-23 Captain, I got this.
Rachel in the background: No, don't cut it! The only place you can get this is the - Maria! I don't care if you have to get SCUBA equipment, you better go down there and get it!
Javi: Clear this channel! - December 18th - 6:30 PM - Javi/unknown - Channel 81
Javi: New software is recording. 10-2, but 10-3 - December 18th - 10:50 PM - Rachel/Javi - Channel 6
Rachel: Javi, where are you? We need to talk - December 18th - 11:45 PM - Milo/Javi (heard Maria and William in the background) - Channel 6
Milo: 10-17, Javi.
Page 4
- Javi: 10-12
Milo: 10-2, 10-99, all units secure at 10:30
Maria in the background: My god, Milo, take it outside. I'm trying to sleep, my dude!
Javi: 10-4
William in the background: Javi, do you think I should go to the hospital?
Javi: 10-3
Unsigned Note
Check the box. Your first step to get in is to make the crown disappear by bringing the sun and moon together.
Welp Review
- She already [4 characters in glyph code] about her [3 characters in glyph code], maybe wildlife endangerment is good enough to [4 characters in glyph code] [4 characters in glyph code] her.
Witness Statements
Dawn Rogerstone Witness Statement Audio Recording
Dawn: It's so awful what happened to that poor girl. I know Will was quite fond of her. I didn't spend a lot of time with Rachel yesterday, but I first talked to her when I ordered brunch. She did seem a little down there, but I have no idea what about.
I didn't see a whole lot of her during the day, she was busy running around and doing her job, and Will and I were enjoying our vacation. Maybe a little too much. Will certainly did. He got after it a little too hard, and I took him to bed just before 9:00.
He ended up getting out of bed and went looking for the bathroom, I guess, and he bumped his head. I didn't actually see anything, just heard the smash and his hollering. Thank god he was okay, I thought he'd really hurt himself, there was so much blood. And, you know, being his age, something like that is never good. Thankfully Javi - Captain Rackham - was nearby. He patched Will up and I took him to bed. I remember taking a shower beforehand, just to wash the day off before I went to sleep, and that was just before midnight.
Javier Rackhams Witness Statement Audio Recording
Javier: I took my most diligent notes in the captain's log, noted everything as it happened, but I do remember talking to Rachel a few times yesterday even though I was pretty busy. I was talking to William in his cabin, and was present when she delivered breakfast. Nothing seemed amiss there, and everything was in order as we traveled. We made good time, moored at 17:00 after we got some kept stuck in our propeller.
William requested everyone eat dinner together, which was a fun experience for the bit I got to stay for. I had to see to some things around the ship. I'm not sure if anything happened there, but that was the last time I spent any amount of extended time with Rachel, or anyone else from the crew, for that matter. What I do remember, very vividly, was William's injury. I heard him fall at 10:15, quickly attended to him, and then left to get the first aid kit from the bridge. I picked it up at 10:30 and also noticed another power surge. I patched William up, giving him only a couple of stitches. It certainly wouldn't make his eventual hangover any better, but he didn't need to be hospitalized. After I stowed the first aid kit and logged the event in the captain's log, it was midnight, and the last thing I did before I went to my own cabin was turn the air conditioning on, as William requested.
Jen Hornigolder Witness Statement Audio Recording
Jen: Look, I don't know who's in charge of this here, but I'm telling you, this was not an accident. I don't care what Javi or the Coast Guard said or even what you think. Someone on that boat did this. There's literally no way Rachel would be so careless. She shouldn't have even been there in the first place. She was supposed to come back topside with us.
After the guests went to sleep I went to our quarters to check on Rachel; we'd bailed from the little hangout the crew was having, but by the time I got to her it looked like she'd changed her mind. It was 10:15 and she was putting on her bathing suit, 'cause we'd talked about using the hot tub. I remember specifically looking at the clock and thinking it was really late for her, but still being happy about it.
Rachel was mad. About her life, the job, the crew. Even the guests. And Rachel never talks shit about the guests. No matter how bad they are. This was one of those times someone's so pissed they can't even get it out. The only ting I really understood was that she said she wanted to leave and go to Omaha. I have no idea why Omaha of all places. She's never mentioned anything like that before. But after that I was kind of a shitty friend. I bailed. I just didn't want to deal with whatever was going on. I figured if Rachel wanted to tell me, she would tell me.
I left the crew cabin before 11:00, but wasn't in the mood to keep partying, so I went to the bow. I sat up there for a while, and saw the lights all around the boat go crazy a few times. I remember the times it happened, thinking we'd probably have to deal with some electrical crap in the morning. It happened at 10:30, during my fight with Rachel, and then again at 11:30, 11:45, and midnight. I went to bed then, and saw Maria and Milo already sleeping in the crew cabin. Then the next morning William found Rachel.
Maria Read Witness Statement Audio Recording
Maria: The whole day was weird yesterday. Had been like that most of the trip, but I noticed it with Javi first. Guy's always cool, but he came over when we were on the bow in the morning, pulled Rachel aside for something. Not like Queen Rach, er, Rachel, to get a talking to from the boss.
After the guests went to sleep, the crew hung out by ourselves. People began to drop off, and it was 10:30 when I went to look around, since I was by myself. I saw William lying on the floor of one of the halls with a bloody towel on his head. Dawn and Javi were there. I don't know what happened but wasn't about to get involved in whatever closed-door couples' thing that was, so I headed to my bunk. Besides, they don't pay me for first aid.
On the way to my bunk, I bumped into Milo. Normally I get along with him, but he seemed off. I asked him what was up, but he didn't want to talk to me. I didn't press him. It was 11:15 when I went to bed. Earlier than I normally do, but after that day I kinda just wanted to rest, you know?
Milo Teache Witness Statement Audio Recording
Milo: Rachel was trying to tell me something while I was making breakfast. Whatever it was, she just couldn't seem to get it out. But I could tell it really upset her. She was getting mad and talking in circles. I tried to see what was bugging her when we were underway, but she was so involved with guests. William had her ear for a lot of that time. Plus I always have things to do, even if it isn't time to eat, so I couldn't get a chance to figure out what was wrong.
Things finally slowed down after dinner, then the guests turned in, and the rest of us kind of just hung out like we normally do, but Rachel didn't really seem into it. I could tell she was still unsettled.
I left to go check on her later, and she told me everything was fine. I didn't believe her. You know when someone always says "fine" to anything they're clearly not fine. But I didn't wanna press it, so I just left her be. Besides, it was late, like, 10:00? When I was leaving I saw Jen was gonna try and talk to her too. I told her Rach wasn't feeling it, but she went in there anyway, and I just wished her good luck.
I did my final check of the night, trying to see if anything needed doing, mostly to clear my head before I went to bed. I saw Javi was helping Will, who looked like he'd hit his head. He told me he had everything under control, so I finally went to bed around 11:30. Maria was already down, and right as I went to sleep the lights flickered, 'cause I remember reaching for the switch and thinking somehow someone had already got it. And then the next morning Will found Rachel in the sauna.
William Bonnys Witness Statement Audio Recording
William: I was the one who found Rachel this morning. I thought she was just sitting there in the sauna at first, maybe asleep. There wasn't even any blood. I saw she'd dropped her bracelet, the one we got from the island with the little birth shells, and when I went to hand it to her she just didn't move. But then I tried to talk to her and... well, I called Javi when I realized what had happened.
Most of my time this vacation I obviously spent with Dawn, except when she went on one little shopping trip yesterday afternoon. I was trying to get up the energy to find the earring she lost and Rachel took our breakfast order. She seemed upset all day. I've been on a few trips with this company now, and after Javi and Rachel's service I've begun to request them, and, at least I think, become friends with them. I like to think I'd know when they were feeling out of sorts.
I turned in around 9:00. That was the last time I saw Rachel. At some point after that I had to wake up to use the little boy's room, but I must've been more out of my gourd than I thought, because I didn't even use the one in our suite. I slipped in one of the halls and that's how I got this.
Javi and Dawn must have heard, because they both came running, and Javi patched me up. All I really remember was Javi dragging me back to bed at 11:30. He stayed with me to make sure I wouldn't get sick. I recall hearing Dawn coming in and getting int other shower in our bathroom just before midnight, and then when Javi left at midnight I asked if he could crank the AC for me.
Yacht Rental Packet
Page 6 → William's Handwriting
- What's with the power on this boat? Anytime we use the sauna, the shower, or change the AC, all the power gets diverted and the lights go haywire. Javi must be slipping.
Back Cover → Jen's Handwriting
- Top deck
Captain's quarters
Stairs - Third deck
Outdoor seating area
BR - Second deck
Private Balcony
Stateroom Bathroom
Master Stateroom
Stateroom Lounge
Hot Tub - Main deck
Guest bedroom
Guest bedroom
Guest bedroom
Guest bedroom
First deck lounge
Guest bedroom
Outdoor seating area - Below deck
Engine room
Crew quarters
Crew Mess
Pantry - I took this from William's stateroom. Hopefully this map can help you understand the layout a little more.
- The killer was Dawn Rogerstone.
- Dawn knew that Rachel had discovered her affair with Javier. Rachel found Dawn's earring in Javi's sheets that morning and was planning on telling William about Dawn's infidelity. If William were to find out, Dawn believed he would leave her, and she would be forced to go back to the un-pampered life she had before she met him.
- The evening of the murder, after Dawn put a very intoxicated William to bed, she sought out Rachel to confront her and try to convince her that she couldn't tell William about her affair. Rachel stood her ground and Dawn attacked her, knocking Rachel out.
- As Dawn tried to figure out what to do, she remembered Rachel's heart condition. Dawn's secret would die with Rachel, and so at 11:30 PM she put her into the sauna, turned it on, and then walked back to her room. However, she accidentally dropped her own bracelet from Isla De Morsa in the process.
- Among other appliances, turning the sauna on causes a surge in the boat's electricity. These surges were noted at 10:30 PM, 11:30 PM, 11:45 PM, and midnight. One of these must be the time of the murder. Through the witness statements, the captain's log, and unlocking the locked tin, you are able to determine the correct time of death is 11:30 PM.
You can determine that the bracelet found at the scene of the crime is not Rachel's through reading comprehension and piecing together information from the transcribed communications and the captain's log. You can determine that the bracelet's shell is based on the owner's birth month from the island brochure. The key piece of evidence you use to determine which shell is connected to which month is the wedding vision board. Each suspect's birthday is mentioned in the following documents:
- Javi - November - hidden pages tucked into the locked tin
- Maria - March - Welp review and hidden pages tucked into the locked tin
- Milo - February - arrest record tucked into the locked tin
- William - December - island itinerary
- Dawn - November - hidden pages tucked into the locked tin, in addition to the wedding vision board
- Dawn and William's anniversary - April (by process of elimination)
- By figuring out the scallop version of the bracelet applies to the birth month of November, it's possible to narrow down the suspect pool to only Dawn and Javier. Dawn is the only person on the ship who both had the scallop version of the bracelet and also didn't have a proper alibi for the actual time of the murder.
- Milo is innocent because he largely has no motive for killing Rachel. The transcribed communications document chronicles their fight, but they make up and decide to leave the ship together, as noted in the hidden pages. The transcribed communications document also reveals that Milo was in the crew bunks at the time of the murder.
- William is innocent because his birthday is in January, and he, therefore, could not have been at the scene of the crime. He was being taken back to his cabin by Javier at the time of the murder, proven by the witness statements, captain's log, and hidden pages.
- Maria is innocent because her birthday is not in November so the bracelet at the crime scene could not belong to her. She was also asleep at the time of the murder.
- Javier is innocent because he was taking care of William at the time of the murder. Milo, William, and Javi's stories are all corroborated in the transcribed communications, where they can be heard talking to one another. Dawn was the only one who had the opportunity to murder Rachel, and in her witness statement recounts returning to her room to shower, accounting for the final electrical surge on the yacht.
- To complete this experience, open the Essex Luxury Sea Tours in-game desktop and type the name "Dawn Rogerstone" into the messaging client.