Previously on Murder on Ice...
You were able to figure out that Lillian was the person sitting in the light booth during Marcus's conversation with his mysterious collaborator and, therefore, wasn't involved in the plot to rig the skating tournament. Sofia asked Lillian if she saw who Marcus was speaking to that day, but Lillian did not have an answer.
Soon after, Sofia was attacked by a mysterious assailant and The Lourdes Group began their remodel of the Three Pines Ice Rink. Kingston made amends with Sofia, and he has been supporting her in the wake of the attack.
Assailant Identity
- Pay close attention to details given about the remaining suspects' relationships to others.
- Who could have owned the car that was used to attack Sofia?
Encoded Note
- Does this code seem familiar to you?
- The note's writer mentioned adding an "extra twist" to their method of encoding. There is another step you will need to complete if you want to reveal the note's message.
Killer's Identity
- Look very closely at the image of the glove in the safe. Is there anything that would tie it to a specific person, place, or time period? Maybe something that would tie it to all of the above?
- There is something in the welcome packet that will help you to place the glove on the killer's hand.
Logging On
- Check Sofia's letter for the specific task Sofia assigns you. She asks you to figure out who attacked her. Head to and log in using the password FROZEN. When you're ready to tell Sofia what you've found, you can communicate with her through the site's messenger.
Safe Combination
- Look very carefully through the safe information that Sofia sent you and see if you can use the audio of Marcus opening the safe to reconstruct the code.
Assailant Identity
- The only car in the registered vehicle list that matches the description given by Sofia of her assailant's car is owned by someone named Talia Astor. This person is related to one of the three remaining suspects.
- In Marcus's memoir outtakes, it is made clear that Talia Astor is the maiden name of Marcus's mother, who is currently deceased. This means that her vehicle must belong to him. Marcus Lourdes is the owner of the car that tried to run over Sofia. Send his name to Sofia through the messenger at in order to advance the story and receive the next objective.
Encoded Note
- This code was used in the pitch folder in Episode 5. In that code, the number in front of each letter or block of letters modifies the letter it precedes. In other words, the code can be deciphered by moving a letter down in the alphabet by the number of spaces of the number preceding it.
- You can use the same shift method that you used in Episode 5 to solve this puzzle.
When the correct decoding method is applied, the coded words will read:
- Dbirbe
- niur
- Nililasl oercs
- tropnofti
- dolob
- rbnu
- eno geovl
- Aefcnur
- Arpi
- You will need to complete one more step in order to make these phrases legible.
Unscrambled, the encoded words and phrases here are:
- Bribed
- ruin
- Lillian's score
- footprint
- blood
- burn
- one glove
- Furnace
- Pair
Killer's Identity
- The welcome packet contains a list of SAIST's logos throughout the years. There are subtle differences in the logos from year to year. Only one of the logos matches the logo on the glove the killer wore, and only one of the three remaining suspects was at SAIST during that particular year.
- According to the information in the paperweight and Carol's emails, only Carol was at SAIST during the period where the competition's logo matched the logo on the glove. This means that the glove must belong to Carol.
- Carol Donnelly killed Nathan LaPalma. Send her name to Sofia through the messenger at in order to complete the episode.
Safe Combination
- The safe combination can be figured out by matching the sound of the distinct numbers punched into the safe by Marcus to the sound of the example code provided on the security company's website.
- The safe's combination is 026862062. Send this combination to Sofia through the messenger at in order to advance the story and receive the next objective.
Encoded Note
Front → Marcus's Handwriting
I lied to the police.
I saw 2yFL+3kqX 1Es+4kYNj+1Nm 3LVr that day. Or perhaps it was the other way around. He knew I 2bzG+3OYb you to 1mh+2Sp 1MHk+4ehW+2QJ 3Lb+1qbR in the tournament, didn't he? If only he'd left well enough alone. None of this had to happen. I simply wanted him and her to be put in their places.
But it did happen, didn't it? I saw what you did. I saw you leave a 4PNk+2nLM+3Cqf in his 1CN+4h+1nA. Then, I saw you try to 2pz+3Kr some very crucial evidence.
Haven't you been wondering why the police found only 3bkL 4cA+1NUk in the 2Yc+1E+4yJQn? There were only seven of us in the building when it happened, and the 1ZQ+3Mf could only belong to you.
Back → Marcus's Handwriting
If I hand off what I have to TPPD, you're going away for a very long time. Your career will be over.
Thankfully for you, you're worth far more to me free, as long as you stay quiet. We can make a lot of money together if you just cooperate.
Don't worry. I'll protect you. If anyone begins to figure it out, I'll handle it.
P.S. - Added an extra twist to our method of communication. Always good to mix things up a little.
Finale Video
[Sofia and Kingston barge into Carol's office.]
Carol: Excuse me?
Sofia: We found the glove, Carol. It's over.
Kingston: The police will be here in minutes. Got anything you want to say to the world before they throw you in jail?
Carol: I have no idea what it is that you're even talking about -
Sofia: Don't even try it.
Kingston: We already figured out enough to put Marky Mark out there away for - how many crimes again?
Sofia: Bribery, blackmail, accessory to murder, and attempted vehicular manslaughter.
Kingston: He's going to sell you out.
Sofia: He's probably telling the police it was all your idea right now.
Carol: No, it wasn't -
Sofia: You accepted Marcus's offer to set up a lucrative deal with his family's company. All you had to do was publicly embarrass Lillian and Nathan by tanking her score.
[Carol scoffs and starts to rise from her chair.]
Kingston: It was all about petty revenge and cash for him.
Sofia: But what was it for you? You were his best friend. HIs partner. Why did you do it, Carol? I need to know.
[Carol just shakes her head.]
Sofia: Carol, Nathan practically raised me. Losing him was like losing a limb. I've had to learn to function with a huge absence. Even knowing what you did, I'd bet anything it's been the same way for you.
[Carol slumps back down in the chair.]
Sofia: I need to know why that happened. Why he's gone. You have to tell me. And I think you want to.
Carol: Look at you. Fighting for him even when he's dead and gone. Always the golden boy! I've never had anyone fight for me like that.
Sofia: And you were, what, jealous?
Carol: Uh, no, it wasn't like that! Yes, I lived in his shadow for decades, but I accepted it. Did I want loving students, a legacy? Of course. That's why I created FUTURESKATE!
Sofia: And that's what the money was for?
Carol: It was going to serve the greater good. I was going to create a whole new generation of skaters.
Sofia: Funded by a bribe, founded on lies. And you killed Nathan because he found that out?
[Carol slams her fist on the desk.]
Carol: Look! Nathan gave me an ultimatum: if I didn't back out of my agreement with Marcus, he was going to report me. After everything that we'd been through. He pulled out his phone, he was going to report me... and he was going to destroy my career right in front of me. I panicked! I saw red. I saw the skate blade, grabbed it, and swung it. Oh, it was over in seconds, after so many years... His eyes, they were so wide. His blood, it was so hot on my nads, even through the gloves.
[A police officer enters.]
Police Officer: Carol Donnelly, you're under arrest for the murder of Nathan LaPalma. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. Come on.
[Sofia ends the video.]
Harrison's Post
Harrison: What is up, Rink Fam? How's everyone doing today? Good? Good. Because I'm doing great for three reasons. First is: I can finally announce that I'll be competing in SAIST this year! It'll be my second time performing, and I'm looking to outdo my first performance, bring home another award, and get an even better score. I got the official invite a while back, but with how my calendar's been, I wasn't sure I was going to be able to make it. But I can, and I can't wait to see all my Swedish fans out there! Lillian unfortunately won't be able to make it. The second thing is a little more on the personal side: I got myself a new ride! I figured after all the crazy stuff that's been going on lately, I deserve a treat. And I am obviously so grateful to all of you because without you guys it would not be possible. And to express my gratitude, I've been working on something special for you all. That brings me to my third point. I got up SUPER early this morning to meet with manufacturers from Europe to iron out all those little details of the launch of... My new merch line! ICELIFE! It's all about staying connected and cool. I'll post more once we have all the stuff posted up for sale. The shop's going to be crazy, guys. We're gonna have all sorts of things. We're gonna have hats, shirts, socks, gloves, you name it, we're gonna have it. All tested and approved by yours truly. Get hype, guys! I know you are. You're gonna buy out the store so quick, it's going to be crazy. I'd also like to give a little shout-out to my newest sponsor, the good people of The Lourdes Group. Without them, none of this would have been possible, in more ways than one. And a special thank you to all of you: all my Harrisons-and-Daughters. I'd seriously be nothing without your love and support. It means the world to me, guys. And I'm sending all that love, all those positive vibes right back out to each and every one of you. All of you! All my followers, all of you. Everyone watching right now. Thank you, seriously. And... PEACE!
Marcus's Video
Sound: Marcus enters the nine-digit combination to the safe. The sound of each key being pressed is audible. Each of the keys is pitched at a different frequency. The combination that Marcus punches in sounds like the notes A - C - G - B (high) - G - C - A - G - C.
Registered Vehicle List
Sofia's Handwriting
- Every car with a parking pass that was registered by the rink within the last 90 days. Don't recognize quite a few of these names...
Safe Instructions
Sound: For the code 0123456789, the tones of the keypad equate to the notes A - B - C - D - E - F - G - A (higher) - B (higher) - C (higher).
To Find Out Who Attacked Sofia
- The only car in the registered vehicle list that matches the description given by Sofia of her assailant's car is owned by someone named Talia Astor.
- In Marcus's memoir outtakes, it is made clear that Talia Astor is the maiden name of Marcus's mother, who is currently deceased. This means that her vehicle must belong to him.
- Marcus Lourdes was the owner of the car that tried to run over Sofia. Open the messenger on and send his name to Sofia in order to advance the story and receive the next objective.
To Find the Safe's Combination
- The safe combination can be figured out by matching the sound of the distinct numbers punched into the safe by Marcus to the sound of the example code provided on the security company's website.
- Through comparison of these sounds, it is possible to discover that the safe's combination is 026862062. Open the messenger on and send this combination to Sofia in order to advance the story and receive the next objective.
To Find the Killer's Identity
- The welcome packet contains a list of SAIST's logos throughout the years. There are subtle differences in the logos from year to year. Only one of the logos matches the logo on the glove the killer wore, and only one of the three remaining suspects was at SAIST during that particular year.
- According to the information in the paperweight and Carol's emails, only Carol was at SAIST during the period where the competition's logo matched the logo on the glove. This means that the glove must belong to Carol.
- Carol Donnelly killed Nathan LaPalma.
- To complete the episode, open the messenger on and send Sofia a message with the name "Carol Donnelly".
- Sofia will confront the killer you have identified in a final bid to win justice for Nathan LaPalma and send you a recording of the event. Great work, Detective!