Art Program
- There's more than meets the eye to the art program. Are there any items in the box that you could use to search for hidden images?
- The following fingerprint appears on the art program:

- There is handwriting here that can be cross-referenced with other documents to confirm an identity.
Auction Results
- There's more than meets the eye to the auction results. Are there any items in the box that you could use to search for hidden images?
The following fingerprint appears on the auction results:

Bottle Cap
- Francine leaves an additional hint here for the logic grid puzzle.
Business Card
- This card reveals the combination to the jewelry box via colors. Solving the logic grid puzzle will match each color to a number.
- Francine confesses to the crime, but leaves behind a hidden message for Simone. Are there any items in the box that you could use to search for hidden messages?
Contact Letter
- Check the letter for the specific task Simone assigns you. Simone asks you to prove her sister's innocence, exonerate the innocent suspects, and identify her mother's true killer.
Gems of Logic
- Use in conjunction with clues left behind by Francine to solve the logic grid puzzle and discover the physical descriptions of the killer.
Liquid Vials
- Cross-referencing with the police report and the postcard to Ezekiel will reveal which liquid vial belongs to whom.
List of Suspects
- Every suspect to exonerate is laid out in this document, along with the true killer.
Locked Jewelry Box
- Cross-referencing the business card with the logic grid puzzle will match each color in the combination with a number.
Logic Grid Puzzle
- Use the gems of logic and every clue left behind by Francine to solve the puzzle.
The logic puzzle consists of a list of clues and a grid. The grid displays four categories and four items per category. When categories overlap, they create their own subgrid as indicated by the bold lines. For example, for the clue "CHINS FLASH RED", the appropriate feature/color subgrid has been highlighted below:

- Each subgrid's answers are independent of the other subgrid's answers. Every time within a subgrid is matched to one, and only one, other item in each category. In the examples in Figure 2, the clue "CHINS FLASH RED" has been marked where the CHIN and RED item lines intersect.

- No two items in a category will ever be matched to the same item in another category, meaning they can be crossed off as potential items matched. As the chin can only be red, the other boxes in each item line can be crossed off and no longer considered when applying clues to this subgrid.

Museum Photos
- Are there any items in the box that you could use to reveal any obscured images?
- Checking the time stamps and cross-referencing with the police report will help you piece together a timeline.
Partner Letter
- Use the handwriting analysis document to verify who wrote the letter. Cross-referencing with the auction signature sheet and VIP pass will help.
Police Report
- This document details the crime scene. It also explains how each liquid vial is labeled.
Postcard to Ezekiel
- Dolores explains that Ezekiel only uses basic paints while she only uses acidic paints.
- There's more than meets the eye to the receipt. Are there any items in the box that you could use to search for hidden messages?
The following fingerprint appears on the receipt:

- Cross-referencing with the police report and ticket stub will help you piece together a timeline.
Ripped Painting
- Does the painting have any traits that help with the logic grid puzzle?
- The painting shows a man with a green and crooked mouth, two additional hints for the logic grid puzzle.
Silent Auction Signature Sheet
- This document can be used to check for possible forgeries. Additionally, the time stamps will help eliminate (a) suspect(s).
Ticket Stub
- There's more than meets the eye to the ticket stub. Are there any items in the box that you could use to search for hidden images?
The following fingerprint appears on the ticket stub:

- Cross-referencing with the police report and receipt will help you piece together a timeline.
Will of Deceased
- This document details Dolores's last will and statement, including her request for who does and doesn't receive anything in the event of her passing.
- There are multiple signatures that can be cross-referenced with other documents to compare handwriting.
- There's more than meets the eye to the will. Are there any items in the box that you could use to search for hidden messages?
Art Program
- Shining the blacklight on the art program will reveal a hidden fingerprint belonging to Munroe.
Auction Results
- Shining the blacklight on the auction results will reveal a hidden fingerprint belonging to Eva Mae.
Business Card
- The logic grid puzzle reveals that green corresponds with 5, yellow corresponds with 6, blue corresponds with 7, and red corresponds with 8.
- The jewelry box combo is green-red-yellow-blue, or 5-8-6-7.
Shining the blacklight on the front of the confession will reveal a hidden message from Francine to Simone.
- "Simone, I did not kill my mother. The true killer can be found in the list of suspects. I saw my mother fighting with the killer and fear I am next. I have left hints to help prove my innocence. Francine Davenport"
Shining the blacklight on the confession will reveal a hidden hint to the logic grid puzzle.
- "The nose is blue."
Fingerprint Analysis 101
- Dolores was killed within the same timeframe that Francine went to the convenience store and the movies. Therefore, she couldn't be the killer.
Handwriting Analysis 101
- The auction signature sheet and bank check reveal David arrived at the auction after the estimated time of death. Therefore, he couldn't be the killer.
Laboratory Analysis 101
- The paint sample discovered beside Dolores's body has an acidic pH, and Ezekiel is known for only using paints with a basic pH. Therefore, Ezekiel was not present at the crime scene and couldn't be the killer.
Liquid Vials
- The red-labeled vial contained paint belonging to the ripped painting discovered at the crime scene.
- The yellow-labeled vial contained paint belonging to Ezekiel Goodman.
- The yellow-labeled vial contained paint belonging to Ezekiel Goodman.
Logic Analysis 101
- The killer is revealed to have a crooked mouth, straight eyes, a sharp nose, and scarred chin.
- Reviewing the photos found in the jewelry box will reveal that Munroe does not have any of these features. Therefore, Munroe couldn't be the killer.
Logic Grid Puzzle

- The killer has a crooked mouth, straight eyes, a sharp nose, and scarred chin.
On-Site Analysis 101
- Placing the red rubylith overlay atop the museum photos will reveal that Dolores's killer was a man. Therefore, neither Francine nor Eva Mae could be the killer.
Partner Letter
- Cross-referencing with the auction signature sheet, VIP pass, and bank check will reveal that the signatures do not match. This is a forgery written by Munroe.
- Shining the blacklight on the receipt will reveal a hidden fingerprint belonging to Francine. Cross-referencing with the police report will reveal that Francine was not present at the time of the murder. Therefore, she couldn't be the killer.
Ticket Stub
- Shining the blacklight on the ticket stub will reveal a hidden fingerprint belonging to Francine. Cross-referencing with the police report will reveal that Francine was not present at the time of the murder. Therefore, she couldn't be the killer.
Will of Deceased
Shining the blacklight on the will will reveal a hidden hint to the logic grid puzzle.
- "The nose is sharp."
Hidden Text
- Simone, I did not kill my mother. The true killer can be found in the list of suspects. I saw my mother fighting with the killer and fear I am next. I have left hints to help prove my innocence. Francine Davenport
- The nose is blue.
Will of Deceased
- The nose is sharp.
Art Program
- This is a farce. I deserve more credit!
Bank Check
- 1/25/20
- Davenport Dahl, Inc.
- Basket Case
- David Chieng
- 5s are lucky. 5s mean green!
Business Card
Please show Simone this confession so that she may know I did this of my own free will and not because someone has coerced me into it. I confess to killing my mother. I am the true killer. All evidence can be found in The Chicago House of Ingenuity: Museum of Modern Works. Please release the others in your list of suspects. After I saw my mother for the first time in years, we began fighting with each other. I am the killer, and I fear all repercussions, but I am very remorseful and next wish to apologize to my sister. I have left my things for her along with these hints of sorrow. Tell her there is no way to help prove my innocence. I am guilty.
Francine Davenport
Evidence Envelope
Gems of Logic
- Neither the chin nor green are straight.
- The nose is the number before the scar and the number after the eyes.
- The mouth is green or is sharp.
- Yellow is either the chin or the number 6.
- 8 and 5 are not yellow.
- Sharp's number is 2 after green.
- Straight is the number before blue.
List of Suspects
- Currently in lawsuit w/the deceased
- Deceased's current business partner, previous arrests for document forgery
- Estranged, in debt
- Known for making Davenport replica
- Police Chief
- Married to Craig
Logic Grid Puzzle
Solving this will reveal the description of the killer and grant access to the jewelry box. This is the safest way I could think of.

Museum VIP Pass with Lanyard
- David Chieng
Partner Letter
I know you and I are not on the best of terms right now. For that, I am sorry.
I feel terrible about the damage Munroe and I did to the business. I realize how much work you put into making it productive. I know I would be displeased if I were in your position, so I take full responsibility for what has happened.
I'm sure you know Munroe understands your frustration and feels bad about what happened. I implore you to forgive him as well. What is being angry at him going to do for you except take up your time and energy? He loves you and you love him.
Hoping for forgiveness,
David Chieng
Postcard to Craig and Eva Mae
Jan 21, 2020
My close companions,
I hope you two have stopped fighting. I am looking forward to seeing you this weekend. Eva, I am trusting your eye for detail to tell me if my work holds up. Craig, I am trusting your truthful heart to tell me just how great all my work is.
Thinking of you always,
Postcard to David
Jan 21, 2020
Don't forget my exhibit and auction this weekend. We can finish paperwork then.
Postcard to Ezekiel
Jan 21, 2020
Ezekiel Goodman,
My most loyal fan, thank you for your continued support over the years. I know you've been desperate for a greater association with the Davenport name, but your exclusive use of highly basic paints directly contradicts my use of highly acidic paints. I hope there are no hard feelings between us, and I have some news I believe you'll want to hear when you come to the auction.
Postcard to Francine
Jan 21, 2020
I hope you can make it to my exhibit and auction this weekend, even if only for a bit. It would be good to see you again. I miss how you leave traces of where you've been. Hopefully, one of those traces will be with me.
With endless love,
Postcard to Munroe
Jan 21, 2020
Thank you, again, for being as useful as a wooden frying pan. This exhibit was to be a joint project. Good to know some things never change. This shall be our last project. I've made sure you'll never see a cent of my estate.
Best of luck!
- 7 is not yellow
Ripped Painting
- Love of My Life
Will of Deceased
- The nose is sharp.
- Matching the descriptions of the killer to the photos in the jewelry box will reveal the killer is Dolores's secret lover, Craig.