Episode 3


Knots to Know Print

  • This print lists ten types of knots. It is used in conjunction with the letter from Jasper.

Letter from Jasper

  • Throughout the letter, Jasper references times which are used in conjunction with the Knots to Know print.

Letter from Sheriff

  • In his letter, Sheriff Dietrich tells Felix about a body he found and his continuing investigation of the LFoA Bozeman facility. He also says that he "noticed something odd" on the staff calendar.

Letter from Sylvia

  • Several symbols are hidden throughout the body of the letter and Sylvia references a place where these symbols were once used.


Letter from Jasper

  • Each given time is a separate shift cipher. The hour indicates a knot's listed number in the Knots to Know print. The first letter of the knot's name will be what is shifted. The minute indicates how many letters it should be shifted, and the direction of the shift depends on the phrasing.
  • For example, "four past two" indicates that the 2nd knot on the list, Bowline, should be used. "B", the first letter of Bowline, will be what gets shifted. "Four past" indicates that you should shift past "B" - effectively, this means starting at "B" and shifting forward four letters, which will give you "F".
  • The hidden message is "FACET". This is the password used to open the PDF "Woven" in the hidden LFoA archives.

Letter from Sylvia

  • Sylvia references Babylon, an ancient civilization that used a writing system called cuneiform. Sylvia's hidden message is written in cuneiform and translates to: "WAIT BY CRAFTS RM WINDW".