Alien Notes
Min Liu: The Exobiologist
- Details Min's research on her Martian subject before it escapes.
- Reveals that the antidote to space amnesia lies in scent.
- Certain scents are able to recover memories from different points in time, with peppermint recovering the most recent memories.
- Illustrates the construction of the space shuttle and labels each piece. There is a note on the back in Billie's handwriting that says "Note to self: If you forget the beat of the tambourine, you can always find the launch code in the heart of the ship."
Constellation Map
Gordon Wolf: The Astrophysicist
- Illustrates which constellations are associated with which birthdays and their astrological symbols.
Crew Log
Billie O'Brien: The Pilot
- Reveals that she likes '70s Swedish pop music and that the first group of people exposed to the Martian lifeform suffered from amnesia.
Cosmo Pytka: The Computer Scientist
- Reveals the crew refueled the shuttle before the crash, and that they were heading toward the Maintenance Station outside of Skyland Mountain Ski Village.
Gordon Wolf: The Astrophysicist
- Reveals he is interested in horoscopes, that the lockbox belongs to him, and that he's having memory issues.
Min Liu: The Exobiologist
- No critical clues.
Tara Castellaños: The Commander
- No critical clues.
Guide to Mars
- Shows the coordinates of every location on Mars.
It also has a legend that shows how much fuel it takes to go a mile on Mars.
- This box is locked with a three-digit code.
Mission Plan
Tara Castellaños: The Commander
- Details the roles of each member of the mission.
- Lists in chronological order the agenda for the mission and which locations on Mars the team is assigned to visit.
Partial Antidote
Min Liu: The Exobiologist
- Each antidote (scratch 'n sniff) includes a memory before the crash.
Billie O'Brien: The Pilot
- Her patch features a 4 star rank.
Cosmo Pytka: The Computer Scientist
- His patch features a 1 star rank.
Gordon Wolf: The Astrophysicist
- His patch features a 3 star rank.
Min Liu: The Exobiologist
- Her patch features a 2 star rank.
Tara Castellaños: The Commander
- Her patch features a 5 star rank.
Personnel Files
Cosmo Pytka: The Computer Scientist
- Details official Starflight Travel Corp records on each crew member including their birthdays and ranks.
Shuttle Model
- The pieces of the crashed space shuttle can be reassembled with the help of the blueprint.
Constellation Map
Gordon Wolf: The Astrophysicist
- Along the edge are hand-drawn symbols for Leo, Libra, and Scorpio.
Flight Recorder
Black Box
Billie O'Brien: The Pilot
Contains 10 seconds of audio from the crash.
- Voice 1: "Come in Mission Co-"
- Voice 2: "I can't turn!"
- Voice 1: "We're 45 degrees off coarse, holding -"
Shuttle Model
- Once assembled, the four yellow pieces will face outward from the center of the vessel.
Combo Lock
- The lock belongs to Gordon, who was into birthdays and astrology. The handwritten note on the side of the constellation map can be referenced against the personnel files to determine which crew members have which astrological sign. The first symbol, Leo, correlates to Gordon. The second symbol, Libra, correlates to Min Liu. The third symbol, Scorpio, correlates to Tara. Each of these crew members has a rank shown by the number of stars on their files and belongings. The code to the lock is 325.
- The crew started from the Meridian Botanica Maintenance Station and, according to the peppermint antidote, was headed in the direction for the Skyland Maintenance Station. The black box flight recorder says they were stuck 45 degrees off-course east. The website shows that they had used two units of fuel. According to the map legend, two units of fuel equals two miles. And each mile is a square on the map. Starting from the Meridian Botanica, aim toward Skyland and adjust 45 degrees east. Move two squares on the map. What is the intersection of that point? Your current coordinates are 30.0°N, 30.0°E.
Launch Code
- Four of the pieces of the shuttle are yellow. The clue on the back of the blueprint references looking at the heart of the ship. According to the blueprints, or the shuttle when it's built, the four yellow pieces are in the center of the ship. When referenced against the blueprint, these types of pieces are labeled A and B. These pieces are in a specific order in the ship. The launch code is ABBA.
Partial Antidote
- The peppermint antidote reveals that your most recent recovered memory is the crew leaving the Starflight Maintenance Station outside of the Meridian Botanica in the direction of the Maintenance Station outside of the Skyland Mountain Ski Village.