B012DNA Files
- This file works with Redacted.File.pdf and the vial of solution. Redacted.File.pdf must first be unredacted with a password found in the manifesto.
- Compare the results of the test strip and vial of solution with the information presented in this file.
Contact Letter
- Laila mentions the link to the data cache is no longer in Alosha's hands. Find the data cache and a way to get inside. Pay attention to the person they are trying to get information about.
- Use the secure password PATRICIA gave you to open a secure channel. The password is "M4ndalor387".
- "May 19, 2012" is the clue to the type of cipher used in this document.
- Pay attention to the phrase "look at it backwards". This is a clue for how to read other parts of this document.
- Some of the writing in this manifesto is written backward.
- There are several strings in this document that can be decoded in a later episode.
- Notice the out-of-place elements in this file. This digital element, PATRICIA's source code, is glitching physically and contains strings of numbers.
- PATRICIA's code has been altered and interspersed with numeric binary. Separate the binary numbers from the coding. Use a binary translator to decode the message.
Password Card
- Pay attention to the handbook rule number on the card. Also look for a word that describes the type of cipher it is.
- This is a "shift" cipher. The rule mentioned is number 12. Shift the letters of the password by twelve in the alphabet.
Tile Puzzle
- The tile puzzle works in conjunction with another document in this episode. Consider which other document has a similar pattern or design.
- This item coincides with the electrical schematics. Parts of the schematics show up on certain tiles, but they are out of order. Pay attention to what the schematics say when the tiles are put in order.
Vial of Solution
- Test the strip by dipping it in the vial of solution. The color of the strip will reveal information about the subject's CG content and immunity.
B012DNA Files
- The information shows that Oswald had a CG below 50 percent when initially tested. This contradicts his current DNA information, which shows a CG content of 50 percent or higher, yet it is stated in this document that CG content cannot change because it is tied to a person's DNA.
Contact Letter
- The data cache can be found by going into the Personnel Files and clicking on the name Shepard Oswald.
- Enter the file names into the secure channel. The files are: "The_Oswald_File, N113-(61756)-56869A, B012DNAFiles, A001.EmailChain.txt" and can be entered in any order separated by a comma.
- You must use a date cipher.
- First, turn the date May 19, 2012, into numbers: 05122012. Then, assign each letter of the coded phrase to each of the digits of the date in order, repeating the whole number as needed. For example, 1 = 0, Q = 5, and so on. Shift each letter by its corresponding number.
- Using a date cipher, the deciphered message says "I lock myself away with perigee." Consider how this can be used in tandem with a web element of this episode.
- "Perigee" is the password to unlock the Redacted.File.pdf and gain access to The Oswald File.
- When looked through a mirror and put in order, the message reads: "If I do not succeed, the PATRICIA virus will. PATRICIA is the key to our survival. She is the genesis of our rebirth. She is proof of my inevitable rule. She is the catalyst that will change the world. She is mine."
The binary reveals this message:
- The clock is past midnight.
- PATRICIA and I will reset humanity
- What I unravel will never be wound back up.
Password Card
- "fdmzehqdeqimhq" becomes "transversewave", which is the password to the website, www.nacsfacility.net.
Tile Puzzle
- When the tiles are put in order, it shows how the electrical pathways were rewired. The new flow, and the password to the data cache, is "TH1R7Y51X".
Vial of Solution
- The test strip turns red when dipped into the solution. This means Oswald's CG content is greater than 50 percent. The results of this test show that he is immune to the virus.