Death at the Dive Bar


Addressed Envelope #1

  • Try folding the envelope backward to read the secret message more easily.
  • If you haven't opened the locked deposit bag, try doing that first. There is something inside of it that will help you crack the cipher.
  • Nick's notes have a hint on how to solve the cipher.

Addressed Envelope #2

  • The placement of the numbers "407" is intentional and the key to cracking the code.
  • "The code repeats" from Nick's notes is in reference to this cipher (and also works on the other envelope code).
  • To solve the other envelope, figure out where "407" comes from and then repeat the same process used on this envelope.
  • This is a shift cipher, but each letter is shifted by a different number. These numbers are obtained by repeatedly writing the street number of the address over each letter of the code.

Bar Menu

  • Reading the circled words in order reveals a secret message.

Boot Photos

  • Other evidence in the box should help determine who the boots in these photos belong to.

Bottle Opener

  • The year on the bottle opener may help you decipher the note on the back of the coaster.

Coaster from Bar

  • "mm/y" is three digits. Could a three-digit code be used with any other piece of evidence?
  • Nick's notes can help solve "mm".
  • The bottle opener can help solve "y".
  • "mm/y" is the code to the locked deposit bag.

Crime Scene Photo

  • When using the boot tread list to identify the boot print, pay attention to the tread pattern of rectangles around the outside of the print, and the triangle pattern in the center.
  • Once you have identified the boot that made the print, look to see if there are any pictures of the boot among the rest of the evidence.

Deputy Notes

  • Pay attention to the times noted in this document.

Email Printout

  • Try matching the dates of the emails with the dates in Nick's notes.

Empty Matchbox

  • Make sure you check the underside of the matchbox tray.
  • The phone number works. Try calling it.

Letter from Private Investigator Michelle Gray

  • Full instructions on how to solve these kinds of ciphers can be found in the instruction manual. This cipher is intended to be used as an example only and does not pertain to gameplay.

Locked Deposit Bag

  • The bag has a three-digit code. Have you found any clues referencing three digits?
  • This is Nick's bag. What would an important number be to Nick?
  • The coaster gives a clue on how to find the code.
  • Nick's Notes have some of the information you need to find the code.
  • The bottle opener has the final bit of information you need to find the code.

Nick's Notes

  • Pay attention to the dates; they will be used with multiple other pieces of evidence to solve the case.
  • Look at the outside tread of the boot print Nick sketched. Does it match any of the boots in the boot tread list?
  • There is a clue for solving the envelope cipher in Nick's notes.
  • Nick's notes can be used with the coaster and the bottle opener to get into the locked deposit bag.

Nick's Will

  • Try matching the date of this document with the dates in Nick's notes.

Ritual Flyer

  • Pay attention to the starting time for the ritual.

Security Camera Photo

  • Pay attention to the timestamp on the bottom of the photo.
  • Look closely to see what the individual in the devil mask is holding.
  • The doorframe has markings for height on it.
  • The camera is aimed at a downward angle. How would that affect the apparent height of the people in the photo?

Suspect Profiles

  • Information provided in this document can be used with other documents to check for and confirm a suspect's alibi.
  • Information provided in this document will help you determine where certain photos were taken.

Threatening Note

  • Pay attention to the letters used in the message. Do these letters appear on any other pieces of evidence?

Traffic Citation

  • Pay attention to the time and the vehicle. Does this information give any characters an alibi?
  • Use the suspect notes and deputy notes to interpret information in this citation.


Addressed Envelope #1

  • To solve the message, repeatedly write the numbers 131 (from the street address on the front of the envelope) over the letters of the message. Then shift each letter backward by the number written over it. You should get the following:
  • Can't wait to see you. Mind if I borrow the car again?

  • This note is from Cheri to Chris.

Addressed Envelope #2

  • To solve the message, repeatedly write the numbers "407" over the letters of the message. Then shift each letter backward by the number written over it. You should get the following:
  • Anytime. Wish it were just us, without your old man in the way.

  • This note is from Chris to Cheri.

Bar Menu

  • Using the message on the front and the circled letters on the back, we can see Donna was saying to Nick: "We need to talk about Devil's Well land Wednesday 11 PM." This is in reference to the town trying to sell the land around Nick's bar. 11 PM does not fit Nick's time of death, and he did not die on Wednesday, so this meeting is not when his murder happened.

Boot Photos

  • The set of boots that do not match the crime scene photo print belongs to Joan. The Woodriver Fortress boots are in the back of a Toyota. From the suspect profiles, we know Chris drives a Toyota. We also know from Cheri's cipher note that she asked to borrow Chris's car.

Bottle Opener

  • The Websters were married in 2004. 4 is the last digit of the code needed to open the locked deposit bag.

Coaster from Bar

  • "mm/y" is Nick's anniversary. From his notes and the bottle opener, we know his anniversary is 11/4. This code can be used to open the locked deposit bag.

Crime Scene Photo

  • The boot that left the tread is the Woodriver Fortress and can be found on page 6 of the boot tread list.
  • The matchbook in the photo is the one that the devil was holding in the security camera photo, not the one left by Donna on the bar. This can be inferred from Carmen's notes on Donna's suspect profile.

Deputy Notes

  • The timeline of the notes works with the traffic citation to further solidify Chris's alibi at the time of Nick's murder.

Email Printout

  • This document shows Chari was trying to sell Old Scratch Tavern without Nick's consent. When he discovered this information, he cut Cheri out of his will.

Empty Matchbox

  • The phone number belongs to Donna. This further solidifies that she wanted Nick to call her to talk about the land deal happening over Devil's Well.

Good Fences Printout

  • Along with the ritual flyer, we can use the timeline in this document to get an alibi for Joan. The ritual started at 3:04 AM, and went for 30-40 minutes. The crashing through the underbrush would have happened around the time Nick gave chase to the devil. Joan was with Mia the entire time, so she could not be the murderer. Furthermore, we learn that while Joan isn't the murderer, she is the person responsible for leaving dead animals around Old Scratch Tavern.
  • Chris lives on Carmichael Road. The disturbance was coming from his house, but we know from his notes he was on duty at the time. The noise was coming from Cheri, who was "spending the night at a friend's". The noise is Cheri attempting to create an alibi for herself before borrowing Chris's personal vehicle, the Toyota.

Letter from Private Investigator Michelle Gray

  • When deciphered, the first portion of the shift reads, "When you have eliminated the impossible".
  • When deciphered, the second portion of the shift reads, "whatever remains, however improbable,".
  • When deciphered, the third portion of the shift reads, "must be the truth."

Locked Deposit Bag

  • The code to the bag is Nick's anniversary month and year: 11/4.

Nick's Notes

  • The boot tread Nick sketched matches the Woodriver Fortress, the same boot that left the print at the crime scene.
  • Nick's anniversary is in November.
  • "The code repeats" is a clue to solving the cipher used on the two envelopes. By repeating the address over and over again, we get the shift numbers to crack the code.

Nick's Will

  • This document shows the extent to which the Websters' marriage is falling apart. It also provides the context for why Joan hates the bar.

Ritual Flyer

  • The ritual started at 3:04 AM. Combining this information with the Good Fences printout timeline, we learn that Joan has an alibi for the time of Nick's murder.

Security Camera Photo

  • The timestamp on the bottom of the photo is 3:33 AM, providing an approximate time of death for Nick.
  • The individual in the devil mask is holding a lit match. This is the person who has been lighting fires around the bar.
  • While the individual in the devil mask appears to be around 6 feet tall in this picture, the angle of the camera is misleading. Because the camera is pointed downward, it is making the individual in the devil mask look taller than they actually are. Their true height would be closer to 5' 6".

Threatening Note

  • The letters used in the note are cut out from the ritual flyer and the bar menu. This could be Joan, or someone trying to frame Joan, sending the messages.
  • Because the flyers were posted around town, anyone could have had access to the ritual flyers and the menu.

Traffic Citation

  • The citation is for a silver Lincoln, the same car that Donna drives. The timestamp is at 3:31 AM, giving Donna an alibi for the time of Nick's murder. The badge number is Chris's, meaning he was the officer ticketing Donna, which also gives him an alibi for the time of Nick's murder.

Hidden Text

Empty Matchbox

  • 812-202-6104


Addressed Envelope #1

Chris Thompson

131 Carmichael Rd.

Perdition, IN 47448





Addressed Envelope #2

Cheri Webster

407 Shelby Lane

Perdition, IN 47448





Bar Menu

  • We need to talk

Coaster from Bar

  • The date you can't forget - mm/y

Deputy Notes

  • Dec. 7

    • 01:34 Traffic stop, red Honda going 60 mph in 25 mph zone, Ames Ave. by Brewer Hill Cemetery. Ticket
    • 03:12 Report of suspicious person, 13 CR 66. No sign of unusual activity on arrival. Searched property, called in all clear after confirming building secure.
    • 03:31 Traffic stop, silver Lincoln tail lights out, CR 66 and Eagleton Creek Rd. Warning.
    • 04:01 Collison between blue Cadillac and black Lincoln, Hawkins Rd. near the Higgledy-Piggledy convenience store. No serious injuries. Booked Lincoln driver for DUI.
    • 06:37 Possible dead body called in, Devil's Well. Confirmed no signs of life, called coroner. No ID, but able to confirm victim's identity. Secured scene.
    • 06:59 Made initial search of area. No signs of struggle on riverbank. Fall from the ledge seems likley.
    • 07:29 Coroner arrived. Agreed fall is likely cause of death, says he's been dead 3-4 hours.
    • 08:45 Went to 2 CR 66 to talk to neighbor who found body. Stated she was out for a walk shortly after 06:00 when she discovered the body on the rocks beside the waterfall, then returned home to call police.
    • 10:22 Back to scene. Search of water underway. Haven't found much so far, besides some empty beer bottles. Probably just litter.
    • 11:17 Gave update to McGinty. He agrees with accident scenario, will proceed accordingly.
    • 12:32 Coroner OK'd removal of remains. Morty from Boggs Funeral Home to pick up.
    • 13:05 Told Cheri. She took it about as expected, did my best to calm her down. Reassured her foul play unlikely. Made sure she called her mother to come down and stay, so she's not alone at a time like this.

Nick's Notes

  • Oct. 13 - Rock through back window, nothing on cams
  • Oct. 19 - Two fires in one night. Fire dept. thinks I'm crazy but I know it's him
  • Oct. 22 - Find out when Darling's anniversary present will be ready. Fire near parking lot. Cam 1 only raccoons
  • Oct. 24 - Broke cam on loading dock, ordered replacement
  • Oct. 26 - I can see the Devil in the woods, I'm just not fast enough to catch him. No footage
  • Oct. 31 - Three fires in the woods tonight, didn't bother to call the fire dept. No sign on any cams
  • Nov. 8 - Biggest fire yet, this was a close one
  • Nov. 10 - Remember to pick up Darling's gift
  • Nov. 12 - Shadow by loading dock, 3:13 AM. Don't be late for dinner res. tomorrow - don't want a repeat of last year
  • Nov. 16 - Note in mailbox: "You'll burn for what you've done." Owl on cam 2, 10:32 PM
  • Nov. 19 - Fire by loading dock, 1:56 AM, burned wall pretty bad but no structural damage. Still no footage. Prints, though - the Devil's?
  • Nov. 23 - What is she thinking? Why would she go behind my back like that?
  • Nov. 24 - Another note: "Are you ready to die?" Something bad is coming, got to be ready
  • Nov. 27 - I found proof right there in the open. Can't make it out but I know what it means and what I have to do. Fire in woods 4:14 AM
  • Nov. 28 - C. at mother's, thank god. Dead raccoon in parking lot
  • Dec. 1 - Fire was bit this time, almost didn't catch it. Not sure I'll be so lucky next time
  • Dec. 3 - Nolan and Courtney witnessed me, put the papers somewhere safe
  • Dec. 4 - Note in mailbox: "When you are cold in the ground who will be sorry you are gone?" These days, I'm not so sure. Still can't crack this code
  • Dec. 6 - Moved front door cam again. Maybe I'll finally catch the devil in the act, if he doesn't get me first
  • Dec. 7 - The code repeats! I knew it!

PI Letter

  • Shift 1 (A ← B): Xifo zpv ibwf fydmvefe uif jnpqttjcmf
  • Shift 3 (A ← D): zkdwhyhu uhpdlqv, krzhyhu lpsuredeoh,
  • Shift 8 (A ← I): ucab jm bpm bzcbp.

PI Note

Hello, Investigator.


Nice work! Thanks to you, Cheri Webster is behind bars, and your client, Carmen, found justice for her friend. I knew you were up to this challenge. You can bet I'll be turning to you for help on future cases, too.


Congratulations on your success!


Voicemail Audio Recording

Donna: Hi, you've reached Donna Goddard at Hoosier Realtor. I'm currently out of town on business. If you're interested in scheduling a showing for a commercial or residential property, please leave a message and I'll be happy to set something up when I get back from Indianapolis.



  • While any one of the suspects is capable of murdering someone by pushing them off of a cliff, not all of them had access to the boots worn by the murderer. The pair of Woodriver Fortress boots was in the back of Chris's car, but from the encoded message, we know Cheri also had access to Chris's car.



  • Of the four suspects, only Donna doesn't have a strong motive to want Nick dead. Joan still blames Nick for the death of her cat and believes the bar is detrimental to the community. Chris and Cheri are having an affair, and getting rid of Nick would make both of their lives easier. On top of that, she could finally be rid of Old Scratch Tavern and get out of Perdition.



  • From the security camera photo, we know the devil was outside Old Scratch Tavern at 3:33 AM, and we know from the newspaper article that Nick died minutes after giving chase to the devil. This puts his time of death around 3:35 AM. Joan has an alibi for this time because the ritual started at 3:04 AM and went for 30-40 minutes, and immediately afterward she instructed Mia to help her leave another dead animal outside of the bar. Donna and Chris also have an alibi, as Chris was giving Donna a ticket at 3:31 AM. Meanwhile, Cheri has no alibi. She attempted to give herself one by causing a disturbance at Chris's house around 2:30 AM, but we know she has access to Chris's car and is the correct height to be the person in the devil mask.

The Killer's Identity

  • Cheri is the only suspect to have means, motive, and opportunity and is the killer.

Exclusive Epilogue