Previously on Royal Street...
Sylvia visits Zee's conjure shot and obtains details on Celestine's whereabouts the night of the murder, as well as information from Cel's autopsy. With your assistance, she is able to determine the window for the time of death. By comparing the suspects' movements during this time frame, you discover that Jay was riding as a guest of honor on a parade float the night of the murder - which makes him innocent of Celestine's death.
Krewe of Versailles
- Check out the Versailles meeting minutes. What does Cyril advise the group to do?
- Could Cyril's directive to his krewe relate to any other items in the box?
- Have you noticed the symbols on the border of the tarot cards?
- What happens if you try to line up the symbols on the border of the tarot cards? Remember to keep the half-moon shapes in the same direction.
- Once you've put the tarot cards in the right formation, you might notice the text looks a little funny. Have you seen any odd-looking text in another document belonging to the Krewe of Versailles?
- Where could you find the names of the founders of the Krewe of Versailles? Think back to Episode 2!
- Have you tried shifting the letters to decode?
Link to the Crime Scene
- Start with the coroner assistant's notes from Episode 3.
- There was something in the crime scene that was so unusual that the coroner ran a report about it. Can you find that report? It's also in Episode 3.
- Check out the chemical analysis in Episode 3. Do you have any theories about what this substance could be? You've seen it before.
- The substance found in Celestine's mouth relates to something in the storybook from Episode 1. It's also mentioned in this episode.
Logging On
- Check Sylvia's letter for the specific task she assigns you: eliminate a suspect. Navigate in your web browser to and log in to Michelle Gray's website with the password GUMBO.
Mystic Krewe of Marie Laveau
- Look at the float plans. Does the symbol in the circle look familiar? Where have you seen it before? Think back to Episode 1.
- You'll need to line things up perfectly on the float plans. Thankfully, there's something in the circle that will help you make sure everything is where it needs to be.
- You'll need to line things up perfectly on the float plans. Thankfully, there's something in the circle that will help you make sure everything is where it needs to be.
- As you decipher the float plans using the circle, some letters won't have a match, and that's okay. Start with the ones you have.
Pirate Brothers
- Through their meeting notes, the Pirate Brothers inadvertently confess to something.
- In Episode 2, when Celestine said she had parted ways with the brothers over something you could learn about "in the news", what was she talking about?
- As you listen to the Mason and Dillon recording, you might notice that all the words in the twin language follow a very similar pattern. Can you tell what it is? Looking at Sylvia's notes might help you get started!
- At one point, Mason and Dillon talk about a mermaid on their float. Do we ever hear the encoded word for mermaid? Again, Sylvia's notes might be helpful here.
- Mason and Dillon are talking backwards... almost.
- Once you've decoded the Mason and Dillon recording, check out the photo of Mason and Dillon. There's a detail there that matches something you've seen earlier.
- There's a document on the virtual desktop that gives details about goings-on on the night of the murder. Does one of the details in it relate to the twins?
- How can you tell the twins apart? They have the same tattoo on different arms, but there's something one twin has that the other doesn't.
- The last encoded phrase said in the Mason and Dillon recording is very important for telling the twins apart.
Sir Barksalot
- Who is Nonah's favorite dog? What does she call him?
- Are both Nonah and Janelle's picks for the court listed on the dog court notes? Why not?
- On the dog court notes, Janelle encourages Earl to "look up and down". Have you tried to do the same?
- Check out the second column on each block!
Krewe of Versailles
- When the krewe discusses diversity issues, Cyril tells them to "look to the cards".
- Cyril's instructions relate to the tarot cards.
If you line up each symbol on the back of the tarot cards with the similar symbol on a different card, you will form a configuration with an open rectangle in the middle. The text will be in a circle.

- The text in the circle should read "Avnurj Ykizout Yod".
- The charter has text written in the same code: the signatures.
- Look for the founders' names in the newspaper article from Episode 2.
- The names in the charter are all shifted by six letters. So are the letters on the tarot cards.
The decoded names on the charter are:
- Pgsky R. Nkhkxz = James L. Hebert
- Ruaoy X. Xkkj = Louis R. Reed
- Punt G. Lutzktuz = John A. Fontenot
- Soingkr P. Xoingxj = Michael J. Richard
- Ingxrky K. Luxzokx = Charles E. Fortier
Cyril's message to his krewe on the tarot card says "Uphold Section Six". Section six is the part of the charter that limits the membership to white men, which violates city ordinances. This is the secret Celestine discovered about Cyril and the reason the Krewe of Versailles was disbanded.
Link to the Crime Scene
- The coroner assistant's notes talk about a purple substance in Celestine's mouth.
- There is more information about the substance in the chemical analysis from Episode 3.
- The substance in Celestine's mouth contains datura, which was mentioned in Episode 3.
- The substance in Celestine's mouth is Mère Petitpas's violet absinthe, which is described in the storybook from Episode 1. In the current episode, multiple krewes express their desire to bid for the last remaining bottle of the violet absinthe at the Three Kings Ball. Open the Contact shortcut on the desktop and send Sylvia an email with the phrase "violet absinthe" in the body of the message to complete this episode.
Mystic Krewe of Marie Laveau
- The circle on the float plans corresponds with the Mystic Krewe of Marie Laveau beads you received in Episode 1.
Use the dot on the bottom of the medallion on the beads to line it up with the sketch on the float plans.

- Only some letters will match. However, once those letters are in place, you should be able to guess the whole phrase.
- If you match the letters on the float plans circle with those on the medallion, here's what you'll get: "The age _f Ce_esti_e is e__i_g. The age _f Eye is _igh."
- The decoded phrase is "The age of Celestine is ending. The age of Eye is nigh." Ines (whose nickname Eye comes from her social media handle (@EyeNezzzz) has been plotting to replace Celestine as captain.
Pirate Brothers
- In the Pirate Brothers meeting notes, Mason exposes the krewe's plot to trash the Mystic Krewe of Marie Laveau den as revenge for MKML taking their parade route after it was reassigned by the city.
- Celestine parted ways with the brothers after she discovered that James O'Connor had been killed by hazing at the hands of the twins' fraternity. Later, when her krewe received the Krewe of the Pirate Brothers Jean and Pierre's parade route, the relationship went from bad to worse.
- In Mason and Dillon's twin language, the syllables in each word are preserved, but they are presented in a different order.
- At the beginning of the Mason and Dillon recording, one of the brothers calls a mermaid a "maid-mer". Sylvia attempts to translate this in her notes as "made murr", and a question mark indicates her confusion.
- The syllables in each encoded word are reversed.
The encoded words are:
- mermaid
- discount
- pushover
- idiot
- Gamma Kappa Epsilon
- O'Connor
- challenge
- invented
- incarnation
- fourteen minutes
- Dillon
- golden
- grimace
- Both of the brothers have a budgie, or parrot, tattooed on their bicep, but one brother has it on the left while the other's is on the right arm.
- The crime blotter from Episode 2 describes a person with a budgie tattoo being arrested. This person could not have committed the murder because they were in police custody at the time.
- Both brothers have a budgie tattoo, but the crime blotter specifically mentions a tattoo on the left bicep. The twin with the tattoo on the right bicep also has a gold tooth, while the twin with the tattoo on the left bicep (the arrestee) does not.
In the Mason and Dillon recording one of the brothers says, "I freaking hate you, Lon-dill [Dillon]. Cross me again, and I'll wipe that den-gol [golden] little mace-grim [grimace] right off your face!" Since the name Dillon is used, we know the person speaking is Mason. And since Dillon has the gold tooth, that means he is not the person who was arrested. Therefore, Mason is the innocent twin. Open the Contact shortcut on the desktop and send Sylvia an email with the phrase "Mason Morales" in the body of the message to continue the episode.
Sir Barksalot
- Nonah's favorite dog is Trėsor, who she calls Sweetboy.
- Janelle and Nonah's picks are not on the dog court notes because the list is actually a cipher.
- The cipher on the dog court notes is an acrostic using one of the columns in each word.
- From the second column of each word, the decoded text reads: "She was hoarding dogs. Fifty in one room. Cel B called the cops." Nonah's dog hoarding was reported by Celestine, which infuriated Nonah. The texts from Nonah and the email from Officer Blake in Episode 2 show that Celestine reported Nonah, and that she was taken in by police late in the evening on January 6.
Adopted 17 June, 1884
Resolved by the Assembly:
- SECTION 1. That those in attendance at this inaugural assembly, and those that they may choose to include in their future assemblies, are constituted a body corporate and politic by the name of the Krewe of Versailles.
- SEC. 2. The purposes for which said corporation is formed, always consistent with Christian values and doctrine, are the following: (a) to form lasting bonds between the preeminent men and families of Orleans and Jefferson Parishes; (b) through common worship, charitable works, assemblies, and rites of initiation, to form its members in faith and virtue; (c) to render pecuniary aid to its members, their families, and beneficiaries of members and their families; and (d) to promote and maintain the celebration of Carnival to the benefit and satisfaction of both its members and the greater public, culminating in a yearly ball and procession.
- SEC. 3. Said corporation shall have perpetual succession. It shall have a common seal. It may sue and be sued. It may hold, receive, lease, and purchase such real estate and personal property as may be requisite and expedient for its purposes, and may sell, lease, encumber, and dispose of such property.
- SEC. 4. The membership of this corporation shall remain anonymous to those outside of said corporation.
- SEC. 5. All members, unless decided upon by a majority vote, must: (a) contribute a minimum financial stake on a yearly basis; (b) regularly attend assemblies and functions of the Krewe; and (c) uphold the standards of behavior of the Krewe.
- SEC. 6. The addition of new members will be decided in a once annual gathering of all current members. To be considered, candidates must first be nominated by an existing member before being put to a vote, where a two-thirds majority will decide inclusion or discussion. Nominees for membership will only be considered if they meet and maintain the following standards of: (a) being a man of at least thirty-five years of age; (b) being of the Caucasian race and ancestry; (c) owning land within five miles of Orleans or Jefferson Parishes; and (d) maintaining a position of high regard and respect amongst those of his station.
Attested to and Witnessed By:
- Pgsky R. Nkhkxz
- Ruaoy X. Xkkj
- Punt G. Lutzktuz
- Soingkr P. Xoingxj
- Ingxrky K. Luxzokx
Dog Court Notes
Here's the "revised" dog court list. If you look this up and down, you might learn something interesting... (if anyone asks, you didn't hear it from me!)

Dog Photos
Photo 1
- Janelle: Mr. Entertainer - Kathy P.
Miss Nonah, is he not adorbs? That lil paunch even reminds me of Dave a smidge lol - Nonah: This dog is OBESE! Janelle, tell Kathy to stop giving this poor thing table scraps. HARD PASS
Photo 2
- Janelle: Booboo Bear - Nancy H.
Awww booboo needs more coffee - Nonah: Cute pooch, LAZY owner. Remind Nancy that Sir Barksalot requires commitment. Straighten Booboo's tie, then we'll talk.
Photo 3
- Janelle: Jeremy - Ben K.
If I was captain, this beautiful boy would be King - Nonah: That'll be the day. However, this gorgeous boy is definite knight material. SIR Jeremy is IN!!!
Photo 4
- Janelle: Trésor - Nonah T.
Five stars!!!! - Nonah: My sweetboy the King!! Long may he reign! ALL my babies are precious, but I'd do anything for this one.
Photo 5
- Janelle: Rabbit - Tina B.
OMG lil Rabbit has moved into my heart! - Nonah: Cute, but Tina's fixing to outbid me on that violet absinthe at Three KIngs. It's mine by right. She needs reminding of her place. OUT
Photo 6
- Janelle: Aphrodite - Helen B.
Truly a goddess of love! - Nonah: REGAL! Trésor's Queen? KING TRÉSOR & QUEEN APHRODITE!!!!
Photo 7
- Janelle: Grumps - Morgan R.
Miss Nonah, I think Grumps might be the perfect Duke!!! - Nonah: There are no "mights" in Carnival
Photo 8
- Janelle: Chicken - Harper L.
- Nonah: Janelle, this wasn't funny last year and it's not funny now. I ABHOR felines and their lying devil eyes.
Float Plans
- Tdb Knb vo Lbjbetzrb ze brczrn, tdb Knb vo Bsb ze Rznd.
Mason and Dillon Recording
[SOUND: Outdoor city noises: traffic, trains, steamboat.]
A: -ooks fine.
B: What about the maid-murr?
A: What about it?
B: Dude. She's like a solid seven. Eight at the most. Unacceptable.
A: I think she looks like Emily.
B: Like I said, a seven. Just like your little -
A: Hey -
Jay: Everything okay?
B: Yeah. There's a big wah-wah baby over here who can't take a joke. Look, if we climb in, will it hold?
Jay: 'Course it will. I don't build no leaky boats.
B: Sick!
[SOUND: Mason and Dillon climb up onto the float.]
B: I changed my mind. This mermaid looks straight-up busted. Strong four, tops.
A (sounding far away): This is so dope.
B: Shut up, genius. Don't you want a count-diss?
A: Come on. Just pony up.
B: Bro, she made you a vur-o-push already? You poor ut-ee-id. Who does she think she's dating? Does she even know about Muh-gamm uh-Kapp lawn-sih-epp?
A: Dude, don't bring that up.
B: Relax. I'm the only one with receipts.
A: Shut up -
B: Well, of course, there's nur-kah-oh but obviously -
B: Don't feel bad. That was a really fun lenge-cha you ted-ven-in. Until it wasn't, right? Or how about your evening of, ya know, shun-ay-ser-car-inn after the Chubs bar crawl? I bet she'd love to hear about that one too, little brother.
A: I'm not your little brother.
B: By teen-four its-minn.
Jay: Everything okay up there?
B: Okay. Okay. Let's see... We can put the throw chest right here, the cooler there, and the good stuff under this thing... Hey, you know what, I think I will tell her. Why not?
A: Shut up.
B: Or what, bro?
A: Or I'll knock you into the next parish like we're twelve again.
B: I'd like to see you try.
A: I freaking hate you, lun-dill. Cross me again, and I'll wipe that den-goal little miss-grim right off your face!
[SOUND: A storms off.]
B: That's right; run and hide, coward. They're coming for you!
Jay: Hey, we good here? You gotta sign this before I take off.
[SOUND: Jay hands B a clipboard and pen. B signs the paper.]
B: Sure. Thanks. You've got our card on file right?
Jay: I've got a card belonging to Daniella Morales?
B: The Bank of Mom has the lowest rates in town, my dude.
[SOUND: The recording ends abruptly.]
Pirate Brothers Meeting Notes
- What do iguanas eat?? Emily sez internet sez LEAFY GREENS ONLY NO MORE BEER
- Broken coffee table glass top (just happened). Dillon will replace
- Motion to move Chubs to my room, zero objections
- City wants to give us new 11 am parade route in Pines Village since they gave our primo slot to MKML. Dillon says no way!
- Supply run: plastic cups, rolling papers, aquarium/heat lamp for Chubs, cleaning products
- For Friday: meet here first. Route C belongs to us, not Laveau!!!
- Vengeance is ours!!! (direct quote) Need: bandanas, paint, t.p.
- We were never there: WE WERE AT MOM'S HOUSE
- On notice: Ian, Chase
- Vice Prezzy Candidates: Conor, Ibsa, Joe, James
- Where's our TV? nobody knows, Dillon whistles
- Collin's dad starting distillery - will supply future parties.
- Dillon trips to bathroom [image of four tally marks] Next party - Yo Ho Bros? Cinco de Matey? Kegs and Peglegs?
- Aaron sez Kings Auction has a Mère Petitpas bottle of violet absinthe MUST GET IT
- BETTER Next party - Purple Swamp Witch Tripout
- How much can we raise from 'rents to buy it??? IF WE LOSE LETS JUST TAKE IT AND DRINK IT
- Who rents foam machines? Collin will find out
- New members? Luke's bro Chad?
- [image of stains of dried blood drops, circled by handwriting] Dillon's wicked nosebleed
- Friday night fight club - start next week
- Buy first aid kit, vodka
Sylvia's Notes
Front → Bartender's Handwriting
- Bywater Babes' Brew
- Bywater Babes' Brew
- Le Cimetière
- Tonight's detective juice is on the house. Good luck, Syl! We're rooting for you!
Back → in Sylvia's Handwriting
- #1 (can't tell them apart): Looks fine.
- #2: What about the made murr?
- #1: What about it?
- #2: something something Solid seven, eight.
- It's not English whatever it is! I give up!
Sylvia's Video Update
Sylvia: Hello, again. These are becoming our regular thing now, huh? I just want to keep you in the loop... and honestly, it's just... it's nice having someone to talk to... Listen to me... Not much movement out here, other than me feeling more isolated than I've felt since I moved to NOLA. And it's funny - like sad, pathetic funny, not like cat-video funny - when you just realize almost all of your socializing has been via the krewe. I'm still ghosting Ines. Pretty sure she's ghosting me back, too. Unless she's too busy playing krewe queen now. I did reach out to Jay a couple times, but you know how Jay is... fine in very, very small doses. He is a pro-level texter through - "thumb novels" my girl Minette from Jersey used to call them. So, yeah. You know what really gets me, though? Like, how is it that all of a sudden Jay knows everyone? He just moved here like, less than a year ago... and he knows every restaurant, all the people in town! And, like, yes, I get it. People really respect his work. Like, I hear he's the best float builder in town. And, of course, he's like the poster child of positivity. I mean, am I really so East Coast uptight? Do you know how hard I have to work just to get an anime recommendation or a coffee date or a picnic invite? It's just I have to start from scratch and that really, really sucks. I'm sorry to just put all of this on you. But as my grandpa used to say, it'll all wash out when it rains. Talk later.
Tarot Cards
Back of La Vieillesse
- J
Back of Le Fou
- Avnur
Back of Le Jeu
- [right half of the letter o] d
Back of Le Monde
- Yki
Back of Le Printempts
- zout
Back of L'hiver
- Y [left half of the letter o]
- Sylvia sends you all the information Jay gathered at the various krewe dens, including a wealth of encoded communication. When combined with the beads from Episode 1, the float plans reveal Ines's yearning to take over the krewe from her rival. Placing the beads' medallion in the center of the circle and matching letters reveals Ines's message: "The age of Celestine is ending. The age of Eye is nigh." The sunglasses Sylvia sends you were Celestine's last design for the krewe, not left in a bin gathering dust by Ines and her allies.
- In the Versailles meeting minutes, Cyrcil's krewe discusses possible legal action brought toward them for violating the City of New Orleans' anti-discrimination ordinance. However, Cyril insists his krewe "look to the cards", and when the tarot cards are arranged by matching up the symbols in their borders, an encoded message is revealed. The secret to cracking this code lies in the encoded signatures on the charter, which use the same cipher. When the founders' names are compared to their unencoded version in the newspaper article from Episode 2, it becomes clear that the Krewe of Versailles shifts each letter by six places to encode their messages. When Cyril's text on the tarot cards is decoded, it reveals his instructions: Uhold Section Six". Section six is the section of the charter that permits discrimination. Judging from Cyril's social media posts from Episode 1 and the recent disbanding of his krewe, it seems Celestine caught wind of his injustice and reported it.
- The resignation letter explains that Nonah left her krewe in early January, citing health concerns. However, reading down the second column in each word in the dog court notes reveals a different story. Nonah was forced to resign after Celestine turned her in for hoarding dogs, which was previously discussed in the texts from Nonah in Celestine's VuMail Drive folder. The dog photos show the tense relationship between Nonah and her second-in-command, Janelle, who ended up taking over the krewe and the rescue organization after Nonah left.
- The article printout shows that the Morales twins may be more sinister than they first appeared. According to the article, while students at Atchafalaya State, they were allegedly responsible for the death of a fraternity brother named James O'Connor. This scandal was the reason their relationship with Celestine started to sour, and things only got worse when she received their former parade route. When they want to keep information secret, Mason and Dillon speak in a twin language, which Jay records for Sylvia. In this language, the syllables are spoken in reverse order - mermaid becomes maid-mer, incarceration becomes tion-a-cer-car-in, etc. Listening to the Mason and Dillon recording reveals that Dillon believes Mason was responsible for O'Connor's death because the dare that killed O'Connor was Mason's idea. At the very end, Mason mentions Dillon's "golden grimace", which refers to the fact that Dillon has a gold tooth. The photo of Mason and Dillon shows that both twins have a budgie (parrot) tattoo, but only one has a gold tooth. The crime blotter from Episode 2 mentions an individual with a budgie tattoo on the left bicep who was arrested during the murder, and is therefore innocent of Celestine's death. The twin with the gold tooth and a tattoo on the right bicep is Dillon; the twin with no gold tooth and tattoo on the left bicep is Mason. Therefore, Mason is the innocent suspect.
- Open the Contact shortcut on the desktop and send Sylvia an email with the phrase "Mason Morales" in the body of the message to continue in the episode.
- With no more leads beyond what she has already sent you, Sylvia wonders what to do next. Since the murder weapon appears to be untraceable, she asks you to find some other piece of evidence that might link the suspects to the crime scene.
- In the documents for this episode, the term "violet absinthe" appears multiple times in relation to the suspects. As you retrace your steps and review the forensic evidence from previous episodes, including the coroner assistant's notes and the chemical analysis, you will notice that a purple substance was found in Celestine's mouth. The substance is unknown, but the coroner assistant tentatively writes "Datura??" on the analysis. Going further back, the storybook from Episode 1 tells the tale of a mythical brew called La Spirale Violette, or, more commonly, violet absinthe, which contains a psychoactive component from the datura flower. According to the story, only one bottle on earth remains. The substance found in Celestine's mouth was violet absinthe, which had been bid on by each of the suspects during a blind auction at the Three Kings Ball six weeks before Celestine's death.
- Open the Contact shortcut on the desktop and send Sylvia an email with the phrase "violet absinthe" in the body of the message to complete the episode.
- Sylvia vows to trace the path of the absinthe and discover how it got from the auction to the crime scene. She contacts Celestine's teenage cousin, Elijah, who was Cel's "intern" at the Three Kings Ball. He promises to obtain evidence from that night, which Sylvia promises to send to you. Until then, Detective!