Episode 3

Physical Contents

Car Rental Agreement

  • This was folded up in the ration box.
  • I don't think insurance would even cover the damage the van sustained from the forest.
  • On the back is a weird exchange between Ray and Emma.

    • Sort of reminded me of passing notes back and forth in high school so you wouldn't be caught talking.
  • Back to the front, the license plate number has been crossed out and a new one written down.
  • Emma's Morse code in the survival guide points to this being the clue to finding the remainder of the map.
  • Using the information from the idiot blog post on the SuperNeutral website, we know how to get the correct "license plate" code.
  • Once decoded, it reads:

    • "TAILPIPE"

Ed's Prepared Speech

  • Ed included this to show how naive and ill-prepared he was to the whole trip to Burkittsville.

Filming Permit Application

  • This was folded up in the ration box.
  • This is proof that they did not get permission to film and brought the equipment regardless.
  • The annotations are from Emma.

Knitting Betty Doll

  • This was hanging from the rearview mirror of the SuperNeutral crew's van.
  • Inside the head covering is written, "HUNTED".

Letter from Ed

  • Ed is coming to terms with how stupid it was to think they could pull this off.
  • Ed needs us to figure out where the missing half of the map is; he believes it to be in the van.

Play Advertisement

  • This is an advertisement for Anthony's play.
  • Over its entirety are journal-type entries from Ray.

Police Report

  • This is Officer Gail Cooper's report on finding and impounding the SuperNeutral rental van.
  • Why is the plate missing?
  • Just, ew, icky!

Ranger Incident Reports

  • This was folded up in the ration box.
  • This document just details weird/odd occurrences that have happened over the years.

Ration Box

  • This box contained 3 documents.
  • For shits and giggles, I decided to look at the inside of the outer cover.

    • There is a hand-drawn compass with trees and a horizon with eyes looking down from the sky.

Survival Guide

  • There is Morse code from Emma to Ray.
  • Once decoded, it reads:

    • "I'M NOT AN IDIOT"
    • "GROSS"
    • "STICKMEN"
    • "I LEFT YOU A KEY"
  • The key refers to the Knitting Betty doll.
  • The secret refers to the message hidden on the doll.
  • Could the plate refer to the van's license plate number?

Digital Contents

SuperNeutral Podcast Website

  • Password: YEREN


Message Boards

  • The idiot blog post about the acronyms will aid in solving the "license plate" code on the rental agreement.


Where is the second half of the map?

  • Tailpipe

Where are Ray and Emma headed?

  • The Trench