Physical Contents
Cemetery Guide
- On page 3, the last paragraph explains about wall vaults and how they can act as an oven.
Chemical Analysis
Sylvia believes based on the description and components of the mysterious liquid found in Celestine, that it may be Datura.
- Datura is a type of nightshade flower, which can be very deadly when ingested.
Coroner Assistant's Notes
Postmortem body temp was 106.1 degrees Fahrenheit
- This was due to her being in a wall vault, which acts as an oven.
- Handbag was opened but it appears nothing was taken
Gunshot wound to left temple, .2 inches in diameter
- Most likely the cause of death
Liquid was partially ingested right before death
- Poison, which didn't do the intended job quickly enough and warranted the gunshot
No sexual assault occurred
Float Toys
- The cardboard slats can be attached to the plastic parts and rolled around.
Letter from Sylvia
- Sylvia was able to get in touch with Celestine's "voodoo" contact, Zee, as well as obtain partial autopsy notes.
- How she thinks some toys will help us is beyond me, but we'll find out.
Parade Schedule
- This is a list of parade krewes and their routes.
- Sylvia notes that the floats move rather slowly at a rate of about 1 block per 2 minutes.
Pharmacy Inventory
- On the back seems to be a list of Zee's clients line-up for the day.
- The second-to-the-bottom entry is Celestine.
- The items can be matched up with the autopsy notes.
- The St. Expedite card is referenced.
Saint Expedite Card
Zee wrote a quip on the back of this card.
- "Tomorrow is never promised. Make sure you're walking in the right direction."
Textbook Page
According to the autopsy notes, fixed rigor mortis had set in and body temp was 106.1 degrees Fahrenheit (roughly 7-9 degrees above normal).
- Rigor develops between 2-6 hours of death.
- Body temp rises at approximately 1.5 degrees per hour.
- According to this text, the normal living body temp is 98.6.
So, we take the external temp (106.1) minus the normal living temp (98.6). We then divide that number by 1.5 and subtract that from the time the body was found. Adding a half hour to either end should give us our window of death time.
- 106.1 - 98.6 = 7.5
- 7.5 / 1.5 = 5
- 11:40 +/- 30 minutes = 11:10 - 12:10
However, Celestine was at Zee's shop at 11:25, therefore the actual window of death time is:
- 11:25 - 12:10
Digital Contents
Royal Street Case Website
- Password: ARMSTRONG
Guilty Until Proven Innocent
- Cyril Fortier
- Dillon Morales
- Ines Couvillion
- Jay Harris
- Mason Morales
- Nonah Turner
Events So Far
11:00 PM
- Krewe of Avalon (Enchanted Forest) began their float parade.
11:08 PM
- Jay Harris interrupted a mugging on St. Claude Ave. & Petit St. before riding along with the Krewe of Avalon for 25 blocks on Route C.
11:15 PM
- Ines Couvillion was in Jackson Square.
11:16 PM
- Cyril Fortier was at the pharmacy (Zee's conjure shop).
11:25 PM
- Celestine visited Zee's conjure shop before "visiting Marie".
11:49 PM
- Mason Morales was arrested for being belligerent and harassing pedestrians.
11:50 PM
- Jay Harris jumped off the Krewe of Avalon float at Chartres and Esplanade.
What is the estimated time frame of Celestine's death?
Subject Line: TIMELINE
- 11:25 - 12:10
Who is innocent?
Subject Line: CLEARED
- Jay Harris